Parsing a filename
user selects a file using "uigetfile" and now I want to extract text from that file name. The file names will always be in a variation of this format: directory\The_File_01.ext directory\TheFile_01.ext (where the extension is always the same, and there is ALWAYS two number digits following an underscore before t... 17 Nov 2009 17:26
question regarding nested function structure and fsolve
Hello, I have a question to which the answer is most likely simple. I'm having trouble using anonymous functions with fsolve. The gist of my problem is this: I have a somewhat large function that I would like to break into smaller functions, all of which are depenedent on one variable (say, x in the example bel... 17 Nov 2009 10:35
linear model from nonlinear
can we obtain a linear model family that has all conditions? for example we have a nonlinear model, by linearizing it states: x1=0 x2=0 x1=2 x2=0 x2=4 x2=0 x1=0 x2=2 x1=0 x2=4 is it suitable to use this linearized model related to the actual operating condition of the plant. ... 17 Nov 2009 09:28
help! LLR calculation for LDPC iterative decoding on Rayleigh flat fading channel?
hi all, i am simulating LDPC code performance on Rayleigh flat fading channel, using the following code: load paritycheckmatrix.mat H [M N] =size(H); K=N-M; R=K/N; % Construct a companion LDPC encoder object lenc = fec.ldpcenc(H); % Construct a companion LDPC decoder object lde... 17 Nov 2009 09:28
Semilogy Problem
Hello, I'm trying to change my Y axis to a log10 one, but nothing is happening when I enter the code that I thought would solve the problem! I've got the two lines which I thought would do what is intended: semilogy(Y); scatter(X,Y); I get the following message: 'Undefined function or method 'semilog' f... 17 Nov 2009 15:10
rtwmakecfg and S function written in M file
Hello, I have an S function which is written in Matlab code (M File s Function). It is a replacement for an old S function which was written in C. They are on the same directory (the dll for C S Function and m file for M S Function) and they are on the same library in Simulink (Different name). When I add my C S fu... 17 Nov 2009 06:09
Multiple linear regression
in Multiple linear regression should all predictors be linear to each other or only the response value should have a linear relationship with all predictors? ... 17 Nov 2009 05:03
Contourf + imshow
Welcome ... I have a small problem with using the functions imshow (or image) and contourf. I would like to view the image (img) and put down on it the chart contourf matrix (M x N). However, the function Contourf is one color and I can't get the effect heatmaps figure image (img); hold on; contourf (I); Wh... 17 Nov 2009 15:10
Extract data from java applet?
Hello everybody, I would like to use Matlab to monitor weather changes from a website that gives real-time data. However, the page uses an applet that is written in javascript. Is there a way that I can extract out the data that is inside the running script using matlab? Thanks in Advance. ... 17 Nov 2009 03:57
find zeros bessel function
Hi All, I want to find out the roots of J0(x) = 0. Not at just one point, but a whole list of them. What is the easiest way of implementing this? I can put a simple loop around fzero, but that will give me duplicates: for i = 1:1000 f(i) = fzero(@(x)besselj(0,x),i); end Do any of you know how to imple... 17 Nov 2009 09:28