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ezplot3 and hold bug? "Surajit Nundy" <sn10(a)> wrote in message <9a2ce7$p73$1(a)>... It seems impossible to make more than 1 plot using ezplot3 in the same axes. Everytime the following code is run, ishold returns 0 even after being explicitly set to on. I'd greatly appreciate a workaround, or a pointer to wha... 29 May 2010 14:38
Error in MIN and MAX This is my matrix : X00 = Columns 1 through 3 1000 939.073645098372 814.549313652745 Columns 4 through 6 878.926 912.009169278451 893.126889224274 ??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logica... 1 Jun 2010 15:17
Simscape>Mechanical Source Hi everybody, I want to enter the Displacement as an input to my mechanical model. But in [Simscape>Mechanical Sources Library] there is not Displacement block! Any suggestion!? Thanks alot in advance. ... 31 May 2010 08:39
Index matrix to sparse matrix... saving memory Latest problem.... I have a matrix NxM that is N indexing vectors. Some of these vectors have very few index values, but they all have to be M long (the largest number of index values) so they are filled with zeros. Turns out I only utilize about 3% of the matrix to valid index values so I thought it would be a "g... 14 Jun 2010 07:19
reading a bunch of data files with non-consecutive file names Thank you for the alternative way of doing this. Li "David Young" <d.s.young.notthisbit(a)> wrote in message <htrdcp$6mu$1(a)>... I can think of two ways to approach this. One is to use the exist function to check if each file exists - the way you propose. The other way is to use th... 29 May 2010 12:28
how to write matrix Z if n=4 %no of slabs t=0.5 %thickness of one slab how to write matrix Z Z= 0.5 0.25 0.25 0 0 -0.25 -0.25 0.5 ... 29 May 2010 12:28
reading a bunch of data files with non-consecutive file names I can think of two ways to approach this. One is to use the exist function to check if each file exists - the way you propose. The other way is to use the dir function to get a list of the files available, and then iterate through this list. The second way is particularly useful if the file names are not organised i... 29 May 2010 12:28
Serial SOF character Hi, I am receiving a serial data frame stream to Matlab where the frames are 5 bytes long and the 1st byte is a SOF character of value 0x03. I am feeding this stream to a column matrix to be saved. How can I ensure that the 1st saved element always is an SOF character? Please help as I am a novice in Matlab and c... 3 Jun 2010 19:01
GUI - text box Hello, I am doing a GUI and i want to display a String on a text box when a button event occur function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user... 1 Jun 2010 15:17
reading a bunch of data files with non-consecutive file names I have up to ten thousand txt data files with the file names: data_1, data_2, data_5, ... data_10,000. I am trying to use the following program to read these data: for i = 1:2000; File = ['data_' num2str(i) '.txt']; [X Y Z] = textread(File, '%f %f %f', 'headerlines', 1); .... end; The problem is that I ha... 29 May 2010 12:27 |