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how to plot cdf as scatter plot I have data vector. I would like to plot ecdf but not as a curve but rather at each category I would have data point belonging to this category. Does it make sense? ... 12 Mar 2010 17:18
.xla macro in Excel from Matlab Hi, I am trying to use an external application from Matlbab, it's a .xla macro that I can use in Excel. Here's my code : actx_excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); actx_excel.Visible = 1; Workbooks = actx_excel.Workbooks; Workbook = Workbooks.Open(nomfichier); current_feuille = actx_excel.Worksheets.Item(... 9 Mar 2010 13:29
Scripting CATIA V5 from Matlab via COM interface Hello everybody, I'd like to use Matlab as my core data / calculation engine for manipulations done on a CATIA V5R19 model. Thus I would like to operate CATIA in a remote mode utilizing the COM interface. I registered CATIA by utilizing the command cnext.exe /regserver. Using Python 2.5 together with the win32com... 9 Mar 2010 12:19
Speech recognition I am trying to create a speech recognition system using Matlab. I want to take a single word input, frame it, find the formants, create a training file, and get the distance from trained formants to input formants in order to determine the spoken word. Later I want to possibly use sentence inputs and determine the sent... 9 Mar 2010 12:19
Very slow serial port objects Hi there A month ago I wrote a very simple code to read from a COM-port. I have a device, which just transmits random numbers via COM3, and then I just sample them using MATLAB. The problem is know, that creating a serial object and reading from it is EXTREMELY slow. I can take as long as 10 seconds to open an ob... 9 Mar 2010 13:29
New behaviour with nested functions hiding builtins Dear all, I installed today R2010a and to my great surprise one script I routinely used started giving incorrect results. Long story short, I traced back the cause to be the presence of a nested function called "times" inside the script. This breaks functionality of the "*" operator without any kind of error or ... 10 Mar 2010 06:23
Resize Axes in figure.... Jan, could you provide more assistance? I have the same issue and came to mathworks central to try to get an answer. I have the same issue. I am quite frustrated. I went thru the help file and read up on Axes Properties. I want to shrink the excessively large horizontal margin, however, I cannot seem to figure o... 9 Mar 2010 12:19
Large cellfun-operation on dual processor I have this loop, as part of a FEM-programme: % Make library of global node to element and local no ------- gnolib = cell(nno,1); % Init cell array for no=1:nno % find local node numbers index=cellfun(@(x) find(x==no),sys.T,'uniformoutput',false); % Make list of el connected to no... 9 Mar 2010 11:10
lsqcurvefit Hi all, I'm using the following commands to fit a set of data and it worked perfectly. However when I increase the number of inputs for the function 'functionname' instead of just 'x' and 'y' it doesn't work anymore. The additional inputs for 'functionname' are not required to be fitted, they are just user defined... 9 Mar 2010 12:19
how to avoid a double for loop Hello everyone, I have a matrix A of 1 and 0's and I would like to know the indices of any two columns that are either equal, or which are identical except one column has zeros where the other has 1's and vice versa. (the background is that these are cues for questions, and I would like if there are identical ques... 15 Mar 2010 06:47 |