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plane equation with a radius
Hi, Roger Can I ask another question? How can I define a plane equation just given 2 eigen-vectors (in 3D space) and a center point (also in a 3D space)? Thank you. Junghyun "Roger Stafford" <ellieandrogerxyzzy(a)> wrote in message <hnoekl$a3e$1(a)>... "Junghyun " ... 14 May 2010 00:51
reading a video in matlab
Hi guys I have a little problem and i hope you can hlp me out big time as i am a beginner in matlab. I am trying to read a video in mathlab. I have done the a=aviread('movie'). the movie is saved in the directory. but i keep getting this message. ??? Error using ==> audiovideo\private\findchunk at 19 Incorrect c... 14 May 2010 01:56
Calculating the number of edge points
Hey guys can someone gimme a clue to how to extract the edge points of a signature plz? ... 15 May 2010 08:16
Loop to logical indexing
Hey, I am trying to get rid of this loop and possibly use of logical indexing to make this more efficient. for i=1:length(Returns) if(Returns(i,:) > 0) BothPos(i,1) = 1; else BothPos(i,1) = 0; end end BothPos = sum(BothPos); I have a matrix of returns "Returns". And I want t... 14 May 2010 11:41
Align T zero
I have two sets of acceleration data, a1 with t1, a2 with t2 from the same object but different accelerometers. Length of data is different so that accelerometers were triggered on and off at different time before and after the event in question. What is the best method of aligning the data automatically to a commo... 14 May 2010 10:35
finding centroid of an 3d object
Hi I am trying to find the centroid of an arbitrary 3d shape object on MATLAB. THe 3D object is generated by slices of 2D images. By as we move across each 2D slice, the shape of the object change. Not sure how may I do it on MATLAB. Can anyone give me some hints? The 3D object is double image. Thanks ... 13 May 2010 20:29
surf colormap problem
Frank, Were we not strangers on the internet, I would bake you so many cookies for that fix. THANK YOU!!! ... 13 May 2010 19:22
How to remove characters from a string
Forgive me if this question has already been answered. I was not able to find it. I need to modify a string being used in a loop. string = { 'the table' } remove 'the' so that newString = { 'table' } How can I do this? Thanks for the help! ... 14 May 2010 06:15
Trim command
I'm using the trim command in the format: [x, u, y, dx] = trim ('model', x0, u0, y0, ix, iu, iy); It seems to be returning reasonable state values, x, and output values, y. But the inputs, u, don't work. I have specified in iu the indexes of the elements of u0 to remain unchanged, however the trim command doesn't... 13 May 2010 19:22
stretching text
Hello, anyone know how to vertically stretch a letter in Matlab so that its width is the same. I want to create a visualization similar to the seqLogo function in the bioinformatics toolbox, in which the height of the letter represents some quantity. Simply increasing the font size won't work as this increases the widt... 26 May 2010 14:41
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