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how interrupt after warning message? warning messages usually don't interrupt the simulation of a script in matlab, but I need to do it. Specifically I need to interrupt my simulations after the message 'Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision'. How can I do it? Is there a condition 'if warning' o something similar? ... 14 May 2010 12:48
Wasteful replication of non-cell data in a struct containing acell array Ok, never mind, I figured it out. I first pre-allocated the structure with empty matrices for 'signals' and 'time' and an initialized cell array for 'phase_inds'. This created multiple copies of only the empty 'signals' and 'time' arrays. I then stored all the data in only the first instance of the 'signal_set' s... 14 May 2010 07:20
matrix in a matrix hallo there. I want to put a matrix that is 128X128 in a matrix that is 512X512 ( ones(512) ). what I want to do is to have the white image and above to put the second image ( a letter, A for example). I cant multiply cause they dont have the same dimensions. any ideas?? thanks in advance ... 14 May 2010 09:29
How to change 3 dim into 2dim Hi everyone I have 3 dim. matrix and would change it into 2 dim one. for examples A1(:,:,1) = 1 2 3 4 5 6 A1(:,:,2) = 7 8 9 10 11 12 A1(:,:,3) = 13 14 15 16 17 18 I would sort them like each matrix under the one before i... 16 May 2010 16:49
maples versus symbolic toolbox Sorry - this might come up twice - think I hit wrong button. I gather matlab symbolic toolbox is based on maple engine. Can anyone with maple experience comment on toolboxes capabilities/advantages/disadvantages compared to maple? Is it as powerful as maple (surely not given price)? Is it just a toy for simple stuff... 14 May 2010 15:00
pcolor plot axis hi, I would like that in a pcolor plot I have performed, the axis (line and axis markers)would be visible (the pcolor plot does not allow to see them. Thanks! ... 14 May 2010 09:29
Plot questions of ellipsoids Two questions on ellipsoid questions: 1. In a for loop, I use the command [x,y,z] = ellipsoid() twice, where the second one uses the [x,y,z] to rotate these values. But the first ellipsoid I do not want to show, only the second one with the rotated coordinates. How do I make the first ellipsoid invisible? 2. ... 15 May 2010 20:16
truck dynamics simulation model in simmechanics Hello! I am working in a truck simulation model in simmechanics. I have achieved good results but the necessary time to carry out a 10 seconds simulation is almost 25 hours. This is too much time for the scope of proyect. Can anybody tell me the reason of this? -The model is a 2-axle truck with rear twin tyres, and... 14 May 2010 06:15
Excel read in Hi, I am importing data from excel into matlab so that i can plot different graphs. I am using exactly the same procedure as in the video tutorial by Doug Hull i.e. The problem that i am having is its not reading ... 14 May 2010 07:20
SPECT Projection Reconstruction & Sinograms Hi Stanley , Here is the code to reconstruct 3D image from sinogram. SPECT = data.sinogram; filter = 'Ram-Lak';interpol = 'linear'; figure, imagesc(SPECT);color(hot) theta = 0 : 1 :1... 14 May 2010 07:20 |