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difference equations to solve wave equation
i am new in matlab. Can any one help out in how to solve a the wave equation using finite difference methods(Say the five point method). I will be grateful. Thanks ... 13 May 2010 17:08
Freelance Job offer :- algorithms, Image and Video Processing
Freelance Job Offer:- algorithms, Image and Video Processing Hi there! I am looking for a person who has had experience with Video Image processing, in particular, Video stabilizing algorithms and Matlab. I am wanting to stabilize video footage in 3 ways when uploaded to a server, ie :- steady, super steady and Ro... 13 May 2010 10:28
vehicle network toolbox
Can we generate code for CAN blocks availble in a vehicle network tool box.using RTW/Ecoder. ... 13 May 2010 09:21
Can I change font color of YTickLabel of a colorbar?
Is there a way to change font color of YTickLabel of a colorbar from black to white? Any help is appreciated. Cemil ... 13 May 2010 11:35
datatip callback
dvt <dvt+usenet(a)> wrote in message <gfcbor$109k$1(a)>... Alan B wrote: I am trying to customize the way that datatips are displayed in my figure windows - for now all I want is to increase the number of digits that are displayed. I tried to do this by right clicking on a no... 13 May 2010 09:21
pronlem with color limits in matlab
Hi, I'm trying to change the colorbar values of a plot I've created using pcolor. For some reason, I can't change the values there using clim or caxis. Any idea why? Thanks a lot, Idit ... 13 May 2010 10:27
pronlem with color limits in matlab
"idit Kosti" <iditk(a)> wrote in message <hsgp38$619$1(a)>... Hi, I'm trying to change the colorbar values of a plot I've created using pcolor. For some reason, I can't change the values there using clim or caxis. Any idea why? Thanks a lot, Idit a small example of code wou... 13 May 2010 09:21
Kalman filter (single point tracking) matlab
Hello.. Need a program for Kalman filter tracking of a point ( 1 dimensional). Anybody expertized in kalman filter.. ? Need help. Thanks ... 13 May 2010 13:48
Image which retains size on axes zoom
Hi all, I need to plot an image, which would not be affected by zoom on axes - will remain the same size, but at the same axes coordinates. This is similar to annotation, however I have not seen an annotation image object. Ideas, anybody? Thanks! ... 13 May 2010 09:21
error computing eigs for large matrices
I am solving the eigenvalue problem for a vibration analysis for a damped system. I construct the matrices [A] = [CG,MG;MG,0] and [B] = [KG,0;0,-MG], being all the submatrices sparse, and MG and KG the mass and stiffness matrices coming from a FEM model. The damping matrix CG is also 0. The dimension of these matrice... 13 May 2010 09:21
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