Vertical x-tick labels on bar charts
I have a bar chart with textual category descriptions on the x-axis that are a bit too long and run into each other. How can set their alignment so they read vertically? This is the same as setting the Alignment propoerty in Excel to +90 degrees. ... 27 Mar 2010 18:49
double infinite integral
Hi, I'd like to evaluate double improper intagral, like: F=@(t,x)exp(-x.*t)./t.^3; dblquad(F,1,inf,0,inf)); results: Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number function value encountered. ans= NaN and int(int(F,t,1,inf),x,0,inf); results: ??? Undefined function or variable 't'. Help is much appreciated. ... 28 Mar 2010 17:52
double infinite integral
Hi, I'd like to evaluate double improper intagral, like: F=@(t,x)exp(-x.*t)./t.^3; dblquad(F,1,inf,0,inf)); results: Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number function value encountered. ans= NaN and int(int(F,t,1,inf),x,0,inf); results: ??? Undefined function or variable 't'. Help is much appreciated. ... 27 Mar 2010 14:16
tcp/ip communication b/w two matlab sessions
is there any way that two matlab sessions can communicate with each other using tcp/ip ,either normally or in a client-server mode,if possible how can client server mode communication be established ... 29 Mar 2010 05:50
How to plot contour with contour lines data
Hello all, I'm looking for a simple way to plot contours from de contour data returned by de "contour" function. For example: Z = peaks; [C,h] = contour(interp2(Z,4)); I have the contours lines data on variable "C", if I only have the "C" data available, how can I plot the contours again?? One possible way ... 27 Mar 2010 11:58
What is the difference for different versions of Matlab
I wonder what is the difference between Matlab r2008a, r2008b, r2009a, r2009b, and r2010a? Are they for different OS? What is for Linux 32bit and what for Windows 7 32bit? ... 29 Mar 2010 09:06
Latex interpreter produces bad text
I'm generating movies using mov = addframe(mov,fig); where fig is a handle to a figure. I've also tried to do this with mov = addframe(mov,getframe(fig)); but this causes the same problem. The text is placed on top of a rectangle() which is placed on top of an imagesc(). This is done with text(...'Inte... 27 Mar 2010 22:10
putting box or chaging pixel value
hi.. I have an image data in matrix form. i needed to find the coordinate of a certain intensity values. This i have done. now i want to change the color of those coordinate positions to distinguish them form the rest of the image. the image data that i have is a 2D array, defined by rows and columns. my question i... 27 Mar 2010 10:50
forecast using backpropagation algorithm
Hi.. i am a student working on a project of weather forecast. I am using the data from site I am using a backpropagation algorithm. The data used is converted to ... 27 Mar 2010 09:34
Backpropagation algorithm for weather prediction
Hi, I am working on a project of weather forecasting.I am using the data from site i have converted that data to excel sheets and using only average values of temp... 27 Mar 2010 09:34