surface area calculation
I have the vertices of a polyhedron. I need to determine the individual facets and their surface areas. Does an code or a predefined function exist that can help me with this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. ... 16 Mar 2010 13:55
Image Straightening & Allighment
Ok here is the situation. I am trying to perfectly match up some aerial photographs with each other and google earth so that a small group of pixels can be compared day-to-day, month-to-month. The problem is that the airplanes don't fly in perfectly straight lines or with the perfectly stable elevation, so the pictur... 15 Mar 2010 21:50
GUI verification
Hi to all, I'm a mechanical engineeing student and for the past 2 months, I build a Mathlab GUI who does a bunch of data analysis, plotting, etc at my job. My boss asked me to write a software verification report since the software's use is critical (spacecraft thingy...) but I have no clue how to do this. What... 15 Mar 2010 18:08
ode and fminsearch
Hi, Can any one explain how can I use fminsearch and ode functions in the same m-file. I have to solve nonlinear equations (which is 6 equations with 6 unkowns) ,then the values I obtain from the above equations will be used in the differential equations. As these equations are in the loop, for the second iteration ... 15 Mar 2010 15:48
Can I have a programmable pulse generator that has "phase delay' and 'duty ratio' as the external input
Can I have a programmable pulse generator that has "phase delay' and 'duty ratio' as the external input in simulink? ... 15 Mar 2010 14:36
Cross-platform segmentation fault when executing a GUI
Greetings, I have the following problem: I am using matlab (R2008a) on a linux machine (kernel with Java 1.6.0. I created a gui function, using matlab's guide tool. The function runs fine on my machine. However, when I try to run the same function on a Windows machine... 15 Mar 2010 14:36
convert a list of points into 2D array
Hey all, I wanted to convert a huge list of points into 2D array for mapping. Is there any function in matlab can help me with this ? - KSRaj ... 15 Mar 2010 15:48
connecting uniprot
hi there, I have a problem.I am trying to modify getembl() function in order to connect uniprot database. I changed url into ; retrieveURL = ['' accessnum '&format=swiss&style=raw']; however, I couldnt achieve. I still got errors. can you lead me in order to re... 15 Mar 2010 14:36
how to get similar result of pixel region
Hi guys, so I am trying to get a portion of one image I have without using pixelregion , because we can use this only when we load images right ? with imread with a code looking like that : in_image=imread(tif_image_CFP,'PixelRegion', {[minimumy maximumy],[minimumx maximumx]}); in my program I have an image th... 15 Mar 2010 15:48
Need help for anfis in a three link arm
i am trying to write a code for anfis in a three link robotic arm which has: 1) a rotating base (with 360 degree rotation) 2) link1 : a link on top of rotating base which can have angles 0 to 90 degree 3) link2 : a link on top of link1 which can have angles from 0 to 180 degree with respect to link1 i used refere... 15 Mar 2010 13:28