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path of minimization Hello Matlab experts here, I have a general question: When one uses Matlab functions for minimization (eg, fminsearch, fminunc, lsqnonlin, etc.), is there any way to store the information of the path of minimization? (that is, the points visited by the algorithm from the starting positions to the terminating positio... 27 Mar 2010 17:39
???index exceed matrix dimension i have received the message saying that i have the error: ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> andrew at 6 s1 = x(2:112, 10:12); i'm not sure what is the problem this is my coding: %These 5 signature samples will be stored in the database as reference %signature. %Transfer the first signature sam... 29 Mar 2010 12:28
Re-applying princomp loadings How can I use the loadings returned by princomp to project new data to the space given by them? For example, I have a set of data that I give to princomp and obtain the loadings and the projected data to the PCA space. Now I have a new set of data, and I want to project it to the same space. How can I do tha... 27 Mar 2010 17:39
if d = x^2, and x=[0,0;1,0] then why is eval(d) not equal to Don Robison <joe_blow_281(a)> wrote in message <1817186076.455340.1269718178462.JavaMail.root(a)>... syms x d = x^2 d = x^2 x=[0,0;1,0] note: X is reassigned to a 2x2 DOUBLE... one of the solutions syms x; d=x^2; xd=[0,0;1,0]; r=subs(d,... 27 Mar 2010 23:16
Set negative values to zero I would like to write a fast program which sets all negative values in an array to zero. I have tried this using two for loops an an if statement but it is way too slow for my large array sizes. My arrays are 5000 x 600, so I need something better than what I have. I have thought about using the find function but I... 27 Mar 2010 18:49
Can't seem to get any functions to work in 7.8.0 Student Hello everyone, I just installed a student version (7.8.0 R2009aSV) of Matlab on my MacBook and have activated it. I can't seem to find any of the functions Im used to using in matlab - like 'freqz' for example. I type 'help freqz' into the command line, and it says 'freqz not found'. Could someone help m... 29 Mar 2010 15:50
if d = x^2, and x=[0,0;1,0] then why is eval(d) not equal to x^2 Hello my name is Don Robison. I am having a problem with the way matlab evaluates expressions. It seems if I put a polynomial on the command prompt and I have declared the variables to be matrices the evaluation will be fine, but if I declare the polynomial to be a symbol then try to evaluate the symbolic expression ... 27 Mar 2010 15:24
Detecting Warning Flags I'm trying to solve a BVP with a continuation parameter in it. The loop is essentially: while eps < epsmax sol = bvp4c(...) eps = eps + delta So here's my question. Sometimes I generate a warning about not reaching tolerance and needing to increase points. I'm interpreting this as getting near bifurcation ... 27 Mar 2010 16:31
need to find the parameters for each sub band wavelet coefficients pls help me. pls pls pls pass it to my mail too. my mail id : mydreamprojects(a) ... 5 Apr 2010 12:44
to read mp3 file sorry can you please tell me what was the solution because I am getting the same problem. Thanks ... 27 Mar 2010 15:23 |