video compression m-code
Hi all, if any body have source code (m-files) for video compression using matlab that help me so much in my research. Thanx ... 15 Mar 2010 10:03
mat to cell but separate cells
Hi all A problem I'm having is working out how to convert a mat array (say 1x5) to a cell array (1x5 -> NOT 1x1 containing a 1x5). In a loop it is just: xy=[4 5 6 7 8 9].'; z=cell(6,1) for i=1:6; z{i}=xy(i); end z is what I want at the end of it, and the above code will do the job, but, I don't want to use ... 15 Mar 2010 12:19
help:change a cell data.
hallo,please i need your help, I want to modify a content of a cell . x='11011011' ( class(x) is cell ) how can I put in every 1 a number 2,so at the end i have x='22022022' ... 15 Mar 2010 10:03
system of pde
Greetings, I am a new user of matlab and I have to solve a system of two Partial differential equations (PDE) of second order and three dimensions (time independent) with boundary conditions. The two unknowns are F(x,y,z) and P(x,y,z) and the equations (where N(....) refers to the nabla operator on the horizontal... 15 Mar 2010 08:58
ODE45 problem
Hey everyone. I am currently solving a set of ODE's for a biological system with an oscillatory behavior. The first model runs perfectly with the ode45 command, however the second one which is slightly different gives the following error: [t, y] = ode45(@dact, [0 20], [0 0]) Warning: Failure at t=4.828591e-03.... 15 Mar 2010 16:58
How to auto tune my PID?
I've developed a simulink-model for the revolution control of a PMSM (from Simpower library). But the auto-tune functionality of the PID is generating some errors ("To many outputs requested. Most likely cause is missing [] around left hand side that has a comma separated list expansion"). I've already watch the webin... 15 Mar 2010 18:08
what's the easiest way to audio
hi everybody! is there any body that have expriences in work with matlab audio! i wanna write a simple code for audio command! does any body know an example or the exact way of it? ... 15 Mar 2010 11:11
How to auto tune my PID?
I've developed a Simulink model for a simple PMSM revolution control. As i tried to auto-tune the PID control , it didn't work. I've already watch the webinar on this theme, but no solution. Can somebody help me, please? (I've used the Simpower PMSM-block for the simulation). Thank you in advance for your support ... 15 Mar 2010 07:52
How to auto tune my PID?
I've developed a Simulink model for a simple PMSM revolution control. As i tried to auto-tune the PID control , it didn't work. I've already watch the webinar on this theme, but no solution. Can somebody help me, please? (I've used the Simpower PMSM-block for the simulation). Thank you in advance for your support ... 15 Mar 2010 07:52
function intersect is not working....
Actually, I want A = th 111000 to 2345 er 456 yu 567 wi 6667 B = th 123 on 456 mn 3568 of 1245 wi 666 to 7865 so, new matrix is C = th 111000 123 to 2345 7865 wi 6667 666 I m reading the text file by using textread('filename','%s') but it is not reading the numbers. Don't manually direct input in m... 15 Mar 2010 08:58