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Removing sine noise in a picture Hello, I'm a student and I get an assignment to add and remove 2D sine noise from a picture. The picture is "lena.tif"; lena=imread ('lena.tif'); [m,n] = size (lena); X= repmat ([1:n] / n, [m,1]); Y= repmat([n,1], [1:m]/m); I added a sine noise which is: 70sin(5*pi*X+7*pi*Y) I need to remove the noise... 18 Nov 2009 07:49
simulink help i have exe file (created after compiliing C-code), is it possible to use it as a block in simulink? meaning, instead of writing the whole code again just to fit it to simulink model, just use the exe file. is this possible guys? thanks for the help =) ... 20 Nov 2009 13:26
finding the point of inflexion Hello, I have a set of points I got from regionprops(...PixelList). In essence, I have a picture of a line and am trying to detect its characteristics. I used polyfit with an order 18 polynomial because anything lower than that did not give a very good fit. But now I'm stuck because I get 18 inflexion points when ... 18 Nov 2009 01:17
Read and parse large XML-files "Fabrice " <fabrice.guy(a)> wrote in message <fpudrc$o71$1(a)>... Crypto Logic <crypto(a)> wrote in message <fpslq1$r9n$1(a)>... Hi, I am trying to read and parse a large XML-file. The XML-file represents the data created by a custom laboratory so... 18 Nov 2009 00:12
Exponential Moving Average without For Loop Hello, I am trying to find the rolling 30 day EMA for a time series without using a for loop (I have a lot of data). As an example/test this is something like what I want (below) but I'm finding that my end result is not really close to how it should look. When I put it together in Excel or with a for loop it comes... 19 Nov 2009 10:33
Replacing every other matrix element If it must be a for loop, use the same concept but with linear indexing. A = magic(5) for ii = 1:2:numel(A),A(ii) = 0;end A ... 18 Nov 2009 12:19
Cannot close matlabpool I am running some parallel codes on my 8-core Mac Pro (OS 10.6.2, Matlab R2009b 64 bit) and find that I cannot properly close the local matlabpool. I access the labs by running "matlabpool open local 8", run a code that uses several parfor loops, and eventually try to close Matlab because I find it paging out to the h... 17 Nov 2009 15:10
Charcater detection using Fourier Descriptors Hi, I am working on my graduate thesis -Optical Character Recognition using Fourier Descriptors and hu's moments. I was able to extract characters and find Fourier descriptors of a given image. I have also created a template which has all the characters and numeric s along with their Fourier. I have an issue... 17 Nov 2009 15:10
ODE hi i am trying to solve a set of 7 coupled second order ode's in spherical coordinates. i went through the tutorials for solving ode's, but they are all in cartesian coordinates. how to solve them in spherical coordinates?? the seven equations are nothing but diffusion equations with source/sink terms . Each of t... 18 Nov 2009 03:27
Manipulation of robot with joystick in Simmechanics Somebody has worked with sim mechanics with a Joystick to controllate a robot? I have problems with the order of the joints and bodys and in the simulation I doesn?t have good results because the axes are wrong. When I rotate my joystick in "X" axe and I have Follower in the actuator, the simulation rotates around ... 17 Nov 2009 12:52 |