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Mux Problem I have a problem with a Mux operator in R2009 and R2010: I have three single values entering a Mux and one output array with three values. When I compare with "to Workspace" block the input values and the output array I have to take note that the first and the third value was devided by 1000 while the second value w... 11 Mar 2010 10:00
serial data plotting Hi to everyone; I've a system sending digitalized ECG signals in 200 Hz to the PC by using RS232 port. I want to plot the datas coming from serial port. I need a realtime monitoring system and i need to see datas comin from serial port like watchin it on an ossciloscobe. So how can i do this acion bu using user interf... 11 Mar 2010 08:54
Fast Fourier Transform of data Hi, I would like to perform a fast fourier transform of my measurement data. I used the script below, but I doubt if it is correct. The plot is not what I expected: I was expecting to see a big disturbance of the electric power at 50 Hz (due to a nearby machine), but I see the big disturbance at 100 Hz, 200 Hz and 3... 11 Mar 2010 10:00
retreive data "saranya " <rpsaranya(a)> wrote in message <hnanq9$qmp$1(a)>... could anyone please help me out in knowin how to retreive the data's(i.e each attributes, columns) from the dataset. the dataset is not the image set it is odbc one which is.mat extn.. please help me to know how to read and fetch ... 11 Mar 2010 08:53
retreive data could anyone please help me out in knowin how to retreive the data's(i.e each attributes, columns) from the dataset. the dataset is not the image set it is odbc one which is.mat extn.. please help me to know how to read and fetch the data's from dataset. ... 11 Mar 2010 07:48
Simulink Neural Network Modelling hi...I am my M.Tech. project now, and for this I need first to build a Neural Network based Simulink model. The training data is available. I need to give different nominal as well as faulty patterns of data to the model so that it can classify later a new dataset as good or faulty. I am new to Simulink. So can any... 11 Mar 2010 07:48
volume under iregular point cloud hi everyone. I have an irregular 3D point cloud and i wish to calculate the volume under it and above aconstant Z plane. Any ideas? Thanks to all in advanced! ... 18 Mar 2010 22:20
noob: 3D plot with colour as 4th dimension? I have recently stated using MatLab and have come across a problem with plotting: I have data [x,y,z,gain] and would like to represent this on a plot of some sort. What I am thinking is a 3D plot of (x,y,z) where the colour of that point is defined using a colormap (hot) for the value at that point. Is thi... 11 Mar 2010 07:48
How to make 3D sound in matlab hi i chose my thesis on 3d virtual sound... that is i have to produce virtual sound........ for his i am taking mono phonic sound and i convolve his with hrtfs of both left and right ear...... but wen i do that i am getting two directional sounds one for left an d one for right ear...... i really dont know how to... 11 Mar 2010 07:48
convert any video file format into avi file format in matlab hai, Now i doing my video project in Image Processing,my query is how convert other video file format into (.avi) file formate. (because only avi file format video or movie read by matlab function) for example: how convert (.flv) format into (.avi) Help (mmreader) function is not found ... 29 Mar 2010 11:20 |