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Different answers on different CPUs? I have been getting different answers in my Matlab (64 bit R2009b and R2010a) for two different machines (ones is Intel E8400 Core 2 Duo, the other is I7-920). I narrow down the different answers to some simple vector mulltiplication. I want you guys to confirm this with me before I report the bug. Please run the fo... 14 May 2010 06:15
convert my condition logic to if statement I have question if I can use if statement on my logic. I created variable called position upon my condition using "position(condition) = -1". I was wondering if there is a way to create my position variable using if statement instead ? Thanks clear all; price =[10 15 12 12 14 17 18 15 15 18 19 16 10 13 15 15 18 ... 13 May 2010 21:34
code operating speed is very slow I try to simulate a one DoF mass-spring system,the code is as follows: %M02, solution tspan=0:0.06:10*pi; x0=[0;5.0]; [t,x]=ode23w('friction_force',tspan,x0); plot(t,x(:,1)); %function function y=friction_force(t,x) m=1; k=1; Frictionforce=10; y=zeros(2,1); y(1)=x(2); y(2)=-Frictionforce*sign(x(2))/m-k/... 13 May 2010 09:21
check if matrix contains zero or not Hi All, I want to check whether any element of matrix is zero or not. Thanks Rahul ... 13 May 2010 06:06
datacursormode customization When I do this; z=get(datacursormode(gcf)) z = Enable: 'on' SnapToDataVertex: 'on' DisplayStyle: 'datatip' UpdateFcn: @myupdatefcn Figure: [1x1 figure] it shows, according to my understanding, that datatip creation is enabled in the current figu... 14 May 2010 15:00
Need to reset terminal when exiting Matlab 2010a I use matlab in terminal mode in linux (SuSE 11.1). Since updating to 2010a, most of the time after I exit matlab I get no text displayed in the terminal any more. I have to execute a "reset" command to clear the terminal and put it back to normal. Does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it? Thx. B.D. ... 13 May 2010 02:53
visualize 3 dimensional data Hi all, we have a data set with x, y z - coordinates and should somehow visualize the data in 3d. Is there a way to visualize the density of the data? Similar to how it is done for MRI data. The data set consists of a matrix n x 3, where n is the number of data points. The columns represent the three coordinates x, ... 13 May 2010 10:28
electrical engineering Dear ALL, I am workin on Fuzzy logic controller based active power filter where i have taken a plant model frm where load voltage is sensed and is maintained at a specified reference point using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC Tool box in SIMULINK) . I have taken 2 Input 1 Output FLC where voltage error and the chan... 13 May 2010 02:53
Simulink I am trying to reset the initial conditions of a simulink model at a constant time interval. I have it working when the initial conditions come from a constant block (vector). But when I set the initial conditions from another vector which is the state of another system it fails. The error simulink gives is that a vec... 13 May 2010 01:48
decomposing the row matrix I have a single row matrix with 121 columns. I want to make a new matrix with first 10 elements as 1st row, second 10 elements as 2nd row,.......12 rows and last row has a single element. is there a command to do this? because i need to repeat this step for a big matrix of dimension 21 x 121. please help me. t... 14 May 2010 10:35 |