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Error when running executable compiled using Matlab within C++ program On Oct 1, 9:43 am, "Ashish Uthama" <first.l...(a)> wrote: On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 20:02:06 -0400, Scott <jetak...(a)> wrote: I'm having some weird issues getting a compiled Matlab program to work. My research partner made a Matlab program a long time ago that he compiled into a Win... 18 Nov 2009 20:14
Reading Directory Created Date This seems challenging. This might be a solution but not so elegant. In DOS, you can use 'dir /T:C' to show the creation date of the folder or file. So, in Matlab folder=pwd; [flag,text]=system(['dir ',folder,' /T:C']) You'll get the creation date for all the files and directory under the folder. The first e... 18 Nov 2009 16:51
mimochan help.. Dear Sir.. need so more help related to the same field. i am basically working on mimo system.. initially i started with the matrix format, and it was working just fine, now i'm trying to use the built function of the matlab, ie mimochan and equalize ... a part of the program is like this ... after data ge... 18 Nov 2009 12:19
How to use mxCreateCharArray? Hi, I create a C DLL ( using matlab compiler) in order to use it in c++. One of the DLL input arguments is a char array. I don't know how to allocate memory of a char array in my c++ script : (... To a double i know... piece of my code: //***************************************************** NUMC = mxCreateD... 18 Nov 2009 12:19
Problem calculating multiple summations using MuPAD Dear all, I'm having problems in getting MuPAD to perform multiple summations. For example, the following is a sum over four indices (m,n,k and q): sum(b_m * sum(c_n * (-1/2)^(2*N - m - n) * sum(a_m_k * sum((-1)^-(k+q) * a_n_q * kroneckerDelta(m+2*k, n+2*q), q=0..N-n), k=0..N-m), n=0..N), m=0..N) where, a_... 19 Nov 2009 08:19
Transfer function (tf) with sqrt function. Hi! I have an analytic function f=sqrt(1+s) And i want to turn it to the transfer function by the next code: s=tf('s') sys=sqrt(1+s) But Matlab says: Undefined function or method 'sqrt' for input arguments of type 'tf' Could somebody help me with this issue? What should I do to overcome it? Thanks! ... 18 Nov 2009 11:10
Transfer function (tf) with sqrt function. Hi! I have an analytic transfer function like: TF=sqrt(1+s) but when I write the next code: s=tf('s') Sys=sqrt(1+s) Matlab says: Undefined function or method 'sqrt' for input arguments of type 'tf' Could somebody help me how to overcome this problem? Thanks! ... 18 Nov 2009 12:19
Distributed parallel computing without distributed server? > You need Matlab Distributed Computing Server (MDCS) licences to run workers on machines other than the machine where you have installed MATLAB + PCT, regardless of which scheduler you use. This is so that you do not need full MATLAB + PCT licences for the workers - each worker needs only a single MDCS lic... 18 Nov 2009 10:02
How to call Matlab function from C++? Hi, I would like to know is it possible to call some matlab image processing functions from C++? Is the only method is to use MATLAB engine to call matlab function? for example, i have written an M-file likes this: function new_image = img_modify(pass_img) new_image = imrotate(pass_img,-90,'bilinear','loose')... 18 Nov 2009 03:27
sell Moncler kid clothing Welcome to our website, We are a leadling company for brand items here , Why choose our company to buy ? First :we are honest to you. we have been in this line for many years. As for a long term business ,the best credit is very important , and we are keeping a kindly cooperation with many customers all over the... 18 Nov 2009 03:27 |