Using Data Brush, Data link in a custom GUI
Hello everyone, I'm working on a custom matlab GUI that plots 2-D data and performs some processing on this data. I would like to add a toolbar with zoom, pan, data link and data brush functions. The toolbar tool in GUIDE already has zoom and pan functions built in but not the data link and data brush functions.... 10 Mar 2010 03:03
help converting laplace to time domain
I used the "residue" command to get my transfer function into partial fractions. I have an S term in my K. K=[1 2]. I don't know how to convert S into the time domain. Can anyone help? ... 10 Mar 2010 01:58
Problem with fgets.
Hi, Below is the code I am trying out: path='/home/sdam/netlist'; fid=fopen(path,'r'); fgets(fid); But I got the error saying: ??? Error using ==> fgets Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. I didn't understand why this error came up even though I used fopen to gener... 10 Mar 2010 00:51
summation calculation in MATLAB
How following summation should be calculated by MATLAB withtout For loop ? Σ(a:0->999)Σ(b:0->999) f(a,b) where, f(a,b)=2a+b; ... 10 Mar 2010 00:51
fwrite error with doubles
hello, i am running the code below and when i inspect the txt file later on it is indecipherable and is not able to be read back in when i use fread. the data in the matrix is of class "double", and i am attempting to also write to double. not sure what is causing this. thank you!! see code below for tw... 10 Mar 2010 15:19
how to construct an orthogonal matrix
Hi everybody, I'm stuck with a simple problem about how to construct an orthogonal matrix R, say of size m * n. Note that here m<n, for example, m = 20, n =100. I try both SVD and Gram&#8211;Schmidt process, but i fail because the result is a special matrix in which (n-m) columns are zero. Can anyone help me?... 10 Mar 2010 05:17
nested iterating cell array
Dear all: For loop works well for cell array, but the nested for loop doesn't work. Where is wrong? I have two cells: c and cT. c contain 10 files with different size and cT contains 5 matrix, I will using parameters in c to fit my recording in cT. The trouble is that I can run an iteration b... 9 Mar 2010 22:38
Can matlab write into the paradox database file?
Thanks. I cannot find anything online. ... 9 Mar 2010 21:29
simulation result to file
Can simulation of model be outputted in a file? ... 10 Mar 2010 10:48
reciprocal values and unique function
I am having trouble coming up with an efficient way of returning the first instance of a pair of records. The problem hinges on reciprocal measured values V and VR repeating in a large dataset. For example: the row with ID=13 and IDR=1 is the reciprocal measured data of ID=1 and IDR=13. I need to only return t... 9 Mar 2010 21:29