From: George Hammond on

<apieceofstring(a)> wrote in
message news:1111828947.150138.63920(a)

> [String]
> Seriously though. One person may percieve 12 frames
> per second.... another may percieve 30... but by all
> accounts reality actually progresses at millions of
> frames per second -- if it's discreet at all, which is an
> open question. So by that logic, reality isn't 15% invisible,
> it's 99.9% invisible!

Wrong logic. It's like having a lo-pass filter
over your entire sensory system. You can't notice
that small twich, that small glint in the eye before
the gunslinger slaps leather... and you wind up in
boot hill with a lot of other suckers who thought
they were "fast".

> [String]
> So where is God in that analogy? Is he the gunsmith? Boot hill?
> The small twitch?

God is higher speed.

> [String]
> That seems like a very abstract way to define God.
> What is divine about higher speed?
> Why not just say "higher speed is faster"?

You got a lot to learn dude.
Religion says there exists an "invisible world"..
they are correct... and science has now explained
what it is and why it is invisible.

> [String]
> I don't get it.
> Say I watch a ball roll downhill at 10 frames per second... and my
> friend watches it at 20 frames per second. If there was an "invisible
> world" for me, it doesn't seem like a very exciting invisible world; in
> the in-between times, the ball was just at in-between places -- as my
> friend can verify. I can even predict the position accurately with some
> simple math. What's special about the invisible part?


10 indiviual frames per second as "individual pictures"... but
your friend was PHYSICALLY CAPABLE of seeing 20
frames a second as "individual pictures".

2. Then OBVIOUSLY his mind is 2 TIMES FASTER than yours when
it comes to "seeing visual reality"..... TWICE as fast as yours!

3. THEREFORE: He is capable of seeing "twice as much of reality
as you are".

If you can't understand that... I suggest you go back and try to
get your GED.

<snip rest.... you really can't expect me to answer 150
lines of amateur confusion when you don't even understand
what is being talked about!>

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From: George Hammond on

"Guy Svenhardt" <anonymous(a)> wrote in
message news:_ha1e.15644$C47.4338(a)

> gather all the information to disprove SPoG, a professional scientist
> could do the same in less than two minutes... "
> AntiSPOG:

"professional scientists"... who are you kiddin.... "Schornak"
in the above URL is an unemployed German truck driver and
part time Rock musician from Danzig who never attended
college and can't even read physics. ROFL!!

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From: George Hammond on
"stew dean" <stewdean(a)> wrote in message
> George Hammond wrote:
> > "stew dean" <stewdean(a)> wrote in
> > message news:1111738287.929683.10190(a)
> >
> > >
> > > George Hammond wrote:
> > > <apieceofstring(a)> wrote in message
> > > news:1111726276.980668.315310(a)
> >
> > > > [apieceofstring]
> > > > Seriously though.
> > > > One person may percieve 12 frames per second.... another
> > > > may percieve 30... but by all accounts reality actually
> progresses
> > > > at millions of frames per second -- if it's discreet at all,
> which is
> > > > an open question. So by that logic, reality isn't 15% invisible,
> > > > it's 99.9% invisible!
> >
> > > > > [Hammond]
> > > > > Wrong logic. It's like having a lo-pass filter
> > > > > over your entire sensory system. You can't notice
> > > > > that small twich, that small glint in the eye before
> > > > > the gunslinger slaps leather... and you wind up in
> > > > > boot hill with a lot of other suckers who thought
> > > > > they were "fast".
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > </snip>
> > > > > > >
> > > > So where is God in that analogy? Is he the gunsmith? Boot hill?
> > > > The small twitch?
> > > > > >
> > > > > [Hammond]
> > > > > God is higher speed.
> > > > >
> > > > That seems like a very abstract way to define God.
> > > > What is divine about higher speed?
> > > > Why not just say "higher speed is faster"?
> > > >
> > > > [Hammond]
> > > > You got a lot to learn dude.
> > > > Religion says there exists an "invisible world"..
> > > > they are correct... and science has now explained
> > > > what it is and why it is invisible. People who are more
> > > > fully grown can of course see more of it (see more
> > > > of reality) while as much as 10 to 20% of reality is
> > > > actually INVISIBLE to you and the average man.
> > >
> >
> > > [Stew Dean]
> > > I think the reason you get some much greif from people is you don't
> > > define the phrases you use. Vauge concept builds upon vauge concept
> and
> > > we end up with a kind of mush. You probably think it's pedentic,
> well
> > > being pedantic is part of science.
> >
> > [Hammond]
> > It's only "vague" to people who have no scientific degrees
> > and are not qualified to read a physics paper. I'm sure
> > Einstein's theory looks "very vague" to them.. and you too!
> Then you should be able to answer this - what is meant by the curvature
> of space. How can something follow the shortest possible path between
> two points yet appear to move in a curve?


1. I won't change the subject of this thread to an
off topic discussion just because you wish to.

2. I have a master's degree in Physics
which is LEGAL PROOF that I can answer the question.
That will have to suffice for you, since it suffices for the
rest of academia.

3. I'm not here to give you free tutorials in Physics.

<snip rest of ad hominem amateur tripe>

> Stew Dean

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From: Guy Svenhardt on

"George Hammond" <nowhere1(a)> wrote in message
> "Guy Svenhardt" <anonymous(a)> wrote in
> message news:_ha1e.15644$C47.4338(a)
> > gather all the information to disprove SPoG, a professional
> > could do the same in less than two minutes... "
> >
> > AntiSPOG:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> [Hammond]
> "professional scientists"... who are you kiddin.... "Schornak"
> in the above URL is an unemployed German truck driver and
> part time Rock musician from Danzig who never attended
> college and can't even read physics. ROFL!!

How typically stupid of you.
Since you can't find fault with anything that he says, you rant and rave
true to your psychotic form.
You can't shoot the messenger no matter how badly you want to.

Of course it would be futile to point out to an idiot such as yourself
that he claims to be an "autodidactic amateur". If you were capable of
actually reading and comprehending what he said you might not
misrepresent his accurate analysis of your inane spew. But since you are
wholly incapable of intelligent discourse, no one expects anything
different from you. Here's what he concludes (yet again):

"If I - as an autodidactic amateur - can see these flaws, errors and
misinterpretations, then I ask myself why Hammond expects that
professional scientists should consider to agree with something like his

The whole summary:
"In my evaluation of Hammond's "Introduction to SPoG" I checked 180
claims Hammond has made. 11 (eleven) of these 180 claims can be seen as
true. Most of the agreed statements are trivial like "Today the world
faces enormous crises in population, oil resources, terrorism and Third
World poverty.". This statement alone includes four of the eleven agreed

A thesis based on 11 true and 169 false claims must be discarded as
inadequately thought-out. Scientific work published in the internet
should be based on traceable thoughts and backed up with references
which are accessible for everyone - e.g. by quoting passages out of a
book or adding links to other websites. This isn't the case in Hammond's
work. Mentioning names of (questionable) "authorities" doesn't make a
claim true, it only might be used to back up the own position. If a
thesis is based on the work of other scientists, a detailed description
should be added to see what they've contributed to the new thesis. If -
like Hammond says - statistical data of other scientists are involved,
it is a usual thing to add a link to these data or to give detailed
information where they were published.

Hammond's SPoG in the given form is the mediocre work of an amateur. It
lacks of logic and often contradicts itself. It claims to be
"scientific", but it doesn't show any example of scientific experiments
to back it up nor does it follow basic scientific rules. The best
example surely is Hammond's attempt to assign his virtual "psychometric
space" to real space. This attempt alone disqualifies Hammond as an
incompetent amateur who never has understood anything regarding real
sciences. If I - as an autodidactic amateur - can see these flaws,
errors and misinterpretations, then I ask myself why Hammond expects
that professional scientists should consider to agree with something
like his SPoG.

On the other hand, no real Christian will need Hammond's SPoG. In the
eyes of a true Christian, any attempt to calculate "God" is blasphemic,
the work of a heretic. Even if I don't believe in higher entities, I do
respect the beliefs of others. Hammond doesn't have such qualms - he
insults all Christians and rubs their deity through the dirt.

In the end, Hammond neither will win the hearts of true Christians nor
will he convince the reason of scientists. It took me two weeks to
gather all the information to disprove SPoG, a professional scientist
could do the same in less than two minutes... "

See AntiSPOG:

From: stew dean on

George Hammond wrote:
> "stew dean" <stewdean(a)> wrote in message
> news:1111828078.071435.236100(a)
> >
> > George Hammond wrote:

> > > [Hammond]
> > > It's only "vague" to people who have no scientific degrees
> > > and are not qualified to read a physics paper. I'm sure
> > > Einstein's theory looks "very vague" to them.. and you too!
> >
> > Then you should be able to answer this - what is meant by the
> > of space. How can something follow the shortest possible path
> > two points yet appear to move in a curve?
> [Hammond]
> 1. I won't change the subject of this thread to an
> off topic discussion just because you wish to.

This whole discussion is off topic. Why stop now

> 2. I have a master's degree in Physics
> which is LEGAL PROOF that I can answer the question.

That could not be any more incorrect if you wanted it to be. A degree
is an indication of what you should know - it's legal proof you had
enough knowlege to pass a degree.

Now you could not pass that degree. Your answers confirm this.

> That will have to suffice for you, since it suffices for the
> rest of academia.

It doesnt. Once again you state something that everyone does that they
don't. The paper gets you in the door - it doesnt do your work for you

> 3. I'm not here to give you free tutorials in Physics.

Good because that's not what I'm after. I'm after some kind of
demonstration that you know the first thing about physics. Stating we
don't know how gravity works some kind of indication, stating it is a
weak force might have helped.

If you want respect George it's easy, you just have to appear that you
know what you're talking about. Instead you make up some bullshit about
what a degree is, a degree you took before I was born. Most people
forget most of the stuff they learnt on the course in five years - but
with your history and the length of time - I doubt you remember much
about it. That time frame also means things have moved on.

So I ask you a question that you could use to vindicate yourself and
put me in my place. Instead you once again mess it up.

As I've said before, if you do know anything then your own works
sabotage this each and everytime - it's almost like you want everyone
to think you're wrong so you can be a martyr.

Perhaps you could ask me a physics question - see if I really am an
idiot - an please nothing you've made up. I'll either answer it or
admit I don't know. Your shot.

Stew Dean