Hi What does the below error mean ??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch. Error in ==> fminsearch at 175 fv(:,1) = funfcn(x,varargin{:}); I am trying to solve 6 unknowns in 6 equations using fminsearch, and every time I solve these functions it is displaying the 6 unknown variables as the initial guess ... 13 Mar 2010 13:05
Plotting piecewise function
I have x(t) = t-1 for -1=<t<=1 and x(t) =0 otherwise. I thought of using a function but I think it may not be right? Any ideas? t=-2:0.1:2; if -1=< t <=1 x=t-1 plot(t,x) else x=0 plot(t,x) end ... 13 Mar 2010 13:05
Video Background Subtraction using GMM
Hello All! I am trying to Perform background subtraction using the GMM technique basically to identify the noises/disturbances. Can somebody please give me some ideas on how to perform this or even some tutorials. Thanks ... 24 Mar 2010 08:51
numerical errors using eig()
Hi there, I encountered the following problem while trying to simulate a physical phenomenon (grating diffraction): at a certain point in the program, i need to calculate the eigenvalues of a relatively large matrix (composed of 4 smaller matrices, upper left: zero matrix, upper right: identity matrix, lower right:... 13 Mar 2010 09:44
converting the get command for gui's to a string
Hi, I would like to be able to get a value of a checkbox by using a the name of the checkbox by a different string i.e. mycheckbox1 = = uicontrol(f,'Style','checkbox',... 'String','1',... 'Value',1,'Position',[50 275 30 20]); mycheckbox2 = = uicontrol(f,'Style','checkbox',... ... 14 Mar 2010 17:39
Function calling
I have a function named fun saved in a function file. I want to call this function from an m file called work with inputs for the function files. I have tried fun(3,5) but it is not working. Matlab command window says The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment. ... 13 Mar 2010 08:37
Matlab ActiveX command for PowerPoint Text Box Color
Hi. How can I set the background color of the whole presentation to certain solid color like RGB(200,100,100). This may help, I think: ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Background.Fill.PresetGradient _ Style:=msoGradientHorizontal, Variant:=1, _ PresetGradientType:=msoGradientLateSunset Also, can you help... 13 Mar 2010 05:22
real time embedded coder
sir, i have completed my simulation on matlab in wavelet transform based application.i would like to implement this application on blackfin dsp processor. i supposed to use real time embedder coder for converting this code into c can i change "emlcoder.HardwareImplementation" options in emlc and set it f... 13 Mar 2010 04:17
Histogram to Probability ditribution function
Hi There, Do you know how we can convert histogram plot to probability density function plot? Thanks, maryam ... 13 Mar 2010 04:17
Histogram to Probability ditribution function
Hi There, Do you know how we can convert histogram plot to probability density function plot? Thanks, maryam ... 13 Mar 2010 16:28