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solve out of memory I have a script that has to load a file of 1gb. Memory occupies 5gb, I use Windows 7 but this script will be used most likely on computers with XP 32-bit, when I did a test has come out of "out of memory ...". I tried with: 16 May 2010 05:57
using a clock in embedded matlab function hye guys, I'm looking to build an embedded matlab function that only effective by the rising edge of the clock. I'm new to this kind of coding. I had used the 'IF' statement to do this, the function will work in either low or high state of the clock. I dont want this as I want it to be effective when the clock chang... 15 May 2010 02:57
changing caxis Dear everybody, I have this code which I modified slightly from the code I borrowed in link exchange (plotclr.m). The problem with this code is that it does not plot points above or below miv and mav. I want these points to be plotted but as very red on my colorbar or very blue on my colorbar. Right now very red on my... 15 May 2010 02:57
confidence interval is sensitve to 'DerivStep' or 'fdiffstep' in nlpredci While using nlpredci, I find that the confidence interval is sensitive to the 'fdiffstep' which is the step used in numerical finite difference in 'getjacobian' routine. How to fix the problem? I find that the fdiffstep is calculated using options.DerivStep in statset fucntion in statistics toolbox. How to find out the... 17 May 2010 10:12
Unaccounted overhead in MEX-function profile I am running MATLAB R2008b. I have a MEX-function, calc_E, which runs 499500 times in a loop. This function is called in a statement in an M-function, 'E = calc_E(D)'. The problem is, according to the profiler, calc_E itself took 3.383 s to execute, but the statement 'E = calc_E(D)' took 11.539 s. I tried running... 4 Jun 2010 00:30
Help Code with Many Cases Hi, So I am not quite sure the best way to code this is... as a simple example let me say the following essentially I have a large number of cases that all have the same variables, lets call it a, b, and c, although can be different values for different cases I want to calculate using a value for each case using ... 15 May 2010 15:54
ordered logit or probit Hi all, Does anyone know how to do an ordered logit or probit in matlab. I have a y variable that takes 1,2 or 3 and I want to regress it on a bunch of dummy variables. Thanks for helping George ... 15 May 2010 10:25
how to see every iterations of fminunc Hello, I am using fminunc in Matlab as follow, options=optimset('MaxFunEvals',1e+5, 'MaxIter',1e+5, 'LargeScale', 'off'); [x,feval(nf),exitflag,output]=fminunc(@(x)func(x),prm0,options); And I am using Gauss optmum as follow to do the same optimization exercise: _opalgr=2; _output=1; {x,f... 15 May 2010 16:59
export data sheet with dependecies, comments, file names and paths Hi, I am trying automatically scan through my directories and extract information about my *.m files, like the file name, the path, (maybe the "help" comments) and the functions dependencies. As far as I know, I can look at the comments in the "current folder" windows, look at the dependencies in the "dependency re... 14 May 2010 21:35
MATRIX into column hi i have a matrix 12x52 every four column rapresent for me the coordinate x,y,rssi and lqi So i need to obtaine 13 matrix with size 12x4!!!! how can i do this????? please help me........... ... 16 May 2010 07:01 |