Manova theory & calculations?
Hi, there is some info. about Manova given in Matlab help but it is not told how the values of wilks lambda, sum of squares etc. are calculated. Does anyone know a good article on Manova where I could read the method behind it. Thanks ... 12 Mar 2010 16:10
Image acquisition strange dimensions???
i am trying to open an image acquired by a capture card(PICOLO series). when i use get data i get a variable of size(480,640,3,10). How can i convert this to a normal rgb image and display it? Thanks in advance. ... 11 Mar 2010 02:22
3D object in 3D space
Dear all, I have xyz coordinates for my 3D object, however, I am not sure how to use this information to visualise it. Thank you very much for your help! Anna ... 11 Mar 2010 13:25
how to plot a graph
I want a force vs time graph at the beginning of my model, so i the force can vary over time (user can change). How do i plot this graph so i can connect the output to a product function? ... 10 Mar 2010 11:55
N-dimensional indexing allowed for Full matrices only
Hi everybody, I -think- I have an error message induced by the installation of R2010a (not completely sure, but at the moment I see no other possible explanation). I get "N-dimensional indexing allowed for Full matrices only" with such a statement structure for i=1:n_row for j= 1:n_col rfm... 11 Mar 2010 03:27
please help : ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
can you please help me.I get the following Error when I run my programm. ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> eingabe>huffman_Callback at 549 codewort=C{i}; my programm seems like this: .... ..... C = huffman(D,W); for i=1:8 codewort=C{i}; set(output(i),'String',num2str(codewort... 11 Mar 2010 19:06
Error importing excel
I've got a problem using matlab R2009b. We have to make tutorials to learn the program matlab. At our Universaty we use 'R2008b'. We have an assigment to import data (excel file). In 2008 it works fine, but in 2009 I can't seem to get the data. If I click on the file I come into the 'import wizard' screen but there ... 10 Mar 2010 11:55
Extracting data from another M file
Hi guys (and gals), Just a quick question, basically i have this M file that does some calculation and outputs value in a variable called u(t,r). Note the values are indexed. Now, in a seperate M file, i want to call the previous M file to get values of u(t,r). How would i be able to do so? Any help appreciat... 11 Mar 2010 06:43
Triple quad
My function is just z. How do I integrate z using triple quad. The intervals are from: 0-1 in x x^2 - x in y and 0 - y+2 in z ... 10 Mar 2010 10:47
PGI Visual Fortran 2008 v10.3 with VS2008 Shell for Windows x86/x64
PGI Visual Fortran 2008 v10.3 with VS2008 Shell for Windows x86/x64 please send e-mail to : ola 'AT' mail 'DOT' gr , ola3 'AT' mailbox 'DOT' gr , ( please substitute 'AT' with '@' , and 'DOT' with '.' ) , ola(a), ola3(a), ================... 10 Mar 2010 10:47