From: dre on 18 Nov 2009 10:34 On Nov 17, 11:12 am, dre <drell...(a)> wrote: > On Nov 16, 2:06 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote: > > > > > > > Dre, if you are correct on all these counts than your theory is indeed > > a paridigm shift, and will revolutionize physics. Even if it is not > > correct on all, but on some, it still will have profound effect. But > > if it all depends on the statement: > > > Moving Dimensions Theorys Fundamental Clues: Questions That Are > > Answered with "Because the Fourth Dimension is Expanding Relative to > > the Three Spatial Dimensions: dx4/dt=ic" > > > And if this in tern also means: > > > MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon > > remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells > > us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding > > wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be > > expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, > > in a spherically-symmetric manner. > > > Where and how does relativity, tell us that photon is timeless and > > ageless? > > > Where and how does quantum mechanics, tell us that a photon propagates > > as a spherical-symmetricaly expanding wavefront? > > > Photons move, and have time cycles. They also do not expand at c, > > relative to the space dimension that we percieve as being still, do > > they? > > > Make your idea more plain. I am not saying that it is completely wrong > > as alot of what you say is very insightfull. > > > I just cannot see these statements as being clear. > > > Did "John Archibald Wheeler" write a crtiquig at any stage of its > > development? I am curious as to what he would say about those specific > > statements. > > > I mean you no disrespect in my questioning, as I too have a theory of > > my own, that I defend all the time. I love defending my theory, and if > > a mistake is pointed out in it, I try to axcept and correct it, as I > > do believe that the main idea is correct, even if the specifics might > > need tweaking. I am curious as to your thoughts on it also. > > > We can only make eachother better if we critiuqe eachother in a > > truthful and respectful spirit. > > > Conrad J Countess > > Hello Conrad! > > You ask, "Where and how does relativity, tell us that photon is > timeless and > ageless? > > Where and how does quantum mechanics, tell us that a photon propagates > as a spherical-symmetricaly expanding wavefront? " > > Relativity tells us that time stops at the velocity of light: > > Quantum Mechanics tells us that a photon travels as a probabilistic > wavefront expanding at c: > > > > A photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric probablistic wavefront > expanding at c, centered at the source of the photon's emission. > > Can anyone refute any of these proofs? > > "Simple, logical proofs of MDT: > > MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon > remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells > us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding > wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be > expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, > in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth > dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all > its > arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all > motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made > without change. For the first time in the history of relativity, > change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT. > MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict. > Ergo dx4/dt=ic. > MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial > dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way > to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through > the > three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c > relative to the three spatial dimensions. > MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is > stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding > @ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] "- Hide quoted text - > > - Show quoted text - What's your guys' take on Moving Dimensions Theory? Seems it has a lot going for it based on this table (how accurate is this table?) [url] Moving_Dimensions_Theory__Heros_Journey_Physics.pdf[/url] [url][/url] What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero's Journey with Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory. E pur si muove! by Dr. Elliot McGucken ABSTRACT: Over the past few decades prominent physicists have noted that physics has diverged away from its heroic journey defined by boldly describing, fathoming, and characterizing foundational truths of physical reality via simple, elegant, logically-consistent postulates and equations humbling themselves before empirical reality. Herein the spirit of physics is again exalted by the heroic words of the Greats- by Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Schrodinger-the Founding Fathers upon whose shoulders physics stands. And from that pinnacle, a novel physical theory is proposed, complete with a novel physical model celebrating a hitherto unsung universal invariant and an equation reflecting the foundational physical reality of a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic, providing both the "elementary foundations" for relativity and QM's "characteristic trait"-entanglement, and its nonlocal, probabilistic nature. From MDT's experimentally-verified equation relativity is derived while time is unfrozen and free will exalted, while a physical model accounting for quantum nonlocality is presented. Entropy, Huygens' Principle; the wave/particle, energy/mass, space/time, and E/B dualities; and time and all its arrows and asymmetries emerge from a common, foundational physical model. MDT exalts Einstein's "empirical facts," "naturalness," and "logical simplicity." For the first time in the history of relativity, change is woven into the fabric of space- time, and the timeless, ageless, nonlocal photon of Galileo's/ Einstein's "empirical world" is explained via a foundational physical model, alongside the fact that c is both constant and the maximum velocity in the universe. The empirical GPS clocks' time dilation/ twins paradox is resolved by proposing a frame of absolute rest-the three spatial dimensions, and a frame of absolute motion-the fourth expanding dimension upon which ageless photons of zero rest mass surf; which underlie and give rise to Einstein's Principle of Relativity. When the solution is simple, God is answering. -Einstein If, relative to K, K' is a uniformly moving co-ordinate system devoid of rotation, then natural phenomena run their course with respect to K' according to exactly the same general laws as with respect to K. This statement is called the principle of relativity. -Einstein, 1954 No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. -Newton For an idea that does not at first seem insane, there is no hope. - Einstein If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. -Newton In questions of science, the authority of thousands is not worth the humble reasoning of one individual. -Galileo Books on physics are full of complicated mathematical formulae. But thought and ideas (the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at c), not formulae, are the beginning of every physical theory. -Einstein/Infeld, The Evolution of Physics But before mankind could be ripe for a science which takes in the whole of reality, a second fundamental truth was needed, which only became common property among philosophers with the advent of Kepler and Galileo. Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo saw this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics-indeed, of modern science altogether. - Einstein , Ideas and Opinions Epur si muove - (And yet it does move.) -Galileo ... my dear Kepler, what do you think of the foremost philosophers of this University? In spite of my oft-repeated efforts and invitations, they have refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the planets or Moon or my telescope. -Galileo A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up with it. -Planck observations have convinced me that some men, reasoning preposterously, first establish some conclusion in their minds which, either because of its being their own or because of their having received it from some person who has their entire confidence, impresses them so deeply that one finds it impossible ever to get it out of their heads. Such arguments in support of their fixed idea ... gain their instant acceptance ... whatever is brought forward against it, however ingenious and conclusive, they receive with disdain or with hot rage ... Beside themselves with passion, some of them would not be backward even about scheming to suppress and silence their adversaries.... No good can come of dealing with such people . . . their company may be not only unpleasant but dangerous. -Galileo Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why. - Baruch What is Possible in Physics? Physics! Moving Dimensions Theory We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances. -Newton Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Einstein A physical theory can be satisfactory only if its structures are composed of elementary foundations. The theory of relativity is ultimately as little satisfactory as, for example, classical thermodynamics was before Boltzmann had interpreted the entropy as probability. -Einstein When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representatives, enter into temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them, and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before, viz. by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought. By the interaction the two representatives [the quantum states] have become entangled. - Schrodinger MDT provides both the "elementary foundations" of relativity that Einstein yet sought, and the foundational physical reality underlying and causing quantum nonlocality and entanglement, which Schrodinger labeled the "characteristic trait" of QM. Einstein's Principle of Relativity, as well as his two postulates, derive from MDT's simple physical model (Fig. 1) and single postulate which is more concise and has the added benefits of providing for free will, liberating us from the block universe, weaving change into the fundamental fabric of space-time for the first time in the history of relativity, and providing an elementary, foundational physical model for time and all its arrows and asymmetries, entropy, and QM's nonlocality and entanglement, as well as reality's probabilistic nature. The fourth dimension is inherently nonlocal via its invariant expansion, which is the source of nonlocality as well as relativity. All of this is more fully developed in Dr. E's 2008 paper on MDT which examines Einstein's 1912 Manuscript on Relativity and derives relativity from MDT's dx4/ dt=ic: Time as an Emergent Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics: & community/forum/topic/432. Simple, logical proofs of MDT: MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all its arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made without change. For the first time in the history of relativity, change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT. MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict. Ergo dx4/dt=ic. MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c relative to the three spatial dimensions. MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding @ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] A people that were to honor falsehood, defamation, fraud, and murder would be unable, indeed, to subsist for very long. -Einstein MDT Sides With the Simplicity of the Heroic Greats in Word, Equation, and Deed MDT presents a new universal invariant reflecting a foundational physical reality of a fourth expanding dimension-an elementary law from which Einstein's Principle of Relativity can be built by pure deduction. Begin with a universe with four dimensions x1, x2, x3, x4 where the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, ...
From: cjcountess on 20 Nov 2009 11:34 Dre I cannot agree with you on these points. MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront at the velocity of c. Photons do not expand spherically at c, else their wavelength would also be constantly expanding at c. Furthermore, photons do not just surf the expanding space at c either, remaining themselves still, and timeless. Photons cycle at different frequency's, which corresponds to different times and wavelengths. So if your theory is based on these assumptions it is wrong and needs to be corrected. Photons dont just surf waves. See bottom graphic with talking photons explaining geometry of E=mc^2 Concerning: MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict. Ergo dx4/dt=ic. See: aa6bff81d727f099/14305a4bd96a04bf?q=cjcountess#14305a4bd96a04bf And concerning: MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c relative to the three spatial dimensions. See: Otherwise, you make a good case of why we should give alternative theories consideration and I applaud you for that, as I too like to argue that case. But now we must deliver what we say, and have it stand up to logical, mathematical, geometrical, empirical proof. I think my theory stands up to all even the last with the latest evidence that is now emerging. Conrad J Countess
From: cjcountess on 20 Nov 2009 11:44 For the web address that did not take it can be cut and pasted or here is a copy of that post: This is Conrad Countess with more revolutionary ideas The square root of -1 is no longer an imaginary number but a real natural unite c the speed of light, or more accurately the speed of light in the 90 degree angular direction, and = (natural square root of the natural -1 unite or Electron) This is based on new revolutionary idea that (E=mc^2) = (E=mc^circled). This is because c^2 or cxc, being c in linear direction x c in 90 degree angular direction, which creates a 90 degree arc which if constant creates a circle, and a balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces, leads to a -1 charged particle or electron. Therefor (E=mc^2) = (E=mc^circled) = Einstein and Minkowskys (c x square root of -1) and/or ( c x square root of-1) which are all energy in circular and or spherical motion with rest mass and -1 charge and therefor c = (square root of -1) = (square root of electron). No wonder (square root of -1) works so well in solving problems in electronics MINKOWSKI'S FOUR - DIMENSIONAL SPACE ("WORLD") [Supplementary to Section XVII] We can characterize the Lorentz Transformation still more simply if we introduce the imaginary sqr(-1) times ct in place of t as time- variable. If, in accordance with this, we insert x 1 = x x 2 = y x 3 = z x 4 = imaginary sqr(-1) times ct The Square Root of Negative One Virtual Chaos "With the opening simplification, we can now treat the time dimension in the same way as we treat the space one. The expression ct is the amount of space that light can travel[c] in a period of time[t]. This means that an amount of time can be given as a spatial length, as long as we multiply it by the square root of negative one. Understanding the significance of this imaginary number would link space, time, matter, energy, gravity, and inertia, all to a single unit of conversion." An Imaginary Tale: The Story of the Square Root of -1 by Paul J. Nahin page 53 paragraph 2: square root of -1 is directed line segment of length 1 pointing straight up along the vertical axis or at long last, [i = square root of -1 = 1 90 degree angle] This is so important a statement that it is the only mathematical expression in the entire book that I have enclosed page 54 paragraph 2: multiplying be square root of -1 is geometrically, simply a rotation by 90 degrees in the counterclockwise sense Because of this property square root of -1 is often said to be rotator operator, in addition to being an imaginary number. page 104 paragraph 2: In a revealing article criticizing Einstein's and Minkowski's, c x (square root of -1) , a national bureau of Standards physicist admitted that Square root of -1 has a legitimate application in pure mathematic, where it forms a part of various ingenious devices for handling otherwise intractable situations If c^2 or (c in both linear direction, and pointing straight up in 90 degree angular direction), creates 90 degree counter clockwise rotation or arc, which if constant creates a circle, and if this is also what creates a backward spinning, standing spherical wave, such as electron of -1 charge, than, c = (square root of -1 ) or more accurately, [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle], and Einstein's and Minkowski's, ct x (square root of -1 ) or c x (square root of -1 ) = energy in circular and /or spherical rotation with rest mass and also = (E=mc2). Therefor c or [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle] = square root of Electron. Bohr discovered that the wavelength of electron is equal to circumference of circle with angular momentum of a multiple integer of h/2pi And a=v^2/r which applies to acceleration of circular motion on macro level might be a=c^2/c or a=c^2/h on this quantum level Circular motion is indeed a balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces Furthermore, measurement of circular motion can be simplified again by utilizing the balance of a centrifugal force with an equal and 90 degree angular centripetal forces, which create a 90 degree arc which if constant creates a circle. The idea that there is no centrifugal force has complicated circular equations and is unreasonable. Between a horizontal line __x| and a vertical line of equal measure, we can draw an arc from beginning of horizontal line to end of vertical line and have 90 degree arc which is the perfect foundation for the circle if the arc is continued led to 360 degrees. 1) Planck discovered E=hf for photons 2) Einstein discovered E=mc^2 for electron s/matter 3) deBroglie discovered (E=hf) = (E=mc^2) for electron and that electron was also a wave. 4) Bohr discovered that the wavelength of electron is equal to circumference of circle with angular momentum of a multiple integer of h/2pi As logical extension of the above and with all the other extensive evidence, one can see that (E=mc^2)=(E=mc^circled) and c=(square root of -1) or more accurately, [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle], and Einstein's and Minkowski's, ct x (square root of -1 ) or c x (square root of -1 ) = energy in circular and /or spherical rotation with rest mass and also = (E=mc2). Therefor c or [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle] = square root of Electron and is probably why it appears so predominantly in solving equations in electronics. Conrad J Countess
From: dre on 21 Nov 2009 12:17 On Nov 20, 8:44 am, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote: > For the web address that did not take it can be cut and pasted or here > is a copy of that post: > > This is Conrad Countess with more revolutionary ideas > > The square root of -1 is no longer an imaginary number but a real > natural unite c the speed of light, or more accurately the speed of > light in the 90 degree angular direction, and = (natural square root > of the natural -1 unite or Electron) > > This is based on new revolutionary idea that (E=mc^2) = > (E=mc^circled). This is because c^2 or cxc, being c in linear > direction x c in 90 degree angular direction, which creates a 90 > degree arc which if constant creates a circle, and a balance of > centrifugal and centripetal forces, leads to a -1 charged particle or > electron. Therefor (E=mc^2) = (E=mc^circled) = Einstein and Minkowskys > (c x square root of -1) and/or ( c x square root of-1) which are all > energy in circular and or spherical motion with rest mass and -1 > charge and therefor c = (square root of -1) = (square root of > electron). No wonder (square root of -1) works so well in solving > problems in electronics > > > MINKOWSKI'S FOUR - DIMENSIONAL SPACE > ("WORLD") [Supplementary to Section XVII] > We can characterize the Lorentz Transformation still more simply if we > introduce the imaginary sqr(-1) times ct in place of t as time- > variable. If, in accordance with this, we insert > x 1 = x > x 2 = y > x 3 = z > x 4 = imaginary sqr(-1) times ct > > > The Square Root of Negative One > Virtual Chaos > "With the opening simplification, we can now treat the time dimension > in the same way as we treat the space one. The expression ct is the > amount of space that light can travel[c] in a period of time[t]. This > means that an amount of time can be given as a spatial length, as long > as we multiply it by the square root of negative one. > Understanding the significance of this imaginary number would link > space, time, matter, energy, gravity, and inertia, all to a single > unit of conversion." > > An Imaginary Tale: The Story of the Square Root of -1 > by Paul J. Nahin > page 53 paragraph 2: > square root of -1 is directed line segment of length 1 pointing > straight up along the vertical axis > or at long last, [i = square root of -1 = 1 90 degree angle] > This is so important a statement that it is the only mathematical > expression in the entire book that I have enclosed > page 54 paragraph 2: > multiplying be square root of -1 is geometrically, simply a rotation > by 90 degrees in the counterclockwise sense > Because of this property square root of -1 is often said to be rotator > operator, in addition to being an imaginary number. > page 104 paragraph 2: > In a revealing article criticizing Einstein's and Minkowski's, c x > (square root of -1) , a national bureau of Standards physicist > admitted that > Square root of -1 has a legitimate application in pure mathematic, > where it forms a part of various ingenious devices for handling > otherwise intractable situations > > If c^2 or (c in both linear direction, and pointing straight up in 90 > degree angular direction), creates 90 degree counter clockwise > rotation or arc, which if constant creates a circle, and if this is > also what creates a backward spinning, standing spherical wave, such > as electron of -1 charge, than, c = (square root of -1 ) or more > accurately, [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle], and > Einstein's and Minkowski's, ct x (square root of -1 ) or c x (square > root of -1 ) = energy in circular and /or spherical rotation with rest > mass and also = (E=mc2). > Therefor c or [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle] = square > root of Electron. > > Bohr discovered that the wavelength of electron is equal to > circumference of circle with angular momentum of a multiple integer of > h/2pi > And a=v^2/r which applies to acceleration of circular motion on macro > level might be a=c^2/c or a=c^2/h on this quantum level > Circular motion is indeed a balance of centrifugal and centripetal > forces > > Furthermore, measurement of circular motion can be simplified again by > utilizing the balance of a centrifugal force with an equal and 90 > degree angular centripetal forces, which create a 90 degree arc which > if constant creates a circle. The idea that there is no centrifugal > force has complicated circular equations and is unreasonable. Between > a horizontal line __x| and a vertical line of equal measure, we can > draw an arc from beginning of horizontal line to end of vertical line > and have 90 degree arc which is the perfect foundation for the circle > if the arc is continued led to 360 degrees. > > 1) Planck discovered E=hf for photons > 2) Einstein discovered E=mc^2 for electron s/matter > 3) deBroglie discovered (E=hf) = (E=mc^2) for electron and that > electron was also a wave. > 4) Bohr discovered that the wavelength of electron is equal to > circumference of circle with angular momentum of a multiple integer of > h/2pi > > As logical extension of the above and with all the other extensive > evidence, one can see that > > (E=mc^2)=(E=mc^circled) and c=(square root of -1) or more accurately, > [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle], and Einstein's and > Minkowski's, ct x (square root of -1 ) or c x (square root of -1 ) = > energy in circular and /or spherical rotation with rest mass and also > = (E=mc2). > Therefor c or [i = square root of -1 = c 90 degree angle] = square > root of Electron and is probably why it appears so predominantly in > solving equations in electronics. > > Conrad J Countess Hello Conrad, In its simplest form in free space, a photon is represented by a spherically-symetric probabilistic wavefront. Surely you have heard of Huygens' Principle and Young's Double Slit Experiment? In relativity a photon remains stationary in the fourth dimension. A photon is timeless and ageless. Surely you have heard of Einstein's Relativity? Can anyone refute any of these proofs? "Simple, logical proofs of MDT: MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all its arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made without change. For the first time in the history of relativity, change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT. MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict. Ergo dx4/dt=ic. MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c relative to the three spatial dimensions. MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding @ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] "
From: dre on 22 Nov 2009 10:40
On Nov 6, 6:35 pm, cjcountess <cjcount...(a)> wrote: > Sorry for the typos using a computer I am not used to and making many > typos > What I meant to say is > > I know what you mean Inertia. Some of the people on the web may not > be > intelegent, but hopefuly the weight of reason and evidence will tip > the scales. I just think it is unessessary to be hostil to people > trying to progress human understanding when we need it > so much. if we let logic, evidence, and objective observation be our > guide, than we need not be so hostil toward each other. > > Conrad Countess What's your guys' take on Moving Dimensions Theory? Seems it has a lot going for it based on this table (how accurate is this table?) [url] Moving_Dimensions_Theory__Heros_Journey_Physics.pdf[/url] [url][/url] What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero's Journey with Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory. E pur si muove! by Dr. Elliot McGucken ABSTRACT: Over the past few decades prominent physicists have noted that physics has diverged away from its heroic journey defined by boldly describing, fathoming, and characterizing foundational truths of physical reality via simple, elegant, logically-consistent postulates and equations humbling themselves before empirical reality. Herein the spirit of physics is again exalted by the heroic words of the Greats- by Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Schrodinger-the Founding Fathers upon whose shoulders physics stands. And from that pinnacle, a novel physical theory is proposed, complete with a novel physical model celebrating a hitherto unsung universal invariant and an equation reflecting the foundational physical reality of a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic, providing both the "elementary foundations" for relativity and QM's "characteristic trait"-entanglement, and its nonlocal, probabilistic nature. From MDT's experimentally-verified equation relativity is derived while time is unfrozen and free will exalted, while a physical model accounting for quantum nonlocality is presented. Entropy, Huygens' Principle; the wave/particle, energy/mass, space/time, and E/B dualities; and time and all its arrows and asymmetries emerge from a common, foundational physical model. MDT exalts Einstein's "empirical facts," "naturalness," and "logical simplicity." For the first time in the history of relativity, change is woven into the fabric of space- time, and the timeless, ageless, nonlocal photon of Galileo's/ Einstein's "empirical world" is explained via a foundational physical model, alongside the fact that c is both constant and the maximum velocity in the universe. The empirical GPS clocks' time dilation/ twins paradox is resolved by proposing a frame of absolute rest-the three spatial dimensions, and a frame of absolute motion-the fourth expanding dimension upon which ageless photons of zero rest mass surf; which underlie and give rise to Einstein's Principle of Relativity. When the solution is simple, God is answering. -Einstein If, relative to K, K' is a uniformly moving co-ordinate system devoid of rotation, then natural phenomena run their course with respect to K' according to exactly the same general laws as with respect to K. This statement is called the principle of relativity. -Einstein, 1954 No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. -Newton For an idea that does not at first seem insane, there is no hope. - Einstein If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. -Newton In questions of science, the authority of thousands is not worth the humble reasoning of one individual. -Galileo Books on physics are full of complicated mathematical formulae. But thought and ideas (the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at c), not formulae, are the beginning of every physical theory. -Einstein/Infeld, The Evolution of Physics But before mankind could be ripe for a science which takes in the whole of reality, a second fundamental truth was needed, which only became common property among philosophers with the advent of Kepler and Galileo. Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo saw this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics-indeed, of modern science altogether. - Einstein , Ideas and Opinions Epur si muove - (And yet it does move.) -Galileo ... my dear Kepler, what do you think of the foremost philosophers of this University? In spite of my oft-repeated efforts and invitations, they have refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the planets or Moon or my telescope. -Galileo A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up with it. -Planck observations have convinced me that some men, reasoning preposterously, first establish some conclusion in their minds which, either because of its being their own or because of their having received it from some person who has their entire confidence, impresses them so deeply that one finds it impossible ever to get it out of their heads. Such arguments in support of their fixed idea ... gain their instant acceptance ... whatever is brought forward against it, however ingenious and conclusive, they receive with disdain or with hot rage ... Beside themselves with passion, some of them would not be backward even about scheming to suppress and silence their adversaries.... No good can come of dealing with such people . . . their company may be not only unpleasant but dangerous. -Galileo Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why. - Baruch What is Possible in Physics? Physics! Moving Dimensions Theory We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances. -Newton Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Einstein A physical theory can be satisfactory only if its structures are composed of elementary foundations. The theory of relativity is ultimately as little satisfactory as, for example, classical thermodynamics was before Boltzmann had interpreted the entropy as probability. -Einstein When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representatives, enter into temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them, and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before, viz. by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought. By the interaction the two representatives [the quantum states] have become entangled. - Schrodinger MDT provides both the "elementary foundations" of relativity that Einstein yet sought, and the foundational physical reality underlying and causing quantum nonlocality and entanglement, which Schrodinger labeled the "characteristic trait" of QM. Einstein's Principle of Relativity, as well as his two postulates, derive from MDT's simple physical model (Fig. 1) and single postulate which is more concise and has the added benefits of providing for free will, liberating us from the block universe, weaving change into the fundamental fabric of space-time for the first time in the history of relativity, and providing an elementary, foundational physical model for time and all its arrows and asymmetries, entropy, and QM's nonlocality and entanglement, as well as reality's probabilistic nature. The fourth dimension is inherently nonlocal via its invariant expansion, which is the source of nonlocality as well as relativity. All of this is more fully developed in Dr. E's 2008 paper on MDT which examines Einstein's 1912 Manuscript on Relativity and derives relativity from MDT's dx4/ dt=ic: Time as an Emergent Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics: & community/forum/topic/432. Simple, logical proofs of MDT: MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all its arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made without change. For the first time in the history of relativity, change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT. MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict. Ergo dx4/dt=ic. MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c relative to the three spatial dimensions. MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding @ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url][/url] |