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ActiveDCAM Hi, I am trying to use the ActiveDCAM from A&B software to control my firewire camera. I saw that some people had success with it. My camera is interacting correctly with matlab using this software and the sample programs they provide. However, they are using GUIs to interface with the camera and I am not famili... 9 Jun 2010 07:31
3d Rectangualr Grid "mat001 " <dres01(a)> wrote in message <hod7fp$c0v$1(a)>... n=40; x=linspace(-1,1,n); [X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x,x,x); r0=1.0; ix=find(X.^2+Y.^2<r0^2); X=X(ix);Y=Y(ix);Z=2*Z(ix); plot3(X(:),Y(:),Z(:),'.');axis equal; I do not know this is really what i want. ... 28 May 2010 10:24
comsol to matlab Hi to All, I need to implement a parametric continuation algorithm to a Fuel Cell system. I used COMSOL 3.4 to generate the math model of my system and at the moment my math model can be summarized as : F(x, p)=0 (static problem) where x is the state vector and p the parameters vector. Now I’d like to know if... 28 May 2010 10:24
Error in fsolve: CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent I try to solve a couple of nonlinear equations with the following function -------------------- function F = SolveNG(x,cx,cy,cz,ax,ay,az,P4,P5,CP) n = cross(P4-CP',P4-P5); n = n(:).'/norm(n) D1 = -n(1,1)*P4(1,1) - n(1,2)*P4(1,2) - n(1,3)*P4(1,3) P1=P4(1,1); P2=P4(1,2); P3=P4(1,3); N1=n(1,1) N2=n(1,2) N3=n(... 28 May 2010 10:24
Function callback when variable deleted Hi all Can anyone describe a way to set up a class so that when an object of that class is deleted (i.e. cleared from memory), a callback function is called with details of the object being deleted? I need this to finally properly solve the C++ object referencing problem I discuss here: 28 May 2010 11:32
Evaluate a transfer function at a point How do I evaluate a transfer function at a point s=x, where x is some complex number? I tried subs, but it does not work. ... 3 Jun 2010 14:31 Cheap Jordans,Cheap Nike Shox R4,Cheap Nikes Our Company Wholesale and Retail: Nike Shoes,Jordan Shoes,Jerseys,Clothes,T-Shirts, Jeans,Caps,Bags,Sunglasses and Belts: Air Max Shoes: Air Max 87,Air Max 90,Air Max 91,Air Max 92,Air Max 93,Air Max 95, Air Max 97,Air Max TN,Air Max LTD,Air Max 180,Air Max 360,Air Max 2003, Air Max 2... 28 May 2010 08:13 Cheap Jordans,Cheap Nike Shox R4,Cheap Air Max 90 Our Company Wholesale and Retail: Nike Shoes,Jordan Shoes,Jerseys,Clothes,T-Shirts, Jeans,Caps,Bags,Sunglasses and Belts: Air Max Shoes: Air Max 87,Air Max 90,Air Max 91,Air Max 92,Air Max 93,Air Max 95, Air Max 97,Air Max TN,Air Max LTD,Air Max 180,Air Max 360,Air Max 2003, Air Max 2... 28 May 2010 08:13
unexpected crash when overloading subsasgn Hi, I'm using Matlab (R14) to develop a large project. I notice a weird bevahior when using the OOP framework of Matlab and would like to have an opinion. I have a simplistic user-defined class on my path class MyClass. In the @MyClass folder, I placed the constructor MyClass.m and the overloaded subsas... 28 May 2010 18:10
IR-Spectra Actually I change all my analytical data for the use in matlab. This applies LA-ICP-MS data and also the IR-Spectroscopy. I read somewhere the PCA (principal componet analysis) should here a possibility also without the statistical toolbox. Here my Problem: I have actually 60 FT-IT-spectra, composed of 2 or three phase... 28 May 2010 08:13 |