From: TaliesinSoft on
On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 06:52:29 -0600, Howard Brazee wrote (in article

> The obesity epidemic is to the Left what homosexuality is to the Right -
> an issue that has a large nurture aspect, but evidence shows to be
> primarily genetic, and one that they feel a Righteous need to "cure".

Although there is a genetic aspect to obesity that hardly explains the
massive increase in obesity in this country (and in many others also) that
has occurred over the last fifty years. What it comes down to is that people
tend to be eating more and exercising less, issues that are generally
completely under the control of the individual, or, in the case of children,
their parents or guardians.

James Leo Ryan --- Austin, Texas --- taliesinsoft(a)

From: Bill who putters on

Just Read "Good Calories Bad Calories" and find this video a good
companion to addressing some of the heath issues in the last 30 years.
It is 1.5 hrs long. I saved it.



Garden in shade zone 5 S Jersey USA deasl with Sugars
From: dorayme on
In article <8i44j55cj89200laf43i9sm99dnqigtc75(a)>,
Howard Brazee <howard(a)> wrote:

> The obesity epidemic is to the Left what homosexuality is to the Right

With the small difference that the one is not so bad for men's health
whereas the other is both corrosive to the people themselves and the
society at large (no pun intended).

From: dorayme on
In article <0001HW.C757878F001EC7B3B01029BF(a)News.Individual.NET>,
TaliesinSoft <taliesinsoft(a)> wrote:

> Although there is a genetic aspect to obesity that hardly explains the
> massive increase in obesity in this country (and in many others also) that
> has occurred over the last fifty years. What it comes down to is that people
> tend to be eating more and exercising less, issues that are generally
> completely under the control of the individual, or, in the case of children,
> their parents or guardians.

You can't admit that that there is a big genetic factor and in the same
breath talk about how so "completely" something is under the control of

From: dorayme on
In article <92k4j5t97eolfp7u2lfhjngckmuq96le1v(a)>,
Howard Brazee <howard(a)> wrote:

> While I can still point out the twins studies that seem to always show
> separated at birth twins to be the same weight, and to expensive
> programs designed to get kids trim, but failed - I will use the same
> argument that I use with homosexuality, which is "why should we
> care?". It doesn't hurt us.

Howard, are you serious? Get out more, mate and visit a general
hospital, go visit 50 doctors and ask them about their patients...

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