how to find the center of the circle passing trrough two points no radiustwo
how to find the centre of a circle if only two points are given no radius ... 26 Mar 2010 11:57
x.^a is twice as slow as exp(a*log(x))
I'm finding that to do an elementwise power, exp(a*log(x)) is about twice as fast as x.^a in many, though not all cases. Does anybody know why this is? I'm wondering if there's a general lesson here about computation speed. In particular, try tic; magic(100).^(20); toc Elapsed time is 0.004556 seconds. ... 26 Mar 2010 10:22
subplot colorbar problem
I have three subplot so three colorbar plot one xy plane = 5*5 area plot two yz plane = 5*2 area and third zx plane = 2*5 area Now i want one colorbar in this way my three plot should not change the actual area. and also if its not possible then three similar colorbar, ... 26 Mar 2010 11:57
Ridge Regression -- parameters and variance?
Hi everyone, I was trying my hand with the 'ridge' command in MATLAB ( And I realized that the command only returns the parameter estimates. Is there some way I can get the variances also? What about the value of the ridge parameter (complex... 26 Mar 2010 10:21
Analog filtering becomes unstable?
I apply an analog filter to a stream of time signals. When I look at its frequency response, the magnitude is always less than 1. But the results become unstable.I am wondering where the problem could be. The code of the characteristics of the filter is attached. The data is a rand(1000,1) time data. When I looke... 31 Mar 2010 14:20
X and Y must be vectors of the same length.
This is weird, I got this for the scatter plot even though for a single point: [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(x,y1, x,y2); hold all; scatter(ax, x(1), y(1), '*'); hold off; It give me the following error: "X and Y must be vectors of the same length." ... 26 Mar 2010 13:09
Using Structure Parameters
Please I need help defining a parameter structure. I need a structure to use it as tunnable parameter because I want to use the C Api to change its value in runtime. I use a structure because I need to group so many parameters. The information in the help says: Tuning Structure Parameters Clear Configuratio... 26 Mar 2010 09:08
just help me about the parallel computing problem
hi, everyone: I have a problem about the paralle computing when using parallel computing box. I want to combine the matlab with the HFSS to solve a problem, but I find it can't work when i call the HFSS in one cluster. The program belows: jm=findResource('scheduler','type','jobmanager','name','isaac','LookupURL','19... 6 Apr 2010 09:39
How to pass structure from work space to simulink?
Hi, Set one of the inputs of the embedded function to be a parameter instead of input and unckeck tunnable. Use the same name for the parameter as the name of the structure variable in the workspace you want to use. Regards. R. ... 26 Mar 2010 13:09
steady state error design via integral control
How do I change this code to include steady state error with integral control? Any suggestions? Can I monitor the motor current trough this file as well? How? g=9.81; %Gravity(m/s^2) r=0.1; %Radius of wheel(m) Mw=0.7; %Mass of wheel(kg) Mp=80; %Mass of body(kg) Iw=0.0004; %Inertia of the wheel(kg*m^2) Ip=0.04; %I... 26 Mar 2010 09:08