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Serial port interrupt in Gui. Hi, for what i have seen it is possible to make an interrupt in matlab when the serial port has for example 6 bytes. So far so good, i was trying to do it and i cant figure it out. So i have a gui, i chose which com i want to open, and i open like this port=handles.popupmenu1; s1 = serial(port, 'BAUDRATE',384... 3 Jun 2010 04:34
Synchronized crosshairs over multiple figures I am trying to display two images (say using imagesc or imshow ) in two figures. I would like to have cross hairs on those figures synchronized with each other. i.e. the cross hair points to same x,y locations on both the images. To keep it simple, we can assume that the figures and the images have the exact same dimen... 2 Jun 2010 01:10
Synchronized crosshairs over multiple figures I am trying to display two images (say using imagesc or imshow ) in two figures. I would like to have cross hairs on those figures synchronized with each other. i.e. the cross hair points to same x,y locations on both the images. To keep it simple, we can assume that the figures and the images have the exact same dimen... 1 Jun 2010 18:37
How to avoid the for here? Hello, I have to multiply each row of a matrix by a scalar contained in a vector, it's somthing like this a=rand(3,7); b=(1:7); for i=1:7 a(:,i)=a(:,i).*b(i) end I have to do something like this but with very large data in a simulation so the "for" makes it last so long, so, How avoid it? ... 1 Jun 2010 18:37
iterative convergence technique for kinematic solution I am trying to find an iterative convergence technique for a kinematic solution. A brief description of the problem... I have 2 points in space(A and B) connected by an imaginary rigid body. Each point rotates about a different axis. As one point rotates about its axis, the other point has to rotate about its a... 2 Jun 2010 16:28
Understanding periodogram.m All, I’m doing some signal processing research which requires the use of the periodogram. I coded a periodogram script on my own and then compared the results to the MATLAB’s periodogram.m. I get very good (almost perfect) agreement between my code and the syntax NFFT=262144; [Pxx,w] = periodogram(... 1 Jun 2010 18:37
xPC Target and PMD1208FS I am using (or want to use) a PMD 1208FS in a project that needs true real time control. Can xPC Target and the 1208FS work together? ... 2 Jun 2010 10:54
"pushbutton" uicontrol within uitable? I'm building a GUI that incorporates a uitable. Each row of the table corresponds to a trace on a plot. Each such trace has associated with it a large amount of data - too much to display in the table. I want to place at the end of each table row a pushbutton that, when pressed, opens a separate dialog box contain... 1 Jun 2010 17:30
xPC Target and PCI-QUAD04 Hi all, Is there a way to get the index signal from the pci-quad04 hardware? I want the index from the hardware itself and not just when the encoder card resets after hitting the index. ... 2 Jun 2010 10:54
Neural network basics Hi all, I am using the 'newff' function to train a network. Basically, my code looks like this: net=newff(input, output, 2); net=train(net, input, output); sim(net,test_data) save('my_model','net'); the problem I have is that when I load the saved 'model', and simulate with the same test_data, I have weird... 5 Jun 2010 14:42 |