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actxcontrol Dear Flop, I want as well to use the HEC-RAS directly from the matlab. I searched on the web some solution, but I didn't find much. Did you found a way to use correctly the ActXserver? Thank you Claudio ... 13 May 2010 08:15
Need to read STRUCT into movie Problem statement: 1/ I used mmread to read the MPEG file. 2/ I could extract frames from a video clip. 3/ Taking their differences, I could distinguish few frames. 4/ Now comparing with the previously read frames, I decided the final frames. 4/ These frames are in 240 X 352 X 3 size, all in uint8 format. 5/ ... 13 May 2010 09:21
surf plot superimposed hi again, Related to a previous post (surf plot), the surf plot not only does not allow to see other plots in the figure (scatter,lines...) but also does not allow to see the axis... Is there anyway to establish that any other plot, axis... be superimposed to the surf plot? Thanks! ... 13 May 2010 07:10
OFDM Dear all, can any body have sample or any coding of OFDM block by block wise i.e(1 Serial to Parallel 2 QAM or QPSK Mapper, 3 IFFT, 4 Insert Cyclic prefix, 5 Parallel to Serial, 6 Digital to Analog, 7 Low Pass Filter, 8 Analog to Digital Convertor, 9 Serial to Parallel, 10 Remove Cyclic Prefix,11 FFT, 12 FFT window... 13 May 2010 07:10
does anyone know how do GUI for existing program?? i have the program that implement user runs succesfuly..but i dont know how to implement gui for that..i tried last night but it seems to have errors.. can anyone help me?? ... 1 Jun 2010 19:43
Getting the names of files open in the editor? I would like to find a method of reading the names of the files open in the editor. I work on several different projects, which use different sets of files. I would like to save the names of the files open in the editor for each project when I close Matlab, so that I can open them all again via a program that reope... 13 May 2010 07:10
How to get ARX model from workspace Hi, I'm using the Simulink ARX Block. This block can write to the workspace, a cell array of the estimated models during simulation time which is great. But how can I extract the models and make use of it during simulation time as well? The purpose is for online modeling of a process. I understand the way to extr... 13 May 2010 06:06
simulink to verilog urgent help required hi, i ve made a simulink model and simulated it. i am getting data from work space, i am getting seperately the real and imaginary part then i add them to a complex number applying a embedded matlab fcn block on it. i get 4 inputs to the model sbreal =[1x512], and sbimag=[1x512] both are double, sbreal0=[1x5... 14 May 2010 03:00
scatter point superimposed surf plot hi, I would like to plot a scatter plot superimposed to a surf plot previously created. The problem is that the surf plot does not allow to see the scatter point. Is there anyway to set the scatter point preference to the surf plot? The steps I follow are the following: surf(coordenadas_X,coordenadas_Y,flujo_e... 13 May 2010 06:06
import 3D models into figures Hi, I would like to import 3d models rendered into pictures of MATLAB figures. Is there any way to insert those models into image figures without losing the image itself? How can I translate/ rotate those models, in order to fit with the image shown? My aim is to work on movie file, by generating 3d models o... 13 May 2010 06:06 |