From: John Jones on
haiku jones wrote:
> On Nov 13, 7:56 am, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
>> Quantum mechanics says that there is no way to predict when an atom will
>> decay radioactively.
>> This doesn't mean that the decay is random. We wouldn't, for example,
>> claim that a person who suddenly appears from behind a bus is exhibiting
>> a new, mysterious, physical state called randomness.
>> So! - why would we say that the appearance of an outcome of hidden
>> quantum events is random? Quantum events are necessarily hidden because
>> physical space itself hides very small objects - but they are still only
>> "hidden", like the man behind the bus.
> I take it you didn't really read my post, in which I discussed exactly
> this idea -- what physicists call "local hidden variables" --
> and how the general consensus among quantum physicists
> is that the experimental investigations of Bell's inequality
> have led to the conclusion that local hidden variables --
> again, exactly the sort of thing you suggest -- are not
> possible.
> Could this change some day? Is our current conception
> of such things not final?
> I am utterly open to such new insights. But until then,
> your pitching an idea which had been debated for
> the better part of a century, and is currently considered
> to be bogus by most (but not all) workers in the field, is not
> the sort of thing that will change my mind.
>> I rest my case. But ponder this...wasn't the scientific term "random"
>> invented to support a verbal fantasy world created by the quantum
>> physicists?
> Given that the OED gives examples of "random", meaning
> exactly what it does today, dating back to the mid 17th
> century, I'm going to say "no".
>> It's understandable.
> Not to mention "bogus".
> Haiku Jones
>> After all, every discipline, including
>> maths, likes to have its own non-religious menagerie of supernatural
>> objects and processes, where infinities abound far beyond the mortal
>> realms of grammar and sense.

I don't know what this post is about.
From: John Jones on
Nomen Publicus wrote:
> John Jones <jonescardiff(a)> wrote:
>> Quantum mechanics says that there is no way to predict when an atom will
>> decay radioactively.
>> This doesn't mean that the decay is random. We wouldn't, for example,
>> claim that a person who suddenly appears from behind a bus is exhibiting
>> a new, mysterious, physical state called randomness.
>> So! - why would we say that the appearance of an outcome of hidden
>> quantum events is random? Quantum events are necessarily hidden because
>> physical space itself hides very small objects - but they are still only
>> "hidden", like the man behind the bus.
>> I rest my case. But ponder this...wasn't the scientific term "random"
>> invented to support a verbal fantasy world created by the quantum
>> physicists?
> No. It's quite easy to discover the history of of probability and randomness
> on the web, so why make wild, inaccurate assumptions?

Probability was a standard way of measuring outcomes based on ignorance
of their physical conditions. For example, the probability of a man
jumping out in front of a bus.

Quantum theory turned unknown physical conditions into a physical state.
No reason can be gathered for this move except that it looked
promisingly mysterious.
From: John Jones on
*Anarcissie* wrote:
> On Nov 13, 11:16 am, John Stafford <n...(a)> wrote:
>> In article <hdjs2g$tb...(a)>,
>> John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
>>> Quantum mechanics says that there is no way to predict when an atom will
>>> decay radioactively.
>>> This doesn't mean that the decay is random. We wouldn't, for example,
>>> claim that a person who suddenly appears from behind a bus is exhibiting
>>> a new, mysterious, physical state called randomness.
>> Who claimed that random was mysterious? And too bad about that analogy
>> to the bus and man.
>>> So! - why would we say that the appearance of an outcome of hidden
>>> quantum events is random? Quantum events are necessarily hidden because
>>> physical space itself hides very small objects - but they are still only
>>> "hidden", like the man behind the bus.
>> Scale is not important to randomness.
>>> I rest my case.
>> Upon what?
> It was my understanding that the hidden-variable thing had
> been pretty well disposed of a long time ago.
> Of course, I suppose it could be like the gods. We don't
> see any, but there might be one under the bed when we're
> not looking. Same with hidden variables, I imagine.

A hidden variable is the only possibility in QM. If there is nothing
there then there is no outcome. If there is something there then it is
From: haiku jones on
On Nov 13, 1:19 pm, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
> haiku jones wrote:
> > On Nov 13, 7:56 am, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
> >> Quantum mechanics says that there is no way to predict when an atom will
> >> decay radioactively.
> >> This doesn't mean that the decay is random. We wouldn't, for example,
> >> claim that a person who suddenly appears from behind a bus is exhibiting
> >> a new, mysterious, physical state called randomness.
> >> So! - why would we say that the appearance of an outcome of hidden
> >> quantum events is random? Quantum events are necessarily hidden because
> >> physical space itself hides very small objects - but they are still only
> >> "hidden", like the man behind the bus.
> > I take it you didn't really read my post, in which I discussed exactly
> > this idea -- what physicists call "local hidden variables" --
> > and how the general consensus among quantum physicists
> > is that the experimental investigations of Bell's inequality
> > have led to the conclusion that local hidden variables --
> > again, exactly the sort of thing you suggest -- are not
> > possible.
> > Could this change some day?  Is our current conception
> > of such things not final?
> > I am utterly open to such new insights.  But until then,
> > your pitching an idea which had been debated for
> > the better part of a century, and is currently considered
> > to be bogus by most (but not all) workers in the field, is not
> > the sort of thing that will change my mind.
> >> I rest my case. But ponder this...wasn't the scientific term "random"
> >> invented to support a verbal fantasy world created by the quantum
> >> physicists?
> > Given that the OED gives examples of "random", meaning
> > exactly what it does today, dating back to the mid 17th
> > century, I'm going to say "no".
> >> It's understandable.
> > Not to mention "bogus".
> > Haiku Jones
> >> After all, every discipline, including
> >> maths, likes to have its own non-religious menagerie of supernatural
> >> objects and processes, where infinities abound far beyond the mortal
> >> realms of grammar and sense.
> I don't know what this post is about.

You don't? I thought it was pretty straightforward.

You suggested that quantum events only look
random because the tiny scale prevents
us from seeing behind the scenes, observing
the machinery that causes radioactive decay
to be caused in a non-random manner.

I replied that quantum mechanics had, over the
last thirty years or so, dealt with exactly that
possibility, and the conclusion had been reached
that it was not possible that any such machinery
exists. Not even as a theoretical abstraction.

And just for grins, I replied to your ".wasn't the
scientific term "random" invented to support
a verbal fantasy world created by the quantum
physicists?" by pointing out that the word
"random" was in use, with its present meaning,
two and a half centuries before the discovery
of quantum mechanics.

Haiku Jones
From: Herman Rubin on
In article <hdkfq3$kp3$2(a)>,
John Jones <jonescardiff(a)> wrote:
>*Anarcissie* wrote:
>> On Nov 13, 11:16 am, John Stafford <n...(a)> wrote:
>>> In article <hdjs2g$tb...(a)>,
>>> John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:


>> It was my understanding that the hidden-variable thing had
>> been pretty well disposed of a long time ago.

The hidden variable theory is not compatible with the properties
of the wave function usually used in quantum mechanics.

>> Of course, I suppose it could be like the gods. We don't
>> see any, but there might be one under the bed when we're
>> not looking. Same with hidden variables, I imagine.

>A hidden variable is the only possibility in QM. If there is nothing
>there then there is no outcome. If there is something there then it is

Observed outcomes behave like probability. If hidden variables
would explain the situation, there would be a joint distribution
of position and momentum. It is easy to give examples where
this joint distribution does not exist, since probabilities have
to be non-negative.

This address is for information only. I do not claim that these views
are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
Herman Rubin, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
hrubin(a) Phone: (765)494-6054 FAX: (765)494-0558