From: John Jones on
haiku jones wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2:13 pm, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
>> Jim Burns wrote:
>>> tg wrote:
>>>> I'm fascinated by JJ's ability to elicit responses
>>>> with his language which closely approaches quantum
>>>> randomness. However, there is a reasonable underlying
>>>> language/philosophical question.
>>> I agree that these questions about quantum randomness
>>> and others like them are reasonable. But the program of
>>> consulting our intuition about their answers has expired,
>>> has ceased to be: it is an ex-program.
>>> The assumptions of Bell's Theorem are that the
>>> outcome of a quantum measurement is (i) determined
>>> by properties of the particle and apparatus
>>> (whether or not we can measure the properties
>>> themselves), and (ii) /not/ affected by anything
>>> that happens at some arbitrarily large distance
>>> (which are often abbreviated as "local reality"
>>> and may, for many purposes, be referred to as
>>> "our intuition").
>>> The theorem puts a limit on how strongly correlated
>>> certain pairs of widely separated measurements
>>> can be. Quantum mechanics claims that some of these
>>> measurements will break those limits. It turns out
>>> experimentally that quantum mechanics is right and
>>> "local reality" (AKA "our intuition") is wrong.
>>>> We believe that there is no cause that can effect
>>>> the lifetime of the decay of a particle. So it seems
>>>> to me that we could attribute a label of
>>>> 'hidden variable' to that information itself. IOW,
>>>> while we do not claim a cause, we could argue that
>>>> the lifetime could as easily be *determined* at the
>>>> instant of creation of the particle as at the instant
>>>> of decay. So there would be a piece of information
>>>> about the particle which is inaccessible rather than
>>>> non-existent.
>>> I'm afraid I don't find your description of this
>>> whatever-it-is (that does not cause the particle's
>>> decay but does determine it) to be very coherent.
>>> If the time of the decay of the particle is a function
>>> of this 'hidden variable', then the conditions
>>> of Bell's Theorem are met and there is a limit on
>>> correlations between widely separated measurements
>>> which is at least sometimes broken by our measurements.
>>> I take this to mean that there is, in fact, no such
>>> hidden variable, whether or not we can access it.
>>> Someone might object that we don't know that the
>>> results of the intuition-destroying experiments
>>> apply to decaying atoms as well as pairs of
>>> gamma rays. Personally, I find experimental
>>> results that dodge our constraints but only
>>> when we can't see them doing so to be considerably
>>> less intuitive than the loss of local reality.
>>> Perhaps a better answer would be to point out
>>> that the way physics proceeds, the way science
>>> proceeds is to generalize alleged laws to the
>>> utmost extent ("Energy is conserved everywhere
>>> in the universe.") and then wait for contradictions
>>> to pour in from the experimentalists. ("But, wait!
>>> I've got some radium that behaves very oddly.")
>>> Is there some contradiction, some troubling
>>> experimental result that makes it necessary to
>>> suppose there is this 'hidden variable'?
>>> Jim Burns
>> The idea of a hidden variable is a grammatical consequence of any
>> quantum theory, as I argued.
> Alas, the universe disagrees.
> Haiku Jones

Fine. Oh great. I'll tell my mum.
From: John Jones on
Jim Burns wrote:
> tg wrote:
>> On Nov 15, 3:24 pm, Jim Burns <burns...(a)> wrote:
>>> tg wrote:
>>>> I'm fascinated by JJ's ability to elicit responses
>>>> with his language which closely approaches quantum
>>>> randomness. However, there is a reasonable underlying
>>>> language/philosophical question.
>>> I agree that these questions about quantum randomness
>>> and others like them are reasonable. But the program of
>>> consulting our intuition about their answers has expired,
>>> has ceased to be: it is an ex-program.
>>> The assumptions of Bell's Theorem are that the
>>> outcome of a quantum measurement is (i) determined
>>> by properties of the particle and apparatus
>>> (whether or not we can measure the properties
>>> themselves), and (ii) /not/ affected by anything
>>> that happens at some arbitrarily large distance
>>> (which are often abbreviated as "local reality"
>>> and may, for many purposes, be referred to as
>>> "our intuition").
>>> The theorem puts a limit on how strongly correlated
>>> certain pairs of widely separated measurements
>>> can be. Quantum mechanics claims that some of these
>>> measurements will break those limits. It turns out
>>> experimentally that quantum mechanics is right and
>>> "local reality" (AKA "our intuition") is wrong.
>>>> We believe that there is no cause that can effect
>>>> the lifetime of the decay of a particle. So it seems
>>>> to me that we could attribute a label of
>>>> 'hidden variable' to that information itself. IOW,
>>>> while we do not claim a cause, we could argue that
>>>> the lifetime could as easily be *determined* at the
>>>> instant of creation of the particle as at the instant
>>>> of decay. So there would be a piece of information
>>>> about the particle which is inaccessible rather than
>>>> non-existent.
>>> I'm afraid I don't find your description of this
>>> whatever-it-is (that does not cause the particle's
>>> decay but does determine it) to be very coherent.
>> I wrote rather quickly but I thought it was
>> understandable; let me try again:
>> 1) I do not claim that something causes the
>> particle's decay.
>> 2) That nothing causes the particle's decay does
>> not mean that the lifetime is not determined at the
>> creation of the particle. By determined I only mean
>> that it is inevitable, that there is nothing that
>> can change it.
> Here is my understanding of /randomness/: the outcome of
> an experiment (like rolling a die) is /random/ if, in all
> the possible worlds that are /identical/, there is more
> than one outcome (more than one face lands up). By
> /identical/ I mean that /everything we know/ about
> all the causal paths leading to our experimental
> outcome is the same in each possible world.
> My understanding of /quantum randomness/ is that we
> consider all the possible worlds where /everything/
> is identical, instead of /everything we know/, but
> there is still more than one outcome of the experiment.
> I see two interpretations that you might intend (and
> a third option -- that I just don't get it).
> (1) If we draw a box around the space-time just before
> the decay of the atom, we can look at all the possible
> worlds where the contents of the box is identical.
> Because the decay of the atom has quantum randomness,
> there are still different times of decay for the atom
> in different possible worlds. HOWEVER, if we, in our
> imaginations, mark the time of the decay on the box
> (our hidden variable -- hidden because it plays no
> part in the physics, being imaginary), then we can
> further subdivide the possible worlds so that boxes
> marked with the same time are grouped together.
> Presto! The outcome is no longer random, because
> these groups of possible worlds all have single outcomes
> (the atom decays at the same time in each possible
> world -- /within each subgroup/, that is).
> Under this view, I suppose there is no quantum
> randomness, but there is no randomness either,
> nor any probability except 0 and 100%. There are no
> uncertain outcomes because every outcome will be what
> it will be, tautologically. I don't know, but this
> view may be logically consistent, but it seems to
> me completely useless. It certainly isn't physics.
> (2) We have almost the same situation as before:
> a box around the space-time just before the decay
> of the atom, a collection of all the possible worlds
> where the contents are identical. Except that, under
> this view, in stead of marking the time of decay
> on the outside of the box, it's placed inside the
> box, inside a lockbox, let us say, so that we know
> it can't be used in the processes leading to the outcome.
> I think this might qualify as a physical theory,
> but this is also the sort of situation that
> Bell's theorem applies to. It doesn't matter that
> the decay time written inside the lockbox does
> not participate. The theorem does not ask whether
> a particular parameter /participates/, just as the
> theorem does not ask whether /we know the value of/ a
> particular parameter.
>> 3) If you believe that this would violate QM,
>> then you should be able to describe a hypothetical
>> experiment whose outcome would be different
>> if my proposed conjecture is incorrect.
> I think the experimental verification of quantum mechanics
> over local reality are what you are asking for. If you
> are considering scenario 2 above, then you are trying
> to fix local reality by partitioning the possible worlds
> finely enough that the outcome appears non-random.
> I don't think local reality is fixable.
>> It seems to me that the best argument against
>> what I am suggesting is that it is not parsimonious,
>> but I'm not even sure that such a position holds up.
>> As I said in the first place, this is a question
>> of language and philosophy, not physics. I find
>> the use of decay as the knee-jerk example to explain
>> randomness to be facile.
> If what you describe is only a question of
> language and philosophy, then maybe my first
> interpretation is the correct one. If that is so,
> then the point you are making is that it is
> possible to change the meaning of
> "quantum randomness" so that what you have
> turned it into does not exist.
> I don't find that a very interesting point.
> Jim Burns

YOu never read the original post did you.
From: John Jones on
kunzmilan wrote:
> On 13 lis, 15:56, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
>> Quantum mechanics says that there is no way to predict when an atom will
>> decay radioactively.
>> This doesn't mean that the decay is random. We wouldn't, for example,
>> claim that a person who suddenly appears from behind a bus is exhibiting
>> a new, mysterious, physical state called randomness.
>> So! - why would we say that the appearance of an outcome of hidden
>> quantum events is random? Quantum events are necessarily hidden because
>> physical space itself hides very small objects - but they are still only
>> "hidden", like the man behind the bus.
>> I rest my case. But ponder this...wasn't the scientific term "random"
>> invented to support a verbal fantasy world created by the quantum
>> physicists? It's understandable. After all, every discipline, including
>> maths, likes to have its own non-religious menagerie of supernatural
>> objects and processes, where infinities abound far beyond the mortal
>> realms of grammar and sense.
> The first study of random events was Poisson's study of deaths of
> French cavaliers by falling from their horses. What makes a difference
> between hidden causes of a death of a man and of an atom?
> kunzmilan

Quite right.
From: David C. Ullrich on
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 04:10:57 +0000, John Jones
<jonescardiff(a)> wrote:

>Marshall wrote:
>> On Nov 15, 11:45 am, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
>>> Quantum mechanics employs everyday terms to support its mathematical
>>> structure. My complaint, a valid one, is that these terms are no longer
>>> employed with their standard meanings, thus making Quantum theory
>>> meaningfully vacuous.
>> That's obviously bullshit.
>It's obviously NOT. It's self-evident. Look at it! am I talking to Mr.
>stupido? If you describe something in non-meaningful terms then it is
>meaningfully vacuous. Comprende?

Sometimes you seem stupid. "no longer employed with their
standard meanings" is not the same as "non-meaningful".

>> If attempting to use a word in more than
>> one way were to be any impediment to meaning, then nothing
>> would mean anything. Every word is used more than one way;
>No. So far wrong it's a long time getting back.
>A word is a sign. The sign does not have a meaning. The meaning we
>'give' the sign is nothing that the sign displays to us.
>> some words are used dozens if not hundreds of different ways.
>> Hell, *every* field of human endeavor uses everyday terms
>> in idiomatic ways.
>> The closest true thing to what you wrote above is that if one
>> enters a new field, one has to learn the field-specific meanings
>> for its terms, and that can confuse the ignorant and the
>> indolent. (Since you're both, this is a particularly heavy
>> burden in your case.)
>> Bleah, I'm replying seriously to a troll; I need to go
>> wash my hands.
>> Marshall
>And how many on the other side feel sick?

David C. Ullrich

"Understanding Godel isn't about following his formal proof.
That would make a mockery of everything Godel was up to."
(John Jones, "My talk about Godel to the post-grads."
in sci.logic.)
From: haiku jones on
On Nov 17, 9:10 pm, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
> Marshall wrote:
> > On Nov 15, 11:45 am, John Jones <jonescard...(a)> wrote:
> >> Quantum mechanics employs everyday terms to support its mathematical
> >> structure. My complaint, a valid one, is that these terms are no longer
> >> employed with their standard meanings, thus making Quantum theory
> >> meaningfully vacuous.
> > That's obviously bullshit.
> It's obviously NOT.

It obviously is. If I use the noun "set", it can mean
one thing to a mathematician, another thing to
a tennis pro, a third to a theatrical designer,
and a fourth to a dog breeder. None of
these is "meaningfully vacuous", you just have
to derive the current meaning from the current
context -- something speakers of English do
all day long, generally effortlessly, unless they
happen to wander into an area in which they
are technically ignorant.

Haiku Jones

> It's self-evident. Look at it! am I talking to Mr.
> stupido? If you describe something in non-meaningful terms then it is
> meaningfully vacuous. Comprende?
> > If attempting to use a word in more than
> > one way were to be any impediment to meaning, then nothing
> > would mean anything. Every word is used more than one way;
> No. So far wrong it's a long time getting back.
> A word is a sign. The sign does not have a meaning. The meaning we
> 'give' the sign is nothing that the sign displays to us.
> > some words are used dozens if not hundreds of different ways.
> > Hell, *every* field of human endeavor uses everyday terms
> > in idiomatic ways.
> > The closest true thing to what you wrote above is that if one
> > enters a new field, one has to learn the field-specific meanings
> > for its terms, and that can confuse the ignorant and the
> > indolent. (Since you're both, this is a particularly heavy
> > burden in your case.)
> > Bleah, I'm replying seriously to a troll; I need to go
> > wash my hands.
> > Marshall
> And how many on the other side feel sick?