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Displaying error msg
Hi all,, In matlab GUI , How can I say that if the user click a button "B" and the axes "X" is empty ( I mean there is no image displayed on the axes) , an error message is displayed ? Thanks all =) ... 31 May 2010 13:03
System Identification: how to specificy a 0 delay ARX model in rarx?
Hi, I have a ARX SISO model described by: A(q)y(t-n_k) = B(q)u(t-m_k) where: A(q) = 1+a_1*q^{-1}+...+a_1*q^{-n_a} B(q) = b_0+b_1*q^{-1}+...+b_1*q^{-n_b} n_k is the input delay that is: y(t)+a_1*y(t-1)+...a_{n_a}*y(t-n_a)=b_0*u(t-n_k)+b_1*u(t-1-n_k)+....+b_{n_b}*u(t-n_b-n_k) I would like to use the ... 31 May 2010 10:50
print a combination of string varables and number variables
Hello, I need to print a combination of variables a{1}='010101010'; a{2}='011101010'; a{3}='110101010'; b(1)=3.25; b(2)=-3.4; b(3)=1.25; I would like to use something similar to fprintf('%s %f5.2\n',a,b); Apparently it does not work. I understand that fprintf is not defined for 'cell' variables, but I ... 31 May 2010 18:34
change type 'line' to type 'area' with set command
Does anybody know how to change a line from the type 'line' to type 'area' using the set command? Example: %plot 2 lines [o]=plot(rand(10,2)); %change first line to area type set(o(1), 'type', 'area') I get: Attempt to modify a property that is read-only. And I want o(2) to remain the type 'line' and o(1) ... 31 May 2010 10:50
name bars of barchart
Hey, I like to name the bars of a barchart. Anyone a suggestion? Thx, Stefan ... 31 May 2010 10:50
Converting discrete (categorical) variable to Dichotomous variable?
Is it possible in matlab to convert a discrete (categorical) variable having 5 levels in to dichotomous variable? ... 31 May 2010 09:45
Read a huge text file in MATLAB
"megha bhatt" <mubhatt19(a)> wrote in message <hu0a0m$dp0$1(a)>... Hi. I have a huge data file with strings, numbers, and header. I want to read this file in MATLAB. If I try to read the file at once I get the memory full error message so I am trying to read the file in segments. My c... 31 May 2010 09:45
how to index ans??
Hello, this is a very basic question, I am almost ashamed of asking but I would really like to know this. What I'd like to do is to index the ans I get from querying the size of an array, employing one line only. Since I don't know how to do that, I usually do this: dumb=size(A) dumb(2) ans= x o... 8 Jun 2010 06:55
Need help with creating loop in matlab. I want to create an iterative process to find updating FGMM. I have Beta from 2sls and error term u_hat. I can obtain the omega_hat from u_hat^2. and substitute and get a FGMM estimator. what i want to do is to use this FGMM estimator to obtain a new u_hat_hat.. and then.. us... 31 May 2010 09:45
Simultanous move games in Matlab
Hi everybody, Just trying simultanous moves of players in one of my game theoritic model. Let say i have a matrix X[], and all players move simultanously(independent of each other moves) for increasing their payoffs related to the resource matrix X[]. For sequencial moves of player we can program it easilty with for... 31 May 2010 09:45
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