Change plot grid line colour
Hi, I've got a the following to make a plot: figure plot(time,pres,'k'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Pressure (Pa)'); grid on; But how can I change the grid line colour from black to grey so that are less obtrusive? Thanks ... 20 Nov 2009 06:45
Connecting MATLAB to Web
How do we pass strings entered by an user in the webpage to functions (as arguments) in the objects created by MATLAB Builder JA or MATLAB Builder NE using ASP .NET. ... 20 Nov 2009 06:44
Matlab Moving Average Help
Hi, I want to try implement a moving average function on my array of data the data ranges from 0 -128 but values that are wrapped around so that data at 128 is of similar order to that of 1 if you know what i mean. I need to perform a moving average function on my data set but evrything that i have come acros... 20 Nov 2009 11:11
Hello! How can I use a single phase (or DC) input for an brushless block in Powerlib? Best regards Radan. ... 20 Nov 2009 04:33
Calculating MAD statistic using grpstats
I would like to calculate the MAD statistic (Median Absolute Deviation) for grouped data using the grpstats function. However, the grpstat function won't allow me to input the required syntax for that statistic i.e. mad(X,1) I can only input 'mad', which calculates MAD based on means i.e. Xmad = grpstats(X,group,{'m... 24 Nov 2009 00:09
Newton-Raphson Method
I am solving power flow problems and want to use matlab to solve for values. I would like to use a while loop to iterate until a certain error % is acheived. I have written code already however I have to manualy solve for the Jacobian {J term in the While loop}. Can Matlab compute the Jacobian inside a while loop? H... 20 Nov 2009 00:11
problem with mimochan
Hello Dear Makram... a checked your problem, it is absolutely okay... only if you don't use the 'measured' value of SNR i.e awgn(r1by1, EbNo(idx),'Measured'); simply use awgn(r1by1, EbNo(idx)) .... i think this helps. anyway i'm missing some basic idea here like.. 1. Least Square Channel Estimation. how di... 19 Nov 2009 21:58
Finding monthly means/max in a time series
Hi all, I have data in a time series that look like this: 1960 11 29 11.7 1960 11 30 11.1 1960 12 1 10 1960 12 2 9.4 1960 12 3 8.9 Where the format is year, month, day and data in a matrix. I need to find some basic stats on the data for each month. I've tried tinkering with codes I've written pr... 20 Nov 2009 15:42
2D plot of surface slice
I have a surface created with TriScatteredInterp, exactly as in the example here: Now i need a 2D line plot of the intersection of a vertical plane with this surface. This should be a very common problem, just the depth/elevatio... 8 Dec 2009 07:31
SGE matlabpool problem
I'm trying to use Distributed Computing Server with SGE scheduler. My configuration passes validation, but the pool I get always consists of a single lab only. When I issue "matlabpool 1", everything is fine. When I issue "matlabpool 2", I get the following output in matlab on the client machine: Starting matlabpool... 30 Nov 2009 03:43