From: John Larkin on
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 19:11:42 -0700, BradGuth <bradguth(a)>

>On Oct 22, 1:44 pm, John Larkin
><jjlar...(a)> wrote:
>> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 13:32:01 -0700, BradGuth <bradg...(a)>
>> wrote:
>> >On Oct 22, 7:06 am, John Larkin
>> ><jjlar...(a)> wrote:
>> >> On 22 Oct 2007 01:56:02 -0700, BradGuth <bradg...(a)> wrote:
>> >> >> Sounds like you have issues about money. Its impossible to make money
>> >> >> and not create value. That's what it means to make money. If you end
>> >> >> up with a lot of money in your pocket and have not created value, then
>> >> >> you are not a business person, you are a crook. That's the genius of
>> >> >> free-markets. All the exchanges are voluntary, so wealth is created
>> >> >> necessarily.
>> >> >Our John Larken has issues with damn near everything under that sun
>> >> >which orbits is semitic flat Earth, and then some.
>> >> >-BradGuth-
>> >> There *are* now some effective treatments for obcessive-compulsive
>> >> disorder, you know.
>> >And you're telling us this because of your personal first-hand LLPOF
>> >or naysayism expertise that required such treatments?
>> >-BradGuth-
>> No, I'm telling you that you have unreasonable compulsions about
>> Judiasm and hydrogen peroxide. Maybe you should date a yiddish blonde
>> for a while and get over it.
>Now that'll help resolve our lack of clean energy and moderate our
>polluting exactly how?

It might make you stop worrying about something that you have no
influence over.

>Obviously you're not serious about much of anything. (no surprise

I'm serious about designing electronics. But not grim about it.

I did design 8 or 10 thousand end-use electrical/thermal dataloggers
used in energy efficiency research. That may have helped a bit.


From: BradGuth on
On Oct 23, 8:03 am, "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...(a)>
> BradGuth wrote:
> > On Oct 21, 5:19 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...(a)>
> > wrote:
> > > YAWN. Try to twist it all you want, loser. Every time you post, you
> > > add proof of your ignoarnce, and inability to tell the truth.
> > It's semitic infomercial spewing bigots like yourself that gave the
> > likes of Hitler exactly what they wanted, and systematically used
> > against your own kind. Way to go, Michael A. Terrell.
> Did your family have ANY kids who weren't born brain dead?
> --

Unlike yourself, I tend to blame most everyone in usenetland for the
horrific mess of collateral damage and ongoing carnage plus spendy
fuel/energy alternatives that'll only further pollute the badly
failing environment we're in, and to think that it's only going to get
a whole lot worse, isn't it, as only a few of us actually give a
tinkers damn.

As per usenet usual, those pesky semitic brown-nosed energy clowns of
our Skull and Bones cult are still in charge of our ENRON/ExxonMobil
damage control, to stay that course of a thousand fossil and
yellowcake illuminated lights without so much as a speck of remorse.
But what the heck, I'll just keep improving my topics along with
sharing my need-to-know limited knowledge and expertise of viable
options in spite of their faith-based gauntlet of such profound
naysayism that would obviously much rather support the likes of Hitler
any dark pagan day of their global polluting mindset week.

Now that far too many of us can't afford to keep our homes financed,
much less put an Exxon tiger in our tank, as well as having half of
California on fire because of the global warming trend, plus having
our southeast and southern states continually flooding, along with
Greenland physically rising because of the extensive ice melt, whereas
it's our very own semitic(aka pretend atheist) infomercial spewing
bigots and naysayers like our Michael A. Terrell, Don Lancaster and
Eeyore that seldom if ever contribute solutions but otherwise gave the
likes of their puppet Hitler exactly whatever those bastards wanted,
having systematically used such a ruse formulated mindset against
their own kind. Way to go, Michael A. Terrell, Don Lancaster, Eeyore
and so many others of your mainstream status quo (aka GW Bush stay the
course) kind that want to see as much global pollution and subsequent
warming as you infomercial faith-based spewing bigots can muster, at
the same time insuring that all commercial forms of energy remain as
spendy and/or as bloody as possible.

For our personal and commercial transportation, h2o2 as offering a
squeaky clean energy density is simply the best kind of renewable
liquid synfuel energy alternative on Earth, especially when utilized
along with certain other fossil/synfuels and pretty much nifty
regardless of however it's being made via PV, wind, tidal or
geothermal (of which there's no such shortage of those alternatives,
not to mention certain off-world options). H2/LH2 is just as doable
and every bit as usable for much of the same plus a few other good
reasons. All we need is a surplus of clean and renewable energy to
start with, such as becoming available from Warren Buffett, eventually
William Mook and myself if need be.

At least this topic has been offering an affordable step that's taking
us in the right direction. The makings of H2/LH2 and even h2o2 is
going to become the key to our viable fossil/synfuel future, that is
if certain fossil and yellowcake energy bigots and their puppet
warlords even allow us to survive long enough to fight another one of
their global energy domination wars.

"Water Fuel Cell Research Site"
At least this is offering an affordable step that's taking us in the
right direction. The various makings of H2/LH2 (including those of
William Mook) is going to be the key to our viable fossil/synfuel
future, that is if certain fossil and yellowcake energy bigots and
their puppet warlords allow us to survive long enough, and those of
Goggle/NOVA's pesky semitic usenet rusemasters of spermware/fuckware
can be kept from continually trashing our PC/MAC computers in the

Not that UTC(United Technologies Corp.) is the one and only fuel cell
provider of commercial utility energy that's end-user and
environmentally friendly.

Largest U.S. Commercial Fuel Cell System Powers Long Island Call
Center & Administration Building
"SOUTH WINDSOR, CT, September 21, 2005 -- The country's largest fuel
cell power plant in commercial operation is being commissioned today
in Long Island, N.Y. UTC Power, a division of United Technologies
Corp. (NYSE:UTX), provided seven PureCell™ 200s to the project, which
generates 1.4 megawatts of primary electrical power and 6.3 million
BTUs of useable heat for Verizon Communications, Inc."

"A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen or
hydrogen-rich fuel, and oxygen to produce electricity, heat and water.
Fuel cells operate without combustion, making them virtually pollution
free. While a traditional generating system produces as much as 25
pounds of pollutants to generate 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity,
the PureCell™ 200 power plant produces less than an ounce.",11491,0236,00.html,11491,047,00.html,11491,0104,00.html,11491,0122,00.html

In spite of all the semitic flak that's continually opposing any and
all such energy alternatives, especially it they are based upon clean
and renewable alternatives, whereas it seems all we need is to
expedite upon the most viable of clean renewable energy to be creating
those necessary volumes of H2, or even for otherwise creating h2o2 for
directly utilizing along with our spendy fossil/synfuel reserves that
are getting towards the bottom of that dirty and somewhat bloody
barrel or even the cubic meter worth of coal that would burn really
clean and hot at the very least amount of CO2 and potentially zero NOx
if it were getting the full benefits of h2o2 instead of forcing its
combustion via our mostly N2 atmosphere and fresh water. The likes of
Warren Buffett, William Mook and myself(Brad Guth) have been doing
just that, by having been creating such energy alternatives and/or
strongly suggesting as to how we should go about accomplishing this

It doesn't really matter where the natural/renewable energy is being
derived from, it just needs to get with the process of creating those
volumes of H2 and tonnes of h2o2 before it's too late (meaning WW-
- Brad Guth -

From: Michael A. Terrell on
krw wrote:
> In article <jo2qh3p25d9fhmcphrkuksktf5tigqi31j(a)>,
> jjlarkin(a) says...
> >
> > No, I'm telling you that you have unreasonable compulsions about
> > Judiasm and hydrogen peroxide. Maybe you should date a yiddish blonde
> > for a while and get over it.
> Not his type. His sort prefers the boys in brown shirts.

He wanted to be Hitler's personal house'boy'. He's a closet Nazi,
and a pure Dummkopf.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
From: BradGuth on
On Oct 9, 2:48 pm, Willie.Moo...(a) wrote:
> On Oct 9, 3:05 pm, Richard Henry <pomer...(a)> wrote:
> > On Oct 9, 10:18 am, Willie.Moo...(a) wrote:
> > > Sounds like you have issues about money. Its impossible to make money
> > > and not create value. That's what it means to make money.
> > Have you never heard of Kevin Trudeau?
> > > If you end
> > > up with a lot of money in your pocket and have not created value, then
> > > you are not a business person, you are a crook.
> > Oh, never mind, you have heard of him.
> Anecdotal reports of notable exceptions to the rule doesn't change the
> rule. Given the low rate of capital formation and the high rate of
> taxes, if any more than 1/2% of the total profits earned in business
> were ill-gotten (and thereby subtracted from the economic engine,
> perhaps with a multiplier if the subtraction involved huge destruction
> of wealth) then the market would quickly collapse of its own weight.
> Consider, the effect of Enron's accounting lies on the market and on
> the economy as a whole. It had a huge impact for an extended period
> of time. So, can't you see that if more than half a percent of the
> wealth earned in the marketplace were ill gotten, that didn't truly
> contribute to the creation of wealth generally, the whole system would
> collapse.
> This is the true cost of crime in places like the former Soviet Union
> and other nations that are struggling with crime. Huge amounts of
> cash flow through the Columbian economy due to the drug trade, and
> flow through Afghanistan for the same reason. But is the Columbian or
> Aghani economy a sterling example of wealth formation and progress?
> No! They're all cluster fucks mired in poverty and violence.
> True wealth comes from another source altogether - one that
> understands the distinction between CREATING WEALTH and touching money
> that doesn't stay in your hands.

Why are you wasting your valuable time and supposed expertise on these
pretend atheist Yids that really don't give any tinkers damn about
sharing or much less contributing the whole truth and nothing but the
truth? (in other words, are you crazy?)

How many others (besides myself) are willing to good faith support the
likes of our weird Willie.Moo/(William Mook)?

There's no question that our planet is running itself out of
affordable or much less bloody fossil fuels, and that we have only to
rely upon solar, wind, tidal and/or geothermal forced synfuels as
within the near future of creating whatever liquid or gas like fuels
we'll ever have for certain to work with, or else WWIII takes over.
Obviously there has never been any Yiddish usenet support of such
clean synfuel efforts, with the exception of their previously helping
out the likes of their puppet Hitler in exchange for a piece of his
global domination package deal, that which by the way didn't quite
work out according to plan.

Willie, I must say that Raytheon and General Electric N367G corporate
737-75(BBJ) jet is impressive. Is any part of it your's?

I'm certain that Raytheon and General Electric have each taken
advantage of every possible tax credit under the sun (and then some),
in so much that basically that spendy aircraft has became owned by the
public that had to pay extra tax so that those corporate folks didn't
have to spend an actual red cent out of their deep pockets.

Are you trying to suggest that you're that well connected?

When do I get a ride in that nifty N367G?
- Brad Guth -

From: Eeyore on

BradGuth wrote:

> There's that crazy Zion jewboy again

Just why EXACTLY do you have such a downer on Jews ?
