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Help plotting and graphing yield strees vs strain rate
I dont have any idea how to plot the equation of yield stress ( which is the limit of the elastic range), modeling with this function: σ y/d = 350[ ( ε _t(subscript) / 210) ^ 0.16 + 1] where : strain rate (s^-1) = 0.00007, 0.0002, 0.05, 0.8, 4.2, 215, 3500 and : Yield Stresss(MPa) = 345, 362, 419, 454, 4... 13 May 2010 20:29
calling openingfcn to reset GUI
I have a reset button in my gui. Currently, I have all the code in my openingfcn within the reset buttons functions. Is there a way to just call the openingfcn? Thanks, Phil ... 13 May 2010 21:34
Spectral Flatness Measure (SFM)
hi, how can i calculate Spectral Flatness Measure (SFM) of audio signal ? any ideas? maybe someone can say it step by step. Thanks in advance. ... 13 May 2010 18:16
Spectral Flatness Measure (SFM)
hi, how can i calculate Spectral Flatness Measure (SFM) of audio signal ? any ideas? maybe someone can say it step by step. Thanks in advance. ... 13 May 2010 18:15
optimization using matlab and abaqus
Hi when I try to run my m file i get these errors, can anyone comment on such errors Error using ==> gads\private\poptimfcnchk PATTERNSEARCH cannot continue because user supplied objective function failed with the following error: Error using ==> fgets Invalid file identifier. ... 14 May 2010 13:54
Between hard code writing hours
Hello, everybody! I know, my message is off topic. But I think, that it will be intresting for everyone in this discussion. I am talking about a site It helps creatively relax between hard code writing hours. Metal Storm ... 13 May 2010 18:15
Calculating Average of a matrix
Hi, Let say I have a matrix like this: A = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12]; I would like to find out the average of every 6 elements such that it gives: [3.5;9.5]; How can I do that? Alan ... 14 May 2010 10:35
any classifier for digit recognition is needed
please we need urgently a code for SVM "support vector machine " or PCA or guassian mixture as i want to use a one of them for recogintion for digits photos ... 13 May 2010 21:34
help about feature extraction
please i want some codes for features suitable for digits images recognition like centriod feature i need those feature to improve the recognition of the digit each time by the classifier thnx in advance ... 13 May 2010 20:29
Calculate roll, pitch and yaw between two coordinate systems
Hello everyone, I would like to calculate the roll, pitch and yaw between two coordinate systems as seen in the following image: The xyz axes are represented by the rgb colors respectively. I guess the first thing I have to do is to decide which type of rotation h... 13 May 2010 17:08
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