help, errore che mi fa impazzire
vi psoto un code che ho preso da mathwoks: per segmentare le immagini % Statistical Region Merging % % Nock, Richard and Nielsen, Frank 2004. Statistical Region Merging. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26, 11 (Nov. 2004), 1452-1458. % DOI= %Segmentation param... 2 Nov 2009 10:06
problem with quadgk
Hello everyone I use quad functions to evaluate the integral value of my function: function y=el_en1(s,C) Cprim=fnder(C); ff=fnval(C, s); ff1=fnval(Cprim, s); Csek=fnder(Cprim); ff2=fnval(Csek, s); cprim_norm=sqrt(ff1(1,:).^2+ff1(2,:).^2); kk=abs(ff'*ff2)/(abs(ff1)).^3; yy=(kk.^2)'*cprim_norm'; y=sqrt... 3 Nov 2009 04:54
Waiting on C++ routine to finish
Hello all, I am writing a function that calls an '.exe' file with winopen, which is nothing more than a previously written C++ routine. I need my MATLAB code to pause execution until the '.exe' file is done running. Is there a better way to do this than just using a timer and the wait command? Chris ... 2 Nov 2009 12:21
problem with the execution of CLAHE algo
I tried to execute CLAHE code i.e. runCLAHE.m file..It is throwing some errors...can you please specify the accurate values for the arguments that i have to pass while executing that function waiting for the reply thanks ... 2 Nov 2009 06:48
Read from Workspace in a function
"Salvador de Lira" <> wrote in message <hcmdil$2b9$1(a)>... Hello every body, i need your help, i running a function in a m-file, where i call to simulink by sim() at the same time i using lab data to simulink, the problem that i am having appear when i run mi function does... 2 Nov 2009 08:59
Always recieve error after m-file execution
Hello. First, I am running R2009 on Windows 7. I have a strange issue. I recieve the error: "??? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array." whenever I execute an m-file. If I execute the code in a Cell, there is no error, but if I execute an m-file, I receive the error when it completes. This occurs also ... 3 Nov 2009 08:10
Reading text file using textscan
"Cedric " <cedriccioi(a)> wrote in message <hcmcvt$m4e$1(a)>... "Sebastiaan " <s.breedveld(a)> wrote in message <hcmbqd$2od$1(a)>... If you modify your file slightly: % % % % DataFolder='..\..\Data\rtsc'; ... 2 Nov 2009 06:48
Procrustes Analysis without Reflection
Hi to everybody. I have the same problem of finding the optimal rotation matrix, but in a complex space. Hence the rotation matrix is actually a unitary matrix of size 2x2 of complex entries. Can I use the same procedure of Mr Stafford with the transpose-conjugate operator instead of only transpose? Concerning the ... 2 Nov 2009 03:33
bathymetry data plot
Hi I've had some success plotting 3D bathymetry plots using meshgrid and griddata functions. I got data from and I found the shading interp command useful. I was impressed with the graphics. Can anyone else recommend any other functions or data sets to use if I want to experiment further with plotting ... 1 Nov 2009 19:51
different results windows vs unix
Hi, I would like to know if it makes any sense that the same routine, which I run on my local machine and on a unix server using Matlab 2009b in both cases, returns slightly different results. Basically I am solving a bellman equation through value function iteration: this code involves several iterations with man... 2 Nov 2009 19:03