From: BradGuth on
On Oct 6, 2:25 pm, krw <k...(a)att.bizzzz> wrote:
> In article <1191684736.925653.88...(a)>,
> bradg...(a) says...
> > On Oct 5, 3:00 pm, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...(a)>
> > wrote:
> > > BradGuthwrote:
> > > > What's your problem this time, Willie.Moo?
> > > Even Willie's not good enough for you now ?
> > > I thought you said you were big time buddies.
> > I support his honest research and better ideas of utilizing existing
> > technology, not the fact of his being another officially snookered and
> > dumbfounded soul that has gotten past that point of no return about
> > accepting each and every word of government and of their faith-based
> > puppeteers, is what I'd ever go along with.
> > At least our William Mook/Willie.Moo has always shared his talent and
> > expertise, so unlike yourself.
> You'e out of your mind (I know, stating the obvious). "Mookie"
> hasn't shared anything, other than hand waving. Patent numbers would
> be a start.

But lord Mookie thinks that you're all working so extra hard on his
behalf. Go figure.

Speaking about "hand waving", what's your best solution(s)to a badly
AGW and polluted world w/o affordable fossil or yellowcake fuel? Can
you and others of your kind afford $1/mile, or $1/kwhr?

Offshore protected corporations most certainly like those "patent
numbers", but why on Earth do you insist upon having such? Are you
folks planning a new and improved ENRON thing?

Do you even know how many decades behind our US patent process is

Do you know how much the global enforcement of a nifty patent will
cost us?

How many decades are you willing to make us wait, and how many extra
millions if not billions are you and your patents willing to make us
- Brad Guth -

From: BradGuth on
On Nov 5, 2:38 pm, Charlie Edmondson <edmond...(a)> wrote:
> BradGuth wrote:
> > On Oct 4, 8:07 am, Charlie Edmondson <edmond...(a)> wrote:
> >>BradGuthwrote:
> >>>we understand.
> >>>BTW, why don't you not like anything William Mook has to say?
> >>>- Brad Guth -
> >>Hey Braddie,
> >>We LIKE what Bill has to say. He is an engineer, and often asks
> >>pertinent, engineering questions on this forum (SED) that provoke
> >>interesting discussions. He has also done MATH on his proposals, and
> >>admits that some of them are a little over the top, but we respect his
> >>ideas even as we critique them!
> >>It is a whole different idea between "I don't think it will work." and
> >>"What color is the sky on your planet?" ;-)
> >>Charlie
> > But you folks never seem to support or otherwise promote, much less
> > constructively contribute as to anything Mook. Whereas instead you
> > continually rant against and otherwise support the ongoing AGW
> > process, as well as otherwise favor the polluting and spendy status
> > quo of burning off fossil fuels in order to produce as much CO2 and
> > NOx regardless of the consequences, and you have no objections
> > whatsoever as to seeing a future of $1000/kg yellowcake that'll only
> > further insure that we'll have to pay $1/kwhr plus having another $1/
> > gallon of federal excise tax applied to whatever liquid fuel in order
> > to continually finance our global energy domination wars as based
> > almost entirely upon the sorts of lies which you folks continually
> > approve of. Why is that?
> > - Brad Guth -
> Blue! If anyone from Earth asks you, its supposed to be Blue!
> And, you ain't listening. We have given Bill a lot of support and asked
> pertinent questions, to which he has given pertinent answers. He
> contributes regularly to threads that have nothing whatsoever to do with
> solar power or hydrogen, and everything to do with practical
> electronics. You, on the other hand, don't.
> Charlie

In your case, such a closed mindset of such naysayism and hocus-pocus
infowar/infomercial spewing is actually a darn good thing to waste.

BTW, of which "Bill" (aka spook, mole or rusemaster) are you talking
about (our flag and hand waving William Mook? because I don't think

Yourself, Eeyore and the like, it seems as though you're the ones with
all of those unlimited global liquid/fossil fuel reserves to burn, and
with all the necessary bullets and nukes if need be for the takings of
such fuel (including yellowcake) away from others that arnt quite as
bully smart as the likes of your pretend atheist self. Good luck with
affording $10/gallon, $1/kwhr and your WWIII that'll be afforded by a
$1/gallon added fuel tax.

Oddly, our lord Mookie thinks that all of such warm and fuzzy good
folks like yourselves are somehow working so extra hard on his
behalf. Go figure, and got any examples of whatever you've actually

Speaking about Mook's usual flag and hand wavings, what's your best
solution(s) to our badly AGW and otherwise polluted world w/o
affordable fossil or yellowcake fuel? Can you and others of your
kind actually afford to spend $1/mile, or something worse off than $1/

Offshore protected corporations most certainly do like those "patent
numbers", but why on Earth do you folks insist upon having such? Are
you planning a new and improved ENRON thing, or is it merely something
of another Zion thing??

Do you even know how many decades behind our US patent process is
running? and of what this patent fiasco of such has been costing us?

Do you know how much the global enforcement of any such nifty energy
related patent will end up costing us?

How many extra decades are you willing to make the rest of us village
idiots wait, and how many extra billions or trillions are you and your
patents willing to make us spend each decade?
- Brad Guth -