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printing complex I am opening a file and trying to print cpomples roots but only showing real parts on the file given code below here s is calculated above by a diferent program but my problem is to get real and imaginary on the file output named newresults.dat fid = fopen('Newresults.dat','w'); s=[T0 T1 T2 T3]; r=roots(s);... 28 Mar 2010 08:58
Looking for a Mex-file approach to speed up the computation of a partial-FFT algorithm The Matlab build-in function "fft" is a highly efficient algorithm for fast implementation of the Fourier transform. However, in some situations I do not need the calculate the full-point FFTs every time. Suppose I only need to calculate a subset of outputs, I have to develop a partial FFT (i.e. fractional FFT, or prun... 28 Mar 2010 03:36
Is it possible to display Arabic text using the Matlab Editor? I'd like to input some Arabic text into a Matlab m file using the Matlab Editor. However, whenever I type in Arabic and save the file and then open it again, the Arabic text that I saved earlier turns into a couple of question marks (????). I was able to solve this problem by using notepad to open and edit files instea... 4 Apr 2010 00:41
ask for help about the simulation result of power_wind_dfig.mdl Dear all, Recently, when I used power_wind_dfig.mdl in demo of matlab7.1, I find that that some varaibles is not steady before 0.02 secend when no perturbation is added. Would you like to tell me why some varaibles is not steady before 0.02 secend when no perturbation. Yours sincereslly. ... 28 Mar 2010 02:32
Nested loop with function ok so the question is Write a function named `m1' that works like the `ones' function. Be sure it works for either 1 input or 2. function [out1 out2] = m1(x,y); if nargin==1 I am really stuck on this this is all i got. Can anyone help me? I know its suppost to be in a nested loop and stuff. ... 28 Mar 2010 00:21
Save state of a GUI with IMROI object Hi, I have a GUI that use image processing GUI tool like impoint or imrect and I want to be able to save and restore the gui. I currently tried hgsave & hgload but to no success. after reload and try to use the object (draging pts ect) Iget thee following error. ??? Error using ==> getappdata Invalid object... 27 Mar 2010 23:16
figure text getting cut I am having that problem but I need to save 123 images and doindg snap shots is not an option somebody have an alternative? "Ebrahim Jeddi" <ejeddi(a)> wrote in message <fl53sn$m46$1(a)>... Hi, Sometimes I got such problems even with other soft wares like pdf creator, solid works and so... 27 Mar 2010 23:16
how do I use "SelectedObject" property? Thanks! This helped me out a ton as well! "Nabeel Abbood" <nabeel.abbood(a)> wrote in message <hl5ias$p04$1(a)>... "Alejandro " <notasuicida(a)> wrote in message <h065cp$ftl$1(a)>... Hello, I'm using two radio buttons in a button group to select between two diff... 27 Mar 2010 23:16
Sparse Neural Networks Hi all - my question is with relation to setting up sparsely connected neural networks using MATLAB / Neural Network Toolbox. Essentially my goal is this - I'm going to have a set of inputs on my input layer, constructed through converting a series of NxN matrices obtained from an image - most likely 250x250 - into ... 31 Mar 2010 17:42
Phase Correlation(POC) to detect pixel transition Hello, Can somebody please help with the above please. My Function starts like this: function [x y peak] = poc(OrImage, RefImage) % fourier transform both images fi = fftshift(OrImage); fr = fftshift(RefImage); % perform phase correlation (amplitude is normalized) fc = fi .* conj(fr); fcn = fc ./ abs(fc)... 29 Mar 2010 12:27 |