count no of values and their coordinates
Hello Friends, Suppose i have a mtrix x = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 8 5 9; 7 7 7 7]; now I want to find the number of times the maximum value(in this case 9) appears.Also i wld like to get the coordinates of them (in this case 3,1 and 3,4). thanks, LFG ... 15 Mar 2010 07:52
Updating my loop
Hi all, Any idea why my loop index is not updating, I can't see what is wrong with my code: f=1; list='5','25',56'; %required line numbers p='100'; %last line number %always starts on chosen line numbers i.e. list{1}=line 5 %z identifies when the desires data has been read and now requires to read the next ... 15 Mar 2010 14:36
integrate angular rate over time to find the the angle as a function of time
Hello, My name is Sven and i have a problem with MatLab. I have 2 columbs of date. The first columb is time, the second one is angular rate (degrees/second). I found out that I have to integrate the angular rate signal over time to find the angle as a function of time, but I don't know how to do that in MatLab. Can ... 15 Mar 2010 06:47
converting c++ program in Matlab
Hi: I want to convert this function into matlab function: double t_from_h(double h, double far) { unsigned char i; double t, ht, error; t = h/1100; i = 0; do { i++; ht = h_gas(t, far); error = abs(h - ht); if (error > 1) { t = t + (h - ht)/cp_gas(t, far); } } while ((error<1... 15 Mar 2010 08:58
mxstruct filling
Hi all, i need to pass an array of structures declared in c++ to matlab. Is there a way to do it without passing value one by one converting them to double or else? typedef struct { double lat; double long; char name[11] ; } pos; const char* fields[] = {"lat", "long", "name"}; mwArray a(1, 10, 3, ... 15 Mar 2010 05:41
c++ struct in mxstruct
Hi all, i need to pass an array of structures declared in c++ to matlab. Is there a way to do it without passing value one by one converting them to double or else? typedef struct { double lat; double long; char name[11] ; } pos; const char* fields[] = {"lat", "long", "name"}; mwArray a(1, 10, 3, ... 18 Mar 2010 07:03
i need the definition of esperance of matrix in matlab please have you any idea ... 15 Mar 2010 04:36
Hello, I want to find the maximum value and the coordinate of that value of amatrix. eg x = [1 2 3 4; 2 3 4 5; 4 5 6 7; 9 6 5 4]; using max(max(x)). I get 9. I want the coordinates of '9'(in this case 4,1. how can I achieve that? Regards, LFG. ... 15 Mar 2010 04:36
Wiener deconvolution noise artifacts & noise removal
If I may add, have you encountered anything better than Wiener Filter. I'm haveing troubles with it as well. I can easily extract the PSF (Or very good estimation of it) yet suffer from Ringing. I think Maximum Likelihood algorithm would be much better. I'm in search of a modern working Maximum Likelihood Algor... 17 Mar 2010 11:20
datenum and data problem
Dear All; Please see input and output(what I wish to get).Please see also what I tried so far. But thers seems to be a problem. Could someone please help me? Thanks in advance --------------------------------------------- [m,~] = size(input); output=datenum(input(:,1),'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS'); for i=1:m; ... 18 Apr 2010 05:25