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negative power flow in simpowersystems
I would like to attach a series load to a network in SimPowerSystems which has negative P (and no Q). When I do this using the naive approach, I get an error that SimPowerSystems cannot simulate negative P. I have also tried doing this by using a dependent current or voltage source, but this doesn't work either. Doe... 3 Jun 2010 04:34
PushButton on GUI
Hi, I am trying to create a GUI which will do the following: On clincking the 1st push button, it will enable the user the upload a image and display it onto the axes. on clicking the 2nd push button, it will calculate some values (like area) of the image the user uploaded, and than able to display the results, Th... 30 Jun 2010 23:06
Questions on shared library in Mac
I have been learning "MATLAB Interface to Shared Libraries" in External Interfaces. To get better understanding, I compiled the shrlibsample.c in "matlabroot//" in the MATLAB with mex function as follows: mex shrlibsample.c Then, I could have "shrlibsample.mexmaci64" as ... 1 Jun 2010 21:54
Mexing with gfortran 4.4 on Snow Leopard
I'm trying to mex some fortran code for use with Simulink and I'm running into problems at the linking stage. I'm running gcc4.4.1 from Fink with Mac OS 10.6 and an Intel 64-bit processor. My code is successfully compiling as x86_64 architecture, but for some reason the linker is trying to link as i386. 3 Jun 2010 11:07
CCD PVCAM temperature scanning
Hello, I am controlling my PVCAM-supported-CCD camera (from Princeton Instrument) in matlab through the USB serial port. I have recently wanted to scan the temperature of this camera in MATLAB, then will set temperature when it is reasonable to acquire the image. I have tried to use serial commands fscanf to do ... 2 Jun 2010 08:43
repeated measures Analysis of Covariance
I have 11 different progressing tree ages measured on 5 different sampling periods. Tree ages were classified as either: young, intermediate, mature or natural. Two of the tree age were damaged by a typhoon and were coded as 0 (undamaged) and 1 (damaged). I want to do 1- or 2-way repeated measures Analysis of Covar... 1 Jun 2010 20:49
Testing for block diagonal form
Hello, is there a computationally cheap procedure to determine whether a (large) matrix can be written (by row and column permutations) in a block diagonal form? I know that 'symrcm' can reorder rows and columns, and with a subsequent 'spy' the block diagonal form can be assessed by visual inspection. What I need, ho... 1 Jun 2010 20:49
why an exhaustive search is faster than fmincon when solving a non-linear programming problem?
I have to solve a non-linear programming problem with three non-linear constraints and 5 linear constraints.The problem i have is when i solve it, in order to get an optimal solution using an exhaustive search without fmincon it takes dramatically less time than using an fmincon's search based on the initial points.Th... 6 Jun 2010 22:45
Dicomread changes pixel values!
"Ida Haggstrom" <ida_haggstrom(a)> wrote in message <gcv0j1$rjg$1(a)>... Hi! I have a problem with DICOMREAD. I have a dynamic PET data set (medical), with pixel values above 16 bit. When I read the DICOM file into Matlab, using DICOMREAD, this changes the pixel values of the images, probabl... 2 Jun 2010 19:48
Phase Shift
Hi, I am trying to determine a simple way to convert a periodic function which is a product of bessel and cosine functions to a phase shifted version of that function. I have the sampled versions of these functions but dont know how to compute an easy function as a relationship that allows one to go between the t... 1 Jun 2010 18:37
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