Permission Denied
Hello everyone, I use deploytool to create a dll Now I?m using this dll in my code c#, i?m building a web site. The problem is: my project in Matlab use .mat files. so somewhere in code i need to call my dll. The problem is: i get constant this error: System.ApplicationException: MWMCR::EvaluateFunction e... 1 Nov 2009 18:46
Euclidean distance
Hi there guys, i got a problem that involves euclidean distance. any ideas how to calculate the 3d dimensional distance between two points ? ... 2 Nov 2009 05:43
Hi, In Matlab, under the "dspsigops" library, there is an option of "Convolving Frame-Based Inputs". What is the complexity of this routine? If a Bx1 vector v is independently convolved with each of w1, w2, ..., wN, can the operation be done quicker than O(N B log B) ? Thanks! Best regards, Daniel ... 1 Nov 2009 09:58
taking an angle information of noisy sine wave
Hi, is there any way to take angle information of noisy sine wave? data vectors are hundreds/thousands periods long. I have tried FFT, with bad and unaccurate results, Thanks already for answers, -Juho ... 1 Nov 2009 22:05
contour area
hi there!! I plotted heat contours on (x,y) plane, I wud like to know the area covered by each contour is that possible? Thanks ... 2 Nov 2009 14:36
reading workspace variables into simulink in rea-time
hello all, I am trying to read a workspace variable into a simulink model in real-time. 1. created the variable "cstat" in the workspace. 2. built and ran a simple simulink model in real-time (external mode): "from workspace block" specifying cstat------> "scope" 3. scope displays the correct value of ... 2 Nov 2009 04:37
Database toolbox update function
Hello everybody I try to use the function update to export data to an access database and replacing existing data. My code: Table='Price'' colnames = {''Frugt'} exdata(1)={1000} whereclause='where Weight=10' update(conn,Table,colnames,exdata,whereclause) It worked fine But if i try to change more tha... 5 Nov 2009 02:17
S-function unconnected warning
I try to run Model-Based Design of SUV anti-rollover control model. And there's this CarSim S-function block. It's connected to two other blocks. But when trying to run the model, the lines connecting the blocks to S-function disappear. And warnings appear: Warning: Unconnected output line found on 'TMW_Anti_Roll_Co... 1 Nov 2009 11:04
wii streaming tcpip problem
Hi, I'm traying to make streming from wii balance board, I have a java server that pick up data of 4 sensor and send to every clients connected. Data format sended is something like that: 1.12345 3.4567 1.3567 8.1234\n I have create the following script: function t=startWiiStreaming() t=tcpip('localhost',5000)... 31 Oct 2009 13:15
2D Phase Unwrapping Algorithms
"S?ren Haack" <soeren.haack(a)> wrote in message <h8aepd$2tk$1(a)>... "Kumar Kumar" <none(a)> wrote in message <h6fj4l$etg$1(a)>... Hi All, just enquiring to find out if anyone on the net has implemented a specifiec 2D phase unwrapping algorithm as ... 31 Oct 2009 06:46