From: dre on
On Nov 14, 12:10 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote:
> O.K. Dre,
> I don't know if you are avoiding answering my simple question or not,
> so I'll ask it in a different way: Do you mean to say that one photon
> expands in size relative to space sphericaly?

A photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric probablistic wavefront
expanding at c, centered at the source of the photon's emission.

Can anyone refute any of these proofs?

"Simple, logical proofs of MDT:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth
dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all
arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all
motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made
without change. For the first time in the history of relativity,
change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.
MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict.
Ergo dx4/dt=ic.
MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way
to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through
three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c
relative to the three spatial dimensions.
MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is
stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding
@ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] "
From: dre on
On Nov 14, 12:10 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote:
> O.K. Dre,
> I don't know if you are avoiding answering my simple question or not,
> so I'll ask it in a different way: Do you mean to say that one photon
> expands in size relative to space sphericaly?
> And furthermore, what do you think of my idea
> A summary which can be stated as:
> 1) Planck discovered E=hf for photons
> 2) Einstein discovered E=mc^2 for electron's/matter
> 3) deBroglie discovered (E=hf) = (E=mc^2) for electron and that
> electron was also a wave.
> 4) Bohr discovered that the wavelength of electron is equal to
> circumference of circle with angular momentum of a multiple integer of
> h/2pi
> 5) Therefore it follows  from this and other evidence, that (E=mc^2) =
> (E= mc^circled) and c=(square root of -1)
>  Also feel free to ask any questions
> Conrad J Countess

In its simplest form, a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric
probability wave expanding at c. And yes--a photon's sphecially-
symmetic porobability wave interferes with itself.

A photon's wave interfers with itself.

When light came to be understood as the result of electrons falling
from higher energy orbits to lower energy orbits, the light that is
delivered to some surface in any short interval of time came to be
understood as ordinarily representing the arrival of very many
photons, each with its own wave front. In understanding what actually
happens in the two-slit experiment it became important to find out
what happens when photons are emitted one by one.[11]

When it became possible to perform that experiment, it became
that a single photon has its own wave front that passes through both
slits, and that the single photon will show up on the detector screen
according to the net probability values resulting from the co-
incidence of the two probability waves coming by way of the two
When a great number of photons are sent through the apparatus one by
one and recorded on photographic film, the same interference pattern
emerges that had been seen before when many photons were being
at the same time. The low intensity double-slit experiment was first
performed by Taylor in 1909,[13] by reducing the level of incident
light until on average only one photon was being transmitted at a
[11] Note that it is the probabilities of photons appearing at
points along the detection screen that add or cancel. So if there is
cancellation of waves at some point that does not mean that a photon
disappears; it means that the probability of a photon's appearing at
that point will disappear, and the probability that it will appear
somewhere else increases.

In its simplest form in free space, a photon is represented by a
spherically-symetric probabilistic wavefront.

Surely you have heard of Huygens' Principle and Young's Double Slit

In relativity a photon remains stationary in the fourth dimension. A
photon is timeless and ageless. Surely you have heard of Einstein's

Can anyone refute any of these proofs?

"Simple, logical proofs of MDT:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth
dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all
arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all
motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made
without change. For the first time in the history of relativity,
change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.
MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict.
Ergo dx4/dt=ic.
MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way
to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through
three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c
relative to the three spatial dimensions.
MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is
stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding
@ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] "

From: dre on
On Nov 16, 9:58 am, dre <drell...(a)> wrote:
> On Nov 14, 12:10 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote:
> > O.K. Dre,
> > I don't know if you are avoiding answering my simple question or not,
> > so I'll ask it in a different way: Do you mean to say that one photon
> > expands in size relative to space sphericaly?
> > And furthermore, what do you think of my idea
> > A summary which can be stated as:
> > 1) Planck discovered E=hf for photons
> > 2) Einstein discovered E=mc^2 for electron's/matter
> > 3) deBroglie discovered (E=hf) = (E=mc^2) for electron and that
> > electron was also a wave.
> > 4) Bohr discovered that the wavelength of electron is equal to
> > circumference of circle with angular momentum of a multiple integer of
> > h/2pi
> > 5) Therefore it follows  from this and other evidence, that (E=mc^2) =
> > (E= mc^circled) and c=(square root of -1)
> >  Also feel free to ask any questions
> > Conrad J Countess
> In its simplest form, a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric
> probability wave expanding at c.  And yes--a photon's sphecially-
> symmetic porobability wave interferes with itself.
> A photon's wave interfers with itself.
> When light came to be understood as the result of electrons falling
> from higher energy orbits to lower energy orbits, the light that is
> delivered to some surface in any short interval of time came to be
> understood as ordinarily representing the arrival of very many
> photons, each with its own wave front. In understanding what actually
> happens in the two-slit experiment it became important to find out
> what happens when photons are emitted one by one.[11]
> When it became possible to perform that experiment, it became
> apparent
> that a single photon has its own wave front that passes through both
> slits, and that the single photon will show up on the detector screen
> according to the net probability values resulting from the co-
> incidence of the two probability waves coming by way of the two
> slits.
> When a great number of photons are sent through the apparatus one by
> one and recorded on photographic film, the same interference pattern
> emerges that had been seen before when many photons were being
> emitted
> at the same time. The low intensity double-slit experiment was first
> performed by Taylor in 1909,[13] by reducing the level of incident
> light until on average only one photon was being transmitted at a
> time.
> [11] Note that it is the probabilities of photons appearing at
> various
> points along the detection screen that add or cancel. So if there is
> a
> cancellation of waves at some point that does not mean that a photon
> disappears; it means that the probability of a photon's appearing at
> that point will disappear, and the probability that it will appear
> somewhere else increases.
> In its simplest form in free space, a photon is represented by a
> spherically-symetric probabilistic wavefront.
> Surely you have heard of Huygens' Principle and Young's Double Slit
> Experiment?
> In relativity a photon remains stationary in the fourth dimension.  A
> photon is timeless and ageless.  Surely you have heard of Einstein's
> Relativity?
> Can anyone refute any of these proofs?
> "Simple, logical proofs of MDT:
> MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
> remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
> us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
> wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
> expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
> in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth
> dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all
> its
> arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all
> motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made
> without change. For the first time in the history of relativity,
> change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.
> MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict.
> Ergo dx4/dt=ic.
> MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
> dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way
> to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through
> the
> three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c
> relative to the three spatial dimensions.
> MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is
> stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding
> @ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] "- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Moving Dimensions Theory’s Fundamental Clues: Questions That Are
Answered with "Because the Fourth Dimension is Expanding Relative to
the Three Spatial Dimensions: dx4/dt=ic"

Einstein stated that curiosity is more important than knowledge, but
all too often modern physicists forget to ask fundamental questions.
Below is a list of question that neither LQG nor string theory, nor
any other “professional” research programs, ask. Indeed, as subprime
bureaucracies have grown and politics has replaced physics, asking
questions has been deemed impolite. But we press on, regardless!

Imagine a simple theory that both asked and answered the following

MDT’s Fundamental Clues

Einstein stated that curiosity is more important than knowledge, but
all too often modern physicists forget to ask fundamental questions.
Below is a list of question that neither LQG nor string theory, nor
any other “professional” research programs, ask. Indeed, as subprime
bureaucracies have grown and politics has replaced physics, asking
questions has been deemed impolite. But we press on, regardless!

Imagine a simple theory that both asked the following questions, and
answered each and every one with: "Because the Fourth Dimension is
Expanding Relative to the Three Spatial Dimensions: dx4/dt=ic"

1. Why is light’s velocity a constant c?
2. Why is light’s velocity c independent of its source?
3. Why is it that nothing can travel faster than c?
4. Why does a photon, which travels at c, not age?
5. Why does a photon’s spherically symmetric path define simultaneity—
a locality in the fourth dimension?
5. Why are energy and mass equivalent? Why E=mc^2?
6. Why do all of time’s arrows point in the same direction—towards
dissipation, decoherence, and entropy?
7. Why do so many physicists say time is the fourth dimension, when
Einstein never said x4 is time, but instead said x4 = ict?
8. Why can matter can appear as energy or mass?
9. Why is it that when matter appears as pure energy, it propagates at
c through space?
10. Why does all matter have particle—local—and wave—nonlocal—
11. Why does all energy have particle—local—and wave—nonlocal—
12. Why is it that when matter appears as stationary mass, it
propagates at c through the fourth dimension?
13. Why is it that when matter appears as energy, it propagates at c
through the fourth dimension?
14. Why is it that to move at c through space is to stand still in the
fourth dimension?
15. Why is it that to move at c through the fourth dimension is to
stand still in space?
16. Why is it that all objects move at but one speed through space-time
17. Why is the universe is expanding?
18. Why does radiation expand outwards, but not inwards?
19. Why do we see retarded waves, but not advanced?
19. Why is it that Entropy imitates the general motion of all
radiation and the universe’s expansion—a spherically-symmetric
expanding wave?
20. Why is it that Huygens’ Principle, which underlies all reality
ranging from QED to Feynman’s many-paths, to classical physics, states
that every point of a spherically-expanding wavefront is in turn a
spherically-expanding wavefront?
21. Why are all photons described by a spherically-expanding wavefront
propagating at c?
22. Why is it that two initially-interacting photons remain entangled,
no matter how far they travel apart?
23. Why is it that two initially-interacting photons remain the exact
same age as when they began, no matter how far they travel?
24. Why is it that Young’s double-slit experiments show that mass and
energy have nonlocal wave properties?
25. Why is it that the collapse of the wave function is immediate in
the photoelectric effect?
26. Why is there no way for an object to gain velocity without being
reduced in length via relativistic length contraction?
27. Why does a photon trace out a null vector through space-time?
28. Why does time’s arrow points in a definitive direction?
29. Why does entropy increase?
30. Why do Moving clocks run slow?
31. Why is time travel into the past impossible?
32. Why does free will exist?
33. Why is it that time is not frozen—how come the block universe does
not exist?
34. Why does a photon’s probabilistic wavefront travels at c?
45. Why is the velocity of quantum entanglement c? Why is it that only
initially interacting particles can yet be entangled? Why is it that
they must first share a locality, in order to share a nonlocality?
36. Why is it that in Schroedinger’s equation, the first derivative
with respect to the fourth dimension is proportional two the second
derivative with the respect to the three spatial dimensions? Any
change in position in the fourth expanding dimension is an
acceleration in the three spatial dimensions.
37. Why is it that a photon emitted from the sun is redshifted as it
travels away? Its wavelength appears longer as it is measured against
space that is less-stretched. A photon inherits the local geometry of
the spacetime where it was emitted.
38. Why do clocks in gravitational fields run slow?
39. Why are photons redshifted as they move away from massive objects,
and blueshifted as they move towards them?
40. Why the conservation laws? Why does an object maintain its
rotation in space time?
41. Why is the velocity of every object through space-time c?
42. Why is it that the only way to stay stationary in the fourth
dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions?
43. Why is it that the only way to remain stationary in the three
spatial dimensions is to move at c relative to the fourth dimension?
44. Why does a photon have zero rest mass, and how does zero rest mass
imply the velocity of light? None of the object’s matter exists in the
three spatial dimensions, but only in the fourth expanding dimension.

Firstoff, imagine a universe where one was allowed to ask such
questions; instead of having to engage in groupthink mathematics and
snarky politics for tenure; while bringing the advancement of
theoretical physics to a halt for the last thirty years or so. And
then imagine if there was one simple principle underlying and unifying
all these questions and clues with a fundamental physical model. That
would be MDT: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions.
dx4/dt = ic

The fourth dimension expands at the rate of c.
The fourth dimension has local and nonlocal properties.
Entropy results as the local becomes nonlocal—as a point of the fourth
expanding dimension expands in a spherically-symmetric manner,
dragging all of entirety along with it.
Quantum Mechanics’ nonlocality and entropy are inextricably linked, as
the fourth dimension expands at c, and carries photons and particles
Photons surf the fourth expanding dimension.
Energy is but matter trapped on the fourth expanding dimension. Hence
All matter has vast potential for energy, if only it is rotated into
the fourth expanding dimension.
General Relativity freezes the fourth dimension, whereas quantum
mechanics is built upon its flux—hence the differential operators.
Entropy and Huygens’ principle rest upon the fourth expanding
dimension, as do all photons which surf its expanding wavefront.
Nonlocality arises because the fourth dimension is nonlocal as it
Simultaneity is relative because our measurement of time is relative
to our propagation with respect to the fourth expanding dimension.
Time, as measured in our watches and perceived in the stored order of
our memories, is not the fourth dimension, but a phenomenon that
emerges because a fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three
spatial dimensions.
The block universe does not exist, as the past is but a memory of a
state that is long since gone.
Wave interference arises because of probability interference, and
probability is defined by the expansion of the fourth dimension, which
distributes the locality of a dimensions upon an spherically-symmetric
wavefront, where all points yet are one point in that dimension; until
the wave is measured, and the particle is localized in the three
spatial dimensions.
All motion requires that an object have a component in the source of
all motion—the fourth expanding dimension. Hence all moving objects
are foreshortened.
From: cjcountess on
Dre, if you are correct on all these counts than your theory is indeed
a paridigm shift, and will revolutionize physics. Even if it is not
correct on all, but on some, it still will have profound effect. But
if it all depends on the statement:

Moving Dimensions Theory’s Fundamental Clues: Questions That Are
Answered with "Because the Fourth Dimension is Expanding Relative to
the Three Spatial Dimensions: dx4/dt=ic"

And if this in tern also means:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
in a spherically-symmetric manner.

Where and how does relativity, tell us that photon is timeless and

Where and how does quantum mechanics, tell us that a photon propagates
as a spherical-symmetricaly expanding wavefront?

Photons move, and have time cycles. They also do not expand at c,
relative to the space dimension that we percieve as being still, do

Make your idea more plain. I am not saying that it is completely wrong
as alot of what you say is very insightfull.

I just cannot see these statements as being clear.

Did "John Archibald Wheeler" write a crtiquig at any stage of its
development? I am curious as to what he would say about those specific

I mean you no disrespect in my questioning, as I too have a theory of
my own, that I defend all the time. I love defending my theory, and if
a mistake is pointed out in it, I try to axcept and correct it, as I
do believe that the main idea is correct, even if the specifics might
need tweaking. I am curious as to your thoughts on it also.

We can only make eachother better if we critiuqe eachother in a
truthful and respectful spirit.

Conrad J Countess
From: dre on
On Nov 16, 2:06 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote:
> Dre, if you are correct on all these counts than your theory is indeed
> a paridigm shift, and will revolutionize physics. Even if it is not
> correct on all, but on some, it still will have profound effect. But
> if it all depends on the statement:
> Moving Dimensions Theory’s Fundamental Clues: Questions That Are
> Answered with "Because the Fourth Dimension is Expanding Relative to
> the Three Spatial Dimensions: dx4/dt=ic"
> And if this in tern also means:
> MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
> remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
> us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
> wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
> expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
> in a spherically-symmetric manner.
> Where and how does relativity, tell us that photon is timeless and
> ageless?
> Where and how does quantum mechanics, tell us that a photon propagates
> as a spherical-symmetricaly expanding wavefront?
> Photons move, and have time cycles. They also do not expand at c,
> relative to the space dimension that we percieve as being still, do
> they?
> Make your idea more plain. I am not saying that it is completely wrong
> as alot of what you say is very insightfull.
> I just cannot see these statements as being clear.
> Did "John Archibald Wheeler" write a crtiquig at any stage of its
> development? I am curious as to what he would say about those specific
> statements.
> I mean you no disrespect in my questioning, as I too have a theory of
> my own, that I defend all the time. I love defending my theory, and if
> a mistake is pointed out in it, I try to axcept and correct it, as I
> do believe that the main idea is correct, even if the specifics might
> need tweaking. I am curious as to your thoughts on it also.
> We can only make eachother better if we critiuqe eachother in a
> truthful and respectful spirit.
> Conrad J Countess

Hello Conrad!

You ask, "Where and how does relativity, tell us that photon is
timeless and

Where and how does quantum mechanics, tell us that a photon propagates
as a spherical-symmetricaly expanding wavefront? "

Relativity tells us that time stops at the velocity of light:

Quantum Mechanics tells us that a photon travels as a probabilistic
wavefront expanding at c:

A photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric probablistic wavefront
expanding at c, centered at the source of the photon's emission.

Can anyone refute any of these proofs?

"Simple, logical proofs of MDT:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon
remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells
us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding
wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be
expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,
in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth
dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all
arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all
motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made
without change. For the first time in the history of relativity,
change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.
MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict.
Ergo dx4/dt=ic.
MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial
dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way
to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through
three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c
relative to the three spatial dimensions.
MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is
stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding
@ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] "