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regression through a fixed point "Matt J " <mattjacREMOVE(a)THISieee.spam> wrote in message <htp9le$epg$1(a)>... "Giorgio " <christianjp(a)> wrote in message <htp8ls$d5s$1(a)>... i would like to find out the OLS slope that passes through the smallest x, and highest y.. i.e. passing through min(x), max(... 28 May 2010 17:04
regression through a fixed point "Giorgio " <christianjp(a)> wrote in message <htp8ls$d5s$1(a)>... i would like to find out the OLS slope that passes through the smallest x, and highest y.. i.e. passing through min(x), max(y). ===== I must be missing something. In the data you've given min(x) and max(y) occur at 2 sepa... 28 May 2010 17:04
old code written in Matlab 5.3 Hi I have some old code written in Matlab 5.3. Will I be able to run it in the latest student version, without any changes, or will I need to modify anything. Note that I am not a programmer, I just use the software. The code was written about 10 years ago by somebody else. Thanks ... 28 May 2010 18:10
regression through a fixed point dear all, given two vectors, say, x= -0.206272834692745 -0.651047629509525 -0.948215401327229 -1.12888777383035 -1.29057430275683 -1.30905679067569 -1.18102234624473 -1.30332671829303 -1.73537143931980 -1.90251516443469 -1.78659522717174 -1.43080078633681 -1.93780906527560 -1.68504772816552 y= -1... 28 May 2010 17:04
options menu with nodisplay Hi! I'm trying to create an options menu in Matlab (R2007a) and student version (R2009a). I'm running Matlab with "matlab -nojvm -nodisplay" and using the command "menu." The documentation says that if there is no display, it will display a text-based menu. However, I'm getting the error belo... 28 May 2010 18:10
Expression Problem Debugging a simple program and found that. Bottom1(l)+0.1<Bottom2(l) was evaluating as true when Bottom1(l) = -0.4 and Bottom2(l)=-0.3 when I was expecting false as the two halves of the expression should be equal was also able to get this from the debug line K>> -0.4+0.1<-0.3 ans = 1 K>> -0.3<... 28 May 2010 17:04
Structure & Loop Hey folks, I am trying to create a structure with a loop so I can use each element of the structure for an OLS regression to calculate the parameters of an AR(p): p = 2; % # of lags y = FX(p+1:end,:); % 334x4 x = ones(size(y)); for i =1:size(y,2) a.i = [x(:,i), y(p+1-i:end-i,i)]; end (THIS DOESN'T WOR... 28 May 2010 17:04
A question about Yen's K Shortest Paths algorithm in Matlab Hi Everyone I have a question about using a different netCostMatrix than the one given in: Instead of using the netCostMatrix like the way given in the example: netCostMatrix = [inf 1 inf 1 ; 1 inf 1 1 ;inf 1 inf inf ;inf inf inf inf ];... 28 May 2010 17:04
Rearranging arrays. Randi, Copy the code below and run: ********************************************************************* %put all the files in one folder,and put anywhere on your computer clear,clc PathName = uigetdir; %this will let you navigate to the folder dirOutput = dir(fullfile(PathName,'*.txt')); % I assume all your fil... 28 May 2010 14:51
unsupervised image segmentation..need help unsupervised image segmentation..anyone know where do i start? ... 28 May 2010 17:04 |