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two matlabpools simultaneously Hello, I have two instances of matlab open simultaneously (two separate clients), And on one of them, I have a parallel job running using: matlabpool open 2 parfor ... In the other matlab client, I have also applied the command: matlabpool open 2 And I got: Warning: Found 1 pre-existing parallel job... 1 Jun 2010 07:33
Fixed Point Advisor and unspecified error Hi, as described in the docs I did run the Fixed Point Advisor on my model/sub-system. At point 1.5 Create simulation reference data I've got the error: Abnormal exit: Attempt to reference field of non-structure array. Simple running the prepared model independent I've got the error: A fatal error occ... 1 Jun 2010 07:33
Requesting code for signature recognition. "Jack Lau" <ah_zack84(a)> wrote in message <g5figp$20r$1(a)>... Hi, I'm doing a project on offline type signature recognition. I wish to have a set of code to refer on. Please send to me at ah_zack84(a) if you have one. Thanks. hi, im doing the same project with you,,tr... 1 Jun 2010 06:28
Splitting a string Hopefully I can get an answer to this. I've been trying to figure this out for a few hours. I simply need to split up a vector of strings like '100518' into a matrix of vectors '10', '05', and '18'. My code is this: data1sd = textscan(fid,'%s %s %n %n %n %n %n %n','Delimiter','\t'); fclose(fid); [... 2 Jun 2010 03:19
Matlab's radon function - how to rescale? Dear all, I have a problem concerning Matlab's radon function. The thing is I don't understand how this discrete version of Radon transform matches the continuous one. For example, [R T]=radon(I,THETA,K) puts - according to the documentation - the line integrals corresponding to a K-vector "T" and an N-vector "TH... 1 Jun 2010 05:24
Error mbuild mcc Error: An error occurred while shelling out to mbuild (error code = 2). Unable to build executable. ??? Error using ==> mcc Error executing mcc, return status = 1 (0x1). Can you help me to fix this error ? ... 1 Jun 2010 05:24
MODIFIED Z-transform "Thiago Rezende" <thor_ufmg(a)> wrote in message <eecdc3a.-1(a)webx.raydaftYaTP>... Hi, I'd like to know if there is a MatLab function that finds the modified z-transform, that is used in systems with time delays... This time delay is not an integer !!! Or, if someone has a function that solv... 1 Jun 2010 05:24
Isometric Text in 3D Plot? Is there a way to get additional text to "lay flat" on a specified plane in 3D view? All text seems to align itself with the monitor's plane of view, while I'm trying to get text to be superimposed on the X-Y plane and say 'Z = 0'. Here's what I'm working with: <img src = " 3 Jun 2010 02:24
Optim problem I have to find Max value of this function : fun = @(x) (b1 + b2*x(1) + b3*x(2) + b4*x(1)^2); The b's are vars in workspade. My problem is thant I don't know the optim toolbox. Can some one help me with my task. I need some function to find global Max of "fun". Thanks! ... 1 Jun 2010 04:19 |