From: Nam Nguyen on
Aatu Koskensilta wrote:
> Nam Nguyen <namducnguyen(a)> writes:
>> There might have been more than one points that I might have
>> "adamantly insisted" in the past. So unless you spell it out I
>> couldn't know what we're really talking about here.
> David's statement, that if T and T* have the same axioms they're the
> same theory, implies that the language of a theory is determined by
> its axioms.

By Shoenfield, a theory is determined by axioms. So, L(T) is determined
by T's axioms. Why do *you* think that's incorrect? Why do you think
people say "_the_ language of a theory", as opposed to "a 1st order

> Surely you recall the fun debate about that from a while
> back.

Yes. I remember it now. Your guys were wrong!
From: Nam Nguyen on
Scott H wrote:
> On Sep 29, 12:26 pm, Aatu Koskensilta <aatu.koskensi...(a)> wrote:
>> You will of course look for discussion wherever you like. Peculiar
>> outbursts like this are best avoided.
> I did not write in the tone of an outburst, though this world
> collectively seems to try to give them to me. It comes as a pinch in
> my heart, followed by auditory hallucinations and, eventually,
> retching. I'd venture to say that over five years, my suffering has
> been comparable to being shot one hundred times.
> And yet people still try to pull my strings, thinking they haven't
> gone too far.

The beauty a of mathematical truth doesn't require a mass of people
to appreciate it. If - but only if - one sees a mathematics/reasoning truth,
one doesn't really need anybody else to appreciate it.

But such a truth got to be genuinely correct; and so far you've not
demonstrated so.
From: Jesse F. Hughes on
Nam Nguyen <namducnguyen(a)> writes:

> Aatu Koskensilta wrote:
>> Nam Nguyen <namducnguyen(a)> writes:
>>> There might have been more than one points that I might have
>>> "adamantly insisted" in the past. So unless you spell it out I
>>> couldn't know what we're really talking about here.
>> David's statement, that if T and T* have the same axioms they're the
>> same theory, implies that the language of a theory is determined by
>> its axioms.
> By Shoenfield, a theory is determined by axioms. So, L(T) is determined
> by T's axioms.

Oh, good Lord, not that again!

Shoenfield does *not* claim L(T) is determined by its axioms. Here's
the quote, once again:

"We consider a language to be completely specified when its symbols
and formulas are specified. This makes a language a purely
syntactical object. Of course, most of our languages will have a
meaning (or several meanings); but the meaning is not considered to
be part of the language. We shall designate the language of a formal
system F by L(F)."

"The next part of a formal system consists of its /axioms/. Our
only requirement on these is that each axiom shall be a formula of
the language of the formal system." [p. 4 in my copy of Shoenfield]

The first part of a formal system is the language. The *next* part is
the axioms. Clearly, then, the axioms do not determine the language.

"Mathematicians are rather important in the infrastructures of many
organizations that protect civilization. I've determined that they
are a consistent security risk, and seem to have other agendas, other
loyalties beyond loyalty to their respective nations." -- James Harris
From: Jack Campin - bogus address on
>> Nobody in their right mind cares about Google Groups ratings.
> Only insane people care what others think of them? That doesn't
> seem right.

You'd have to be out of your mind to want to read Usenet via Google,
and no other server pays any attention to their rating system - the
rating information is not shared. The rest of us don't even see it.

==== j a c k at c a m p i n . m e . u k === <> ====
Jack Campin, 11 Third St, Newtongrange EH22 4PU, Scotland == mob 07800 739 557
CD-ROMs and free stuff: Scottish music, food intolerance, and Mac logic fonts
****** I killfile Google posts - email me if you want to be whitelisted ******
From: Jesse F. Hughes on
Marshall <marshall.spight(a)> writes:

> On Sep 29, 9:26 am, Aatu Koskensilta <aatu.koskensi...(a)> wrote:
>> Nobody in their right mind cares about Google Groups ratings.
> Only insane people care what others think of them? That doesn't
> seem right.

You have some sort of delusion that Google's rating system accurately
reflects general opinion about your character?

I gotta say, *that's* crazy.

"[Y]ou never understood the real role of mathematicians. The
position is one of great responsibility and power. [...] You people
have no concept of what it means to be an actual mathematician versus
pretending to be one, dreaming you understand." -- James S. Harris