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Mass-Spring-Damper. Index exceeds Matrix Dimensions. So I tried to plot the following code for a mass spring damper system. I can't figure out where I went wrong when Indexing. I know its not the squared terms I checked and same error. I know the vector t is 1-D but when it tries to compute x it gives me the error. Any help would be appreciated. ____________________... 15 Mar 2010 03:31
gath geva algorithm hi, i m new user of matlab software and i want to develop Gath- Geva algorithm for data clustering for speaker recognision please if anybody know about it help me for the same. thank you ... 15 Mar 2010 01:21
mathematical formula or formulas used in newfftd() This may sound trivial, but I'm building a term project for a mathematical modeling course and would like to do the math proof for the Focused Time-Delay Neural Network (newfftd). Does someone know if there is a document explaining the math behind this function and if so, would you be kind enough to give me the URL ... 15 Mar 2010 11:11
How many multiplications in eig function in Matlab? I'm trying to get the number of multiplication in general eigenvalue problem (eig fuction in Matlab). I'm not sure about the exact algorithm for 'eig' function in Matlab so if somebody knows what the algorithm is and how muh multiplications in there, please let me know. Thanks, in advance. ... 15 Mar 2010 13:28
Inline LaTeX Equations in HTML Publish... I'm having an issue where anytime I use an inline LaTeX equation that has abnormal height modifications (like " $H(z)$ ", where the parentheses make the output "taller") in a published HTML file, the output equation "floats" above the text baseline. It's odd because it doesn't happen with simple exponents, but parenthe... 15 Mar 2010 00:16
2-D Quadrature with Nodes and Weights I've been searching for a 2-D quadrature that uses nodes and weights to evaluate an integral over a certain interval but I'm not having much luck. There seem to be plenty of 1-D quadratures with nodes and weights that can solve int(f(x),x) but not very many 2-D quadratures that can solve int(f(x,y),x,y) At the mo... 15 Mar 2010 01:21
Adding system fonts not currently supported Hello, How can I add a system font to matlab? I can see the list of all current fonts using 'listfonts' command. However, I want to be able to use the Myriad Pro font natively in my figures. Currently, I (and everyone in my research group) must export the figures to adobe illustrator and change to this font by hand... 15 Mar 2010 11:11
Distance between two points problem Hi, I have an MRI slice and have extracted numerous start and end pixels in order to measure the change in matrix value (fibre orientation) across the heart walls, i.e. from pixel a to pixel b. I have a matrix M which is 256x256x130 but for this part I am only concerned with the 79th slice, so M1 = 256x256 for t... 15 Mar 2010 13:28
ode45: tspan with same end points affecting results According to ode45's documentation the solution to the ODE should not be affected by intermediate points specified in tspan. However, I find that it does! My actual problem uses some coded functions, which are quite long. However, I have been able to reproduce a similar problem with a simpler example: [times stat... 15 Mar 2010 19:28
how to use ode and fminsearch in the same code Hi, Can any one explain how can I use fminsearch and ode functions in the same m-file. I have to solve nonlinear equations (which is 6 equations with 6 unkowns) ,then the values I obtain from the above equations will be used in the differential equations. As these equations are in the loop, for the second iteration ... 17 Mar 2010 15:56 |