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Sample time Hello, What does this mean by sample time (-1 inherited). I am using unit delay (1/Z), but confused about how this(sample time) effects the output of this block. For example, I am using a sum block , 1st input for sum block is constant 1 and second input of sum block is feedback from the output of the sum block thr... 5 May 2010 07:07
request the matlab code of image edge detection "anxx12345 GUAHHUA" <anxx12345(a)> wrote in message <hrr4or$nvh$1(a)>... Is there anybody to help me? I need some matlab code of the following: about Roberts detector Prewitt detector Sobel detector Kirsch detector if you have more code about this.please send them to th... 5 May 2010 08:12
help with unique function Hi im trying to use the uniqie function to get rid of duplicate entries within my array but im having some trouble with it. I have a 2d array always with 2 cols I want to only perofrm the unique function to col2 but always delete the corresponding value in that row form col 1 eg. a = [ 2,23 ; 3,25; 4,23; 5,... 5 May 2010 18:15
Haar 2 transform for an image I try to make a matlab file regarding only Forward Haar 2D Transform The problem is that it doesn' t load my grayscale image even if n=256 the levels of grey in a grayscale image called photo_grey. I don't understand why it doesn't displa... 6 May 2010 09:38
battery controller hello, please, can any one help with charge and discharge control model. i have tried to build one but getting error from the combinatorial logic and the mux. error message: Invalid setting for output port dimensions of 'charge_control/Subsystem/Mux1'. The dimensions are being set to [-1]. This is not valid because... 5 May 2010 06:02
Discover the Best Project Management Software Discover the Best Project Management Software After origin of word Project Management Software, we can realize that most of the corporate businesses are being handled by this software to reduce manual work load. Launched in 2007, Project Drive within a very short span of time became one of the biggest service ... 5 May 2010 06:02
usb data transfer i need to transfer data using usb port in matlab how to do that? ... 5 May 2010 06:02
Video from Princomp PCA components I am attempting to generate video for perceptual test film from PCA components generated using the princomp function in Matlab. I have some code used previously by another student who wanted to do the same thing. However their PCA was run differently to mine and thus the code does not work properly with my dataset ... 5 May 2010 06:02
coursework help Please some one can help me with my Image Processing coursework its radix 2 representation of a 256x256 image in matlab ..i have to sumbit the coursework by this friday and i have exams next week...i am not that good in matlab and im having lot of trouble..if some one can help i please mail me on tarunjacob(a) a... 5 May 2010 13:46
aspect ratio in quiver plot Hi, I wish to create a vector plot with different non-dimensional length scales on x and y-axis, e.g. the length (l) and diameter (d) of a cylinder. The final plot should have the original aspect ratio, which is simple by incorporating the l/d. However, the quiver plot resists to scale properly, see this example: lo... 23 May 2010 11:21 |