Really, really dumb question re Simulink
Hi. I have some models that I'm building for aerospace work, and I'd like to turn them into masked subsystems with internal parameters that can be altered, just like the big boys do it. For example, I have a gravity model with the grav constant mu as one of the inputs. I'd like to use this to generate models... 15 Mar 2010 12:19
How to find position of specific vector value
Collins Thank you very much this solved my big problem Anand ... 14 Mar 2010 14:17
Loading wrl file to GUI
Hi, I'm creating a GUI to control a 3D model. I already have the .wrl file and the GUI figure but I'm having a hard time trying to load my 3D model to Axes. Does anyone have a clue? I tried this: axes(handles.imagemvr); axis off world = vrworld('./World_files/wrl/World.wrl'); open(world)... 14 Mar 2010 14:17
Stand alone application (gui) crashes with unexpected java error
Hi, i am using MATLAB Version (R14) service Pack 3 and also programmed a GUI , a timer, a serial COM1 port, i read mouse positions using 'WindowButtonMotionFcn'. 1) Everything works fine under MATLAB. 2) my compiled version MAY crach a couple of seconds after having been launched, OR works fine... bo... 14 Mar 2010 14:17
Difference Between QuadProg and FMINCON
Hi Alan, I came across this thread. This is an interesting one. Say I have my obj function: obj = .5*x'*H*x + f'x and I have some constraints with some bounds. My question is, if I solve the above problem using QuadProg and Fmincon, do they produce the same answer? Thanks, SD Alan Weiss <aweiss(a)mathworks.... 14 Mar 2010 14:17
normalize retina image.
sir, am working on the retinal images.. there are some ares near the optic disc which appears brighter which makes it diffficult to get the desired result..i need to normalize the images please help me out.. this is my the king of images am working on.. tha... 14 Mar 2010 14:17
for loop using class property as variable
Hi, Matlab underlines the following line as being incorrect for obj.prop1=1:28 ^ <- error here func1(obj) end prop1, func1 are class property/method. The only solution that comes to my mind is to subsitute obj.prop1 with local variable (e.g. k) and pass it to func1(obj, k). But this isn't as ... 14 Mar 2010 12:00
Radial Basis Function
i got a problem to get my RBF to work. I trained the data with positive values but somehow the predicted data got me negative values. wondering what is the cause of this?pls help.. ... 15 Mar 2010 07:52
face extraction from an image
hello i want to know how can i extract the face from a given image; when i input an image for the whole body how can i extract the face and just the face and save the extarction information as a new image? is my quistion clear?? ... 3 Apr 2010 00:45
Feature Extraction
Doing this number plate recognition thing. And i have the number plate already, and can segment the letters and number from the plate. I've done lots of research and most of the articles say they've used Template Matching. I've seen one that uses SEPCOR, not sure what it is exactly, apart from the fact that it uses sta... 14 Mar 2010 12:00