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Matlab 2010a dir cmd I found this to be kind of interesting. I was trying to find all the subdirectories in my current directory when I used dir *. In my 2009a and previous version of matlab it always returned just the directories. Now it is returning everything. I tried a dos('dir *.') and that worked as expected, but I can't use the ou... 14 May 2010 11:41
autocorrelation Hello, i need to do autocorrelation for audio signal, in my situation i splited my wav format mono channel signal into 24 frames, which each has 4000samples. So i got a matrix 4000x24. I need process it with autocorrelation to get set of (p+1) coefficients , where p is the order of the desired LPC (Linear predictive ... 18 May 2010 21:25
Newbie Embedded Matlab Help Hi all, I am working on a project and I have a quick question. In the example shown here: the input is an array where vals(1,3)=4. Correct? I want to use this value in a calculation like number=vals(1,3)+7 but I k... 12 May 2010 18:05
HEL!! Trouble using fminsearch for fitting functions to data Hello Folks! I have a program that is supposed to fit the sum of two gamma variate functions to a set of data. The trouble is my solution is only giving one gamma variate function. It is obvious from looking at the graph that the minimization is not correct and that it would be better with a second gamma variate ... 12 May 2010 16:58
Object tracking with a webcam Hi mi name is eduardo, i need to do a program wich finds vehicle velocity with a simple webcam and tracking this object. i need help with this! ... 12 May 2010 16:58
Creating Simulink truth table from XLS/CSV I'm interested in any m-script examples related to the following: I have a task to take a XLS/CSV table and create a Simulink truth table. The intent is to 1) maintain the XLS as the definition of our truth table 2) use an m-script to parse the XLS (using xlsread) and create and mdl file that contains a truth ta... 12 May 2010 16:58
Simulated annealling and MCMC sequence Hi, guys I have a problem with simulannealbnd. my question is this, I have a objective function, for say q(beta),beta is a k dimension vector, I try to find a level set for this function around it's local or global minimum. Something like a set of beta's, which make the objective function q() such that q(beta)<mini... 13 May 2010 09:21
Looping with symbols I would like to perform a loop in which symbols are involved while changing the symbol name. For example, having created the symbols: syms a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 I want to have a for loop which will change the index 0,1,2,3...etc. on the 'a_' symbol using the current for loop index number. ie. (this is just an examp... 13 May 2010 18:16
create an executable Hi I've tried to create an executable in vain. 1) Here is the code in the m file: <CODE> function fixedPointHexNumber = fixedPointHexNumber(number, hexDigits, fixedPointFractional) if str2num(fixedPointFractional) >= str2num(hexDigits)*4 fixedPointHexNumber = 'ERROR: Fractional part cannot be greater or equal ... 12 May 2010 18:05
fminsearch error I've written the following code to a least squares fit of a function. I want to find the values of k1 and k2 for which the the function is minimized. % set ifit to 0 and don't continue on to the fit until % the user sets it to 1 ifit=0; while ifit==0 disp(' Enter an initial guess for the function ') kplot=in... 14 May 2010 13:54 |