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Look up tables in Simulink Hi, Could anyone tell me how I would layout a 3 dimensional (v = f(x,y,z)) lookup table in excel to import into simulink? I'm using it to calculate aerodynamic coefficients as a function of altitude, angle of attack and mach number. Thanks ... 26 Mar 2010 06:53
DLL in external application Hi, I have created a c shared library using matlab compiler 4.8. Now i want to use that in my other software WINERS. But the problem is it can only be added as plugin and cannot be instructed to call the required MCR initialization steps and data conversion steps. I have found a possible solution of that here: ht... 26 Mar 2010 10:21
change cell elements Hi, I have a 140*11 cell. The first 4 raws of cell is as following, LR = 'TNFSF9' '4-1BB' '' '' '' 'INHA' 'ACVR1' 'ACVR1B' 'ACVR2' 'ACVR2B' 'INHBA' 'ACVR2' 'ACVR1B' 'ACVR3' 'ACVR2B' 'INHBB' 'ACVR3' 'ACVR1B' 'ACVR4' 'ACVR2B' Now, I want to erase the LR(1,2), and get LR = 'TNFSF9' " '' '' '' 'INHA' 'A... 26 Mar 2010 06:53
peak detection in a data set I have got a number of data plots that I want to analyse. I want to read off the peak data point and save it in an array and come up with a another plot where there peak points will be plotted against different set of data. So I need help to read off the peak data point on each plot and save it in another data file in... 26 Mar 2010 06:53
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process i coded the process in MATLAB, it goes as follows: function [F,G]=GramSchmidt(E,tol) % Input: E is an m by n matrix of full rank m<=n % tol: our zero tolerance % Output: An orthogonal matrix F, the product of the Gram Schmidt process % applied on the columns of E % F must verify F*F'=I [m,n]=size(E); F... 31 Mar 2010 12:06
Blending of a stitched image My project involves stitching of two or more stereo images and BLENDING them upon stitching. Can somebody please help me with matlab code that will BLEND the region around the seam? :(:( ASAP. ... 26 Mar 2010 06:53
Fitting Beta/Triangular Distribution Using Generalized Pareto Distribution Most of my data are in the form of beta, triangular and gamma distributions. I had difficulties to fit them using the generalized pareto distribution. How can I resolve the problem? Any .m codes available? ... 26 Mar 2010 05:47
Finding Surface Area of Cluster of Ones in 3D Matrix I have a 3D binary matrix. The ones form a complete cluster within a sea of zeros. I need to find the surface area of the cluster. My initial plan was to use regionprops(M(:,:,i),'Perimeter') for all of the slices i=1:n and then multiply by the distance between the slices (rough but good enough). However it seems t... 26 Mar 2010 16:44
Using outputfcn for ode15i with length(tspan) > 2 Hello, for solving a differntial equation I'm using ode15i. During the integration 'outputfcn' computes further values. When using tspan = [istart iend] the size of 't' passed to the output function is always equal to one. But for tspan = [istart : delta : iend] the size of 't' passed to the output function i... 29 Mar 2010 04:45
Truncating/getting rid of values in a vector Hi guys, I'm very new with MATLAB and need help solving a problem, Lets say I have a vector x = [1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5] How can I truncate/get rid of the value 0 so it does not show up? I want it to look like this: [1,2,3,4,5] This is a pretty simple question but I can't find the answer anywhere! Any help would be... 26 Mar 2010 05:46 |