i am getting error as ??? Invalid MEX-file 'D:\poject\codeings\qp.dll': D:\poject\codeings\qp.dll is not a valid Win32 application. .. Error in ==> dctwithsri at 156 [alpha lambda how] = qp(H, c, A, b, vlb, vub, x0, neqcstr); some one help me to overcome this error ................... ... 11 Mar 2010 13:25
Tikanov regularization with tied down parameter
Hi, I'm trying to solve a Tikhonov regularization problem described as: T = ||Ax-J||^2 + alpha ||x||^2 Which has the solution x = (alpha I + A*A)^-1 (A*J). Where I is the identity matrix, and A* means A transposed. The above equation gives me a solution, but I have additional information (the first paramete... 12 Mar 2010 13:54
GUI : sharing variable between callback
"Thomas Clark" <t.clark(a)> wrote in message <grhubq$ph3$1(a)>... Bruce, You can store your data in the 'handles' structure which is passed around the different callbacks. To do this, make the call to guidata() after you've loaded your data: function [] = callb... 11 Mar 2010 12:17
3-d optimization with Sigmonds 'A 99 line topology optimization code written in Matlab'
does anyone know how to optimize 3-d structures using this code which can be found at if you are unfamiliar with it. any help would be much appreciated. Regards Justin ... 12 Mar 2010 11:38
how to use objective function from neural network to optimize using genetic algorithm
I want optimize processing parameter of injection molding using genetic algorithm. but I don't how to use objective function from neural network in genetic algorithm to get optimize point. can someone help me. ... 11 Mar 2010 13:25
Single pulse generator
Hi, I am having the same problem. did you find a way to do it. thanks ... 11 Mar 2010 12:16
triggered single pulse
I need to produce a 3 second single pulse whenever a toggle switch transitions from the OFF to ON position. I don't see in Simulink a way to do this easily. Has anyone faced this issue before? any recommendations? thanks ... 16 Mar 2010 01:20
Vector as a function argument for a function with if-conditions
Hi, I have a function that looks like this: --- function f=CD(x) if x<2 f=24./x; elseif x<500 f=18.5./x.^0.6; else f=0.44; end --- As you can see the function has different function terms for different regions of x. If I call the function with x being a vector it only seems to evalua... 11 Mar 2010 12:16
Persistent webcam ID
Hi all, I'm writing a GUI to handle the image acquisition and control of 4 USB webcams simultaneously. So far Matlab has made this very easy, but now I'm running into the issue of remotely identifying each webcam through the image acquisition toolbox. The problem is that imaq does not seem to provide access to the... 11 Mar 2010 11:08
fk-filter, velocity filter, frequency-wavenumber filter
Hi all Is there any script or code around to perform a f-k filtering or velocity filtering ? Ok, probably it's based on the fft2 command. But may be there is already an existing filter routine allowing to insert velocity intervals for filtering ? hans ... 12 Mar 2010 17:18