This code generates the error message ??? Undefined function or method 'adftest' for input arguments of type 'double'. The code is: resultlogregion=adftest(logregion,1,3); ... 16 Nov 2009 16:54
User Input on Matlab Compiled Code
I compiled a m-file which prompts the user for information on the Command Window using the "input" command. For some reason, when running the executable, the Command Window does not appear for user input and to display results using the "fprint" command. I am running Matlab 2009b. Any suggestions? ... 17 Nov 2009 02:51
New solver in Simulink
Ha, I have the same problem. I want to incorporate new(custom made) solver in Simulink. This should be possible, since not every simulation is possible/optimal with the proposed solvers in Simulink. So is there an answer to this issue? "Michal Kraus" <kraus(a)> wrote in message <hak3u2$41b$1(a)fred.mat... 17 Nov 2009 03:57
"simultaneous" fit?
Hi all. I have one question about CurveFitting toolbox. Lest say I have 3 datasets. D1= A1_1exp(k1*t)+A2_1*exp(k2*t)+A3_1*exp(k3*t)+C1 D2= A1_2exp(k1*t)+A2_2*exp(k2*t)+A3_2*exp(k3*t)+C2 D3= A1_3exp(k1*t)+A2_3*exp(k2*t)+A3_3*exp(k3*t)+C3 Is there any way to fit it using curve fitting toolbox. Thanks Petro ... 16 Nov 2009 13:31
FFT / IFFT time shift problem
I am trying to write a simple example to test the time shift property of FFT. I have two problems which I hope that someone can help me with. Here is the program I wrote: close all; clc; clear all; T=1; %% period A=1; %% Amp. N=2^15; %% number of points w=2*pi/T; t0=.4; %% Time Shift t=linspac... 16 Nov 2009 13:31
Can we convert simulink *.mdl file to matlab *.m file
I need to generate an .m file (from an .mdl file) which on execution produces the source .mdl file containing add_block() and all. any ideas ? ... 16 Nov 2009 12:23
i receive an error stated 'Index exceeds matrix dimensions'. Error in ==> ind2rgb at 27 r = zeros(size(a)); r(:) = cm(a,1); what is wrong?how to fix it? My command is: clc [X,map] = imread('C:\Documents and Settings\pohchoo\My Documents\wbc.bmp'); RGB = ind2rgb(X,map); % Convert image to L*a*b* color s... 16 Nov 2009 10:07
plot annotation - matlab
Hi I try to get rid of a legend entry by switching it off as described in the manual: h5=plot(degra_ctr,'r--'); hA5 = get(h5,'Annotation'); hL5 = get(hA5,'LegendInformation'); set(hL5,'IconDisplayStyle','off'); but unfortunately I get: ??? There is no 'Annotation' property in the 'lineseries' class. E... 16 Nov 2009 09:01
builder ja and eclipse
Hello, I'm having a problem linking eclipse and the project I packaged with builder JA. My simple test is to instantiate MWArray test = new MWArray(); this is in ( Eclipse says : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no nativemcl76 in java.library.pat... 16 Nov 2009 11:15
What is under powersysdomain?
Hi, I am trying to understand what is under powersysdomain in Simulink. When I hit "look under the mask", i can not see what is behind this. I created a synchronous generator model and now i am trying to create its physical model. I think that this is the right way... Thanks! ... 16 Nov 2009 07:55