dll files from MATLAB
Heya, I just made a program that consists of 4 m-files. It takes in a txt-file as input and output is another txt-file and some arrays. This big of program needs to be build into a larger program thats being written in visual basic. The programmer I'm working with told me he just needed a dll-file, and then he could... 9 Nov 2009 03:20
random source generator?
Hello, I need to generate n random symbols from the foloowing I have 4 symbols a) (1,0) b) (-1,0) c) (0,3) d) (0,-3). Which command do i need to use for this. I used randsrc(), but how should the alphabet parameter be passed [1,0,-1,3,-3] will generate all possible combinatio... 5 Nov 2009 09:59
Problem loading a dat file
I downloaded some data from a website for my research work. The data includes a dat file. When I tried loading the file into my workspace, it shows an error, "Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file C:\Users\pottem\Desktop\course\Dr.Kuo\biomedical signal processing\data\a01.dat must be the same as previous lines." ... 4 Nov 2009 20:51
FYI: Need to install MS VC 2005 redistributable when using matlab compiler/component runtime
Just spent several days trying to get our app built with vs2003/matlab 7.6/xp/vista working with vs2003/matlab r2009B/Windows 7. The app was bombing during startup. Noticed the error message below in the event viewer. Installed MS VC 2005 redistributable and everything started working. Would have expected thes... 9 Nov 2009 13:17
Best way to set SelectionChangeFcn callback with Guide
I am using Guide to build my GUI with UIButtonGroup's. I can right click and select the Callback/SelectionChangeFcn to get the code block added to the associated .m file but the actual SelectionChangeFcn for the UIButtonGroup is not set. What is the best way to set the SelectionChangeFcn? I suspect that it is ... 5 Nov 2009 12:15
Test the existence of a variable
Hi all, I have a really basic problem, but I don't find any solution... I am doing a function in which you can put 2 arguments 'files' and 'options', but 'options' is not compulsory. So I want to test its existence, and if the user didn't set any options, so I have to give the default value to 'options'. Here is ... 4 Nov 2009 18:37
mex linking error
Hi, I know the solution to this will likely be system-dependent, and thus not something I should expect to find here, but I'm looking for some clues to help guide me in the right direction. Basically, I'm looking to call some MATLAB routines from a C program. So I went through the documentation and now I'm trying t... 4 Nov 2009 18:37
multivariate student t distribution pdf in matlab?
You can just write your own function to compute it - see below. Note that the mvtpdf function in the stats toolbox first converts Sigma to a correlation matrix, which is nonstandard (as far as I know). Thus these two methods only give the same results if Sigma has 1 on all the diagonals. HTH Kevin functi... 4 Nov 2009 15:18
Gigabit Ethernet Camera - jAi GigE Camera
I'm currently trying to aquire an image of an ethernet camera of the company "jAi". The camera applies to the GigE Vision standard. Has anyone implemented such a camera and can give me a few hints please? Which way is the best and easiest? To import de DLL files from de SDK of jAi? Or to try it with MEX files? Or d... 4 Nov 2009 13:05
C / legacy_code / S-function with multiple outputs
Hi, I have tried converting some of my C files to S-functions. However, the C functions have a single output and I intend to have multiple outputs (similar to MEX functions). Is there an example that someone can post, which will show me the exact procedure to do this. Thanks. ... 4 Nov 2009 13:04