From: paparios on
On 28 nov, 21:36, stevendaryl3...(a) (Daryl McCullough) wrote:
> colp says...
> >On Nov 29, 10:44 am, stevendaryl3...(a) (Daryl McCullough)
> >wrote:
> >> No, they aren't. The Wiki example, as you noticed, is about
> >> a case in which one of the twins remains *inertial*. In that
> >> case, you can talk about time dilation for that twin's inertial
> >> coordinate system. If *both* twins are accelerating, then you
> >> *can't* use the simple time dilation formula.
> >The paradox does not rely on observations that are made from
> >accelerating frames.
> If you calculate elapsed times using only *inertial* coordinates,
> then you don't get any contradictions. So you are completely
> wrong.
> >The essential part of the paradox is that when the two twins are
> >travelling away from each other in inertial frames they expect to
> >receive fewer clock ticks than they send.
> I don't care what they expect. The question is: what does
> Special Relativity predict? It predicts that in the
> symmetric case, the number of signals each twin receives
> from the other is the same.
> --
> Daryl McCullough
> Ithaca, NY

My last effort in this subject. In the following web page (http://, there
is a good and detailed graphical explanation of the asymmetrical twin
paradox. The explanation I previously gave in a post, I will try to
put it into simpler words, using the diagrams of that page. Recall
that Rocket 1 is departing from Earth along the +x axis at a speed
v=0.6c, while Rocket 2 is going the opposite way. Let us assume both
rockets depart from Earth, where a third twin is located. The rockets
are moving away to a location 6 light years from Earth and then they
will turn around and come back to Earth. The outway trip will last 10
years for every rocket and gamma=1.25
Every year, according to their local calendars they sent light signals
to every one. The following tables show the local clock at all the
twins and the signals as received from the travelling twins. In the
tables 0 means no light signal is received.

Local clock R1: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16
Reception from Earth:0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20
Reception from R2: 0-0-0-1-0-0-0-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-12-16

Local clock R2: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16
Reception from Earth: 0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20
Reception from R1: 0-0-0-1-0-0-0-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-12-16

Local clock Earth: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20
Reception from R1: 0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4-0-5-0-6-0-7-0-8-10-12-14-16
Reception from R2: 0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4-0-5-0-6-0-7-0-8-10-12-14-16

OK, now what is happening according to these numbers.
a) From the frame of reference of R1, in the time interval (1,8) of
its local clock, both Earth and R2 clocks are running slow, according
to received light signals. So Earth first light signal arrives to R1
when R1's local clock is showing two years have passed. Similarly, R2
first light signal arrives to R1 when R1's local clock is showing four
years have passed. In the time interval (9,14), R1 has turn around and
is coming back to Earth, and R1 is receiving light signals sent by R2
at a rate of one per year. Thus R2 light signal sent at R2's local
clock = 8 years, arrives to R1 when its local clock reads 14 years.
Things speed up significantly in the time interval (15,16). There in
two years of R1's local clock, eight light signals from R2 are
b) From the frame of reference of R2, in the time interval (1,8) of
its local clock, both Earth and R1 clocks are running slow. So Earth
first light signal arrives to R2 when R2's local clock is showing two
years have passed. Similarly, R1 first light signal arrives to R2 when
R2's local clock is showing four years have passed. In the time
interval (9,14), R2 has turn around and it is coming back to Earth and
it is receiving light signals sent by R1 at a rate of one per year.
Thus R2 light signal sent at R2's local clock = 8 years, arrives to R1
when its local clock reads 14 years. Things speed up significantly in
the time interval (15,16). There in two years of R2's local clock,
eight light signals from R1 are received.

So we see both R1 and R2 clocks read the same 16 years at the end of
the trip, while the twin who remained at Earth is reading 20 years.
Both R1 and R2 have experienced time dilation of their clocks with
respect to the Earth twin and no paradox is present.

Miguel Rios
From: colp on
On Nov 29, 1:36 pm, stevendaryl3...(a) (Daryl McCullough)
> colp says...
> >On Nov 29, 10:44 am, stevendaryl3...(a) (Daryl McCullough)
> >wrote:
> >> No, they aren't. The Wiki example, as you noticed, is about
> >> a case in which one of the twins remains *inertial*. In that
> >> case, you can talk about time dilation for that twin's inertial
> >> coordinate system. If *both* twins are accelerating, then you
> >> *can't* use the simple time dilation formula.
> >The paradox does not rely on observations that are made from
> >accelerating frames.
> If you calculate elapsed times using only *inertial* coordinates,
> then you don't get any contradictions. So you are completely
> wrong.

The contradiction is as follows (the following points ar made with
respect to the first twin's frame of reference):

A twin is travelling in an inertial frame, and observes the clock of
the other twin, who is also in an inertial frame.
SR predicts that time dilation of the other twin will be observed
regardless of whether the other twin is approaching or retreating.
When the twin gets to his turnaround point his proper time will be
different to other twins apparent time when the other twin is at his
respective turnaround point.
The number of clock ticks of the other twin that are counted before
the other twin reaches the turnaround point will be less than then
number of local clock ticks counted at the turnaround point of the
first twin.

Since the example is symmetric the difference in clock ticks is
From: bz on
colp <colp(a)> wrote in news:ba52b16d-97b9-4823-a1c0-

> Yes, but the paradox is that the proper times are different to the
> observed times, not that the proper times are the same.

No. Proper time is the time on his clock as measured by the observer in his
own reference frame.

The Proper Times are identical in the symetric case.


please pardon my infinite ignorance, the set-of-things-I-do-not-know is an
infinite set.

bz+spr(a) remove ch100-5 to avoid spam trap
From: Bryan Olson on
colp wrote:
> Daryl McCullough wrote:
>> If you calculate elapsed times using only *inertial* coordinates,
>> then you don't get any contradictions. So you are completely
>> wrong.
> The contradiction is as follows (the following points ar made with
> respect to the first twin's frame of reference):
> A twin is travelling in an inertial frame, and observes the clock of
> the other twin, who is also in an inertial frame.
> SR predicts that time dilation of the other twin will be observed
> regardless of whether the other twin is approaching or retreating.
> When the twin gets to his turnaround point his proper time will be
> different to other twins apparent time when the other twin is at his
> respective turnaround point.

Not so. In all frames, the clock traveling with A ticks the
same number of times before A turns around as B's local clock
ticks before B's turnaround. Two observers, one in each of the
outgoing frames, disagree on which turnaround happened first,
but the number of times a clock ticks before that same clocks
turns around is the same for both clocks, observed from any

A clock reaching turnaround and that same clock showing its
tick count at turnaround are, by definition, co-located events.
The simultaneity of co-located events is *not* frame-relative.

The simultaneity of distant events, such as the two turnarounds,
is frame-relative. The explanation is still there, should you
decide you want to understand SR:

> The number of clock ticks of the other twin that are counted before
> the other twin reaches the turnaround point will be less than then
> number of local clock ticks counted at the turnaround point of the
> first twin.

That may be your theory, but it's not what SR says.

> Since the example is symmetric the difference in clock ticks is
> paradoxical.

The example is symmetric about the Earth, not about either twin.
Twin A reaching his turnaround while finding B still far from
B's turnaround is not a violation of symmetry. Symmetry does
imply that B's experience will be symmetric with A's: B finds
himself about to reach turnaround while A is still a ways from
A's turnaround. In the Earth's frame, the turns-around happen
at the same time.

SR is self-consistent, whether or not one believes the universe
actually works that way.

From: colp on
On Nov 29, 2:22 pm, bz <bz+...(a)> wrote:
> colp <c...(a)> wrote in news:ba52b16d-97b9-4823-a1c0-
> beb351129...(a)
> > Yes, but the paradox is that the proper times are different to the
> > observed times, not that the proper times are the same.
> No.

The paradox remains. You have not rebutted anything that I said.

> Proper time is the time on his clock as measured by the observer in his own reference frame.

Yes, that's right.

> The Proper Times are identical in the symetric case.

Yes, that is also true.